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View Full Version : Spiritual Gifts

12-07-2013, 09:51 AM
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. (NLT) 1 Peter 4:10

Have you experienced a renewed mind after listening to a talented musician who sings songs to glorify God? Life on this earth can be rough, fortunately, God has equipped each of us with talent. Let's remember to use our gifts to strengthen others. If you are unsure of your talent, take a spiritual gifts inventory. For those of us who know our gifts, let's seek out and build up others, serving them with our gifts.

Daily Bible Devotion

12-07-2013, 12:14 PM
It was so important for me to realize, that we each had our own gifts, and others have theirs, things I couldn't do. It took me a year to learn how to copy and paste, I had a mental block and it just didn't compute. I am not good with anything that has a moving part and don't do well at following directions, especially written instructions. That problem stems from the fact that there is still a part of me that still wants to do it my way.

I have the gift of gab, before recovery my tongue was a weapon that tore people apart, now I try to help put people back together again, a part of my amends for hurts in my past and the people are long gone.

My friend said she wouldn't post on my sites because she couldn't do what I can did. I said, "You don't have to, you have the words of recovery to share." When I have the time and the freedom for pain, and I can think through them, it helps me to bring out my creative side. Normally, I see a picture and I have the words to go with it, or the words and I am lead to the picture that goes with it. The last few months, I lost a lot of that because of pinched nerves and pain.

We can only do what we can do on any given day. There are no "have too" and the program is suggested, but there are some done well betters or you will find yourself back in active addiction and wondering how you got there.

Each day I turn my day over and ask my God for what I need. I ask for the guidance, clarity, perception, and good orderly direction that I need just for today.
