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12-05-2013, 02:30 PM
Wisdom for the Soul

1. No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.
2. Most people will be about as happy as they decide to be.
3. Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.
4. Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.
5. Success stops when you do.
6. When your ship comes in. ... make sure you are willing to unload it.
7. You will never "have it all together."
8. Life is a journey... not a destination. Enjoy the trip!
9.The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want I will be happy."
10.The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
11.I've learned that ultimately 'takers' lose and 'givers' win.
12.Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.
13. If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.
14.We often fear the thing we want the most.
15.Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you have to say. Best friends listen to what you don't say!
16.Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
17.Look for opportunities...not guarantees.
18.Life is what's coming....not what was.
19.Success is getting up one more time.
20.Now is the most interesting time of all.
21.When things go wrong.....don't go with them.
22. Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.
23. God can mend all broken hearts. You just have to give Him all the pieces.
24. A person who asks a question might be a fool for five minutes, but a person who doesn't ask, is a fool forever.
25. A best friend is like a four leaf clover... hard to find, and lucky to have.
26. A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart.
27. A coincidence is when God performs a miracle, and decides to remain anonymous.
28. I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.
29. Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace... and your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.
30. Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back.


12-06-2013, 03:16 AM


If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

12-09-2013, 08:24 PM
Journey to Soul's Bottom


Once you have awoken it,
The beast no longer sleeps.
It feasts upon your very soul.
What secret vows it keeps.

Babies birthed into its grasp,
Stare with solemn eyes.
Knowing only shame and guilt,
Quick is their demise.

Family bonds are fractured,
Children's cries, unheard.
Truth is unrecognizable.
Life is such a blur.

The path, once light, is darker.
Each breath brings forth a test.
Bleary eyed you travel on.
The beast is on a quest.

Consuming your ambitions,
Replacing them with pain.
Your emotions now are tempered.
Your mind, now its domain

Promises quick to wither.
Sometimes, forever doomed.
Thoughts become a mangled mess,
Where evil spirits loom.

Many lives it does devour,
Trading drugs for souls.
Its hunger grows with each new day.
Addiction takes its toll.

- Author Unknown to me - received from a friend.

12-14-2013, 05:27 AM

A disquieting feeling rises from within
That leaves me shaken, scared, and confused.
Trying to begin
to understand emotions patterned by the past
Emotions long since hidden successfully behind masks.

Pain, humiliation, rejection,
And fear
Feelings so enmeshed, a person cannot hear
That tiny, soft-spoken voice
So deliberately denied,
Whispering from a spirit lost:
The inner child inside.

The child within, who day by day
Lost his path along the way;
Neglected choices, wants and needs,
Sets the price he has to pay.
The end result of this it seems,
A child
Filled with lingering anger, pain, and shame
That ultimately may lead to the addictions game.

where does responsibility lie?
Where do you place the blame?
Certainly not upon the child
Or growth will remain the same.
So Adult, listen carefully to what he has to say.
Give him validation and respect the boundaries laid
And witness the gentle merging
By listening, hearing, nurturing
The inner child within.

by Lois Stargratt

12-17-2013, 09:27 AM

I was shown a fledgling

learning how to fly.

Its first efforts were very feeble,

but as it used its wings more and more,

they became stronger

until it found the freedom of flight

and was able to soar to great heights

and fly great distances without any effort.

I heard the words:

Faith comes with practice.

Live by faith until it becomes rocklike,


and find the true freedom

of the Spirit.

--Eileen Caddy

12-22-2013, 09:57 AM
It was pretty cool to land on the site and light a candle--and then I started reading and gained a different perspective and a whole lotta gratitude. - Graced


It is my prayer that you may be surrounded by the White Light of Love and Healing during the holiday season, and all year round.


12-23-2013, 07:56 PM

By Max Lucado

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUTrWtewPZFMEi3fub7zTRXKmKHoTEB JLr738GFN9t37B604O0vw

When I See a flock of sheep I see exactly that,
a flock.
A rabble of wool.
A herd of hooves.
I don't see a sheep. I see sheep.
All alike. None different.
That's what I see.

But not so with the shepherd.

To him every sheep is different.
Every face is special.
Every face has a story.
And every sheep has a name.

The shepherd knows his sheep.
He calls them by name.

When we see a crowd,
we see exactly that, a crowd.
Filling a stadium or flooding a mall.
When we see a crowd, we see people,
not persons, but people.
A herd of humans.
A flock of faces.
That's what we see.

But not so with the Shepherd.
To him every face is different.
Every face is a story.
Every face is a child.
Every child has a name.

The Shepherd knows his sheep.
He knows each one by name.
The Shepherd knows you.
He knows your name.
And he will never forget it.
I have written your name on my hand
(Isa. 49:16).

Quite a thought, isn't it?
Your name on God's hand.
Your name on God's lips.
Maybe you've seen your name
in some special places.
On an award or diploma or walnut door.
Or maybe you've heard your name
from some important people-
a coach, a celebrity, a teacher.
But to think that your name is on God's hand
and on God's lips . . . my, could it be?

Or perhaps you've never seen
your name honored.
And you can't remember when
you heard it spoken with kindness.
If so, it may be more difficult for you
to believe that God knows your name.

But he does.
Written on his hand.
Spoken by his mouth.
Whispered by his lips.
Your name.

12-27-2013, 10:22 AM


"We tell ourselves so many lies and half-truths ... We listen and are duly impressed by these inner voices that turn into unseen judges that nag at us. We give each of these judges a seat of honor in our minds, all the while hating their guts and their never-ending supply of judgements ... We give the judges permission to accompany us on each journey of life, never daring to realize that we can park them, at least momentarily."
-- Eloise Ristad

"The Inner Critic makes each of us a child. As we become the child in our relationships, we lose our sense of self. We are no longer self-contained, self- respecting adults. We look to others for validation. Our self-worth is based upon their opinion of us. Thus, everyone around us becomes a mother or a father whose support and approval is desperately needed to protect us from the constant criticism of the Inner Critic."
-- Hal and Sidra Stone

*** Restart building a new foundation for your life. Clear blocks and transform your life.

Higher Awareness - used with permission

My life is unmanageable when managed by me. I need honest criticism. A lot of it is how it is given, the tone spoken, the attitudes behind the words, and if it is loving and from the heart, if not it can be a turmoil of emotions.

12-29-2013, 08:30 PM


"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." -- Alvin Toffler

How willing are you to learn something new? How open are you to new perspectives?

Only when we're open can we really hear what's being said or really see what's happening or really experience the moment.

Openness demands that we be willing to move to places we've never been before. It asks us to continually challenge the foundations of our belief systems so we can test out new ideas. And to do that, we need to accept insecurity.

Be open to seeing things:
- from another's point of view,
- from a higher and more inclusive perspective
- with a beginner's attitude of wonder.

"The struggle of the mind to keep itself free from every sort of bondage -- to remain curious, open, unsatiated in all its relations with nature -- is tenfold more difficult than the cultivation of a stable, satisfying point of view, but a thousandfold more precious."

-- Gardner Murphy

"Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here."
-- Iyanla VanZant

Higher Awareness

Being open to other concepts than my own was not an easy task for Ms. Perfection. To let go of the old tapes that had been playing in my head for years, to learn not to give them creadence, but recognize them for what they were and put them aside for an alternative solution wasn't easy.

When you have been told for years about 'life' from people you thought were "in the know" only to find that their truth didn't work for you, was a difficult concept to grasp.

I had become very introverted and to open myself up meant to become vulnerable, and fear of being hurt again made me want to build the wall higher instead of removing the bricks so I could see beyond what was in front of me.

01-01-2014, 01:09 PM
Believe In Miracles
"When things have gone wrong,
as they sometimes will do,
Or an obstacle
suddenly pops into view,
You've got to believe
This is merely a stop
And eventually you're bound
to come out on top...
So whatever you do,
Just Don't Quit!"

By...Emily Matthews

01-03-2014, 06:21 PM
The Hand of Faith


God speaks sometimes through our circumstances and guides us, closing doors as well as opening them.

He will let you know what you must do, and what you must be. He is waiting for you to touch Him. The hand of faith is enough.

- Peter Marshall


God answer knee-mail. I will never forget the day that I was so stressed, shaking, fearful of the situation. I detach from it, went to my bedroom, knelt beside my bed, and I felt the Hand of God touch me. I felt the peace go from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I was able to get up and handle the situation.

God is Good. Good is God.

01-10-2014, 04:54 AM
I have the personal power to influence my day; I will make it a good one.

Each Day a New Beginning

This gave me pause for thought. I love the saying "An attitude of gratitude." What I put into today, I will get back.

When I surrender each day, each person, place, or thing in my life over to my Higher Power, I am empowered to do wht I need to do for myself, one day at a time.

For me, that is the program! I can't, God can, just for today, I choose to let Him. Yet in letting my God, I can't sit back and let Him do all the work. I need to do the foot work. The action often needs to be taken to change my attitude or I need to change the attitude so i can take action.

It is how I go about it! Do I go about things with a positive feeling, a thankful heart or just wishful thinking; with little trust and no faith that things will turn out.

Personal empowerment is not self-centeredness. It is living God-centered. I am not the power. I am empowered by the God of my understanding.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTX_LLbcDif6GNR5tRax7xBOQUfPgaq QBwCy-kt2edmBEqXqzomA

01-11-2014, 09:16 AM


"We have the need to be accepted and to be loved by others, but we cannot accept and love ourselves. The more self-love we have, the less we will experience self-abuse. Self-abuse comes from self-rejection, and self-rejection comes from having an image of what it means to be perfect and never measuring up to that ideal. Our image of perfection is the reason we reject ourselves the way we are, and why we don't accept others the way they are."
-- Don Miguel Ruiz

"The maxim 'Nothing but perfection' may be spelled 'Paralysis.'"
-- Winston Churchill

"After enough mirror gazing, we all develop our 'cosmic sense of humor.' We no longer try to be perfect, or try to get all our work done in time. We become content with whatever life brings. Just to deal with what comes up without crucifying ourselves or others is enough of a challenge."
-- Paul Ferrini

"Good enough never is."
-- Debbi Fields

Our process is clear. First 'know yourself' - your personality and direction in life. Then 'create a plan'. Next 'heal yourself and what holds you back. Then you can expand and 'grow yourself'. Are you ready to commit to changing your life for the better?

01-14-2014, 03:48 AM
Words of Wisdom


Do more then exist ~ Live

Do more then touch ~ Feel

Do more than look ~ Observe

Do more than read ~ Absorb

Do more than hear ~ Listen

Do more than listen ~ Understand

Do more than think ~ Ponder

Do more than talk ~ Say something

by John Rhodes

01-19-2014, 06:06 AM
Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice . . . you shall be my treasured possession. (Exodus 19:5)

To know Jonah is to love him," writes Lloyd John Ogilvie. "And the reason we love him is because he is so much like us in our response to God's guidance."1 The man Jonah is indeed like us in a number of ways. Learning to identify with him is our key to the meaning of his story—and our big mistake if we fail to do so. As Ogilvie suggests, we pick up a great deal from this book about God's guidance and about discovering his will. We learn about the danger we experience when we run from God's will, the deliverance we experience when we submit to God's will, the deliverance others experience when we fulfill God's will, and the depression we experience when we question God's will.

But the book of Jonah is about much more than discovering the will of God for us as individuals, as we'll see while getting to know this surprising story more intimately.

From Bible Study Tools


01-23-2014, 05:38 AM

2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Ephesians 3:12
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Freedom from addiction. Freedom from our past. Freedom to be ourselves.

01-28-2014, 10:04 PM
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

My sponsor says 'Mark the places where you find God and go there often.' AA meetings are a place where I find God - I think that the power of God is in the group. - Chris C.

Really like this, and although I have called a meeting a God Village for many years, this is a new perspective.

Have also realized as a result of my own personal quest, that every where I went, looking for Him, I found Him. He didn't follow me, I wasn't following Him, He was with me. Everywhere I went, He was there. It was up to me to acknowledge Him and build a working relationship with Him.

Ironically, the place I often talk to Him the most is in the bathroom. The door is closed on the world, no distractions, just me and my God. When I let go and let God, I get rid of a lot of crap!


May God grant you always-
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel
So nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you,
And whenever you pray
Heaven to hear you.

- Author Unknown

01-29-2014, 05:31 AM

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 16:22
So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.

01-31-2014, 01:50 AM

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

02-04-2014, 04:38 AM

Through my God, all things are possible. If He leads me to it, He will see me through it.

02-15-2014, 05:03 AM

Isaiah 40:29
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Strength:- how we must be strong in our walk with God in faith.

02-24-2014, 12:35 PM

Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


Matthew 6:6
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

02-26-2014, 08:35 AM
The Bible says, "Blessed are the pure in heart." That tells me that I need to work this program, one day at a time.

May you have a purr-fect day, with your God in it.


BLESSED are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Matthew 5:8

02-27-2014, 11:58 AM
You cannot really listen to someone and do something else at the same time. Lord, teach me to truly pay attention when someone speaks to me because it is in listening that I will gain wisdom.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

I am okay about me today and that is terrific.


03-07-2014, 01:45 PM

God Can

When you feel unlovable, unworthy and unclean,
When you think that no one can heal you,
Remember, Friend,
God Can.

When you think that you are unforgivable
For your guilt and your shame
Remember, Friend,
God Can.

When you think that all is hidden
And no one can see within
Remember, Friend,
God Can.

And when you have reached the bottom
And you think that no one can hear
Remember my dear Friend
God Can.

And when you think that no one can love
The real person deep inside of you
Remember my dear Friend,
God Does.

by Father Thomas.

03-07-2014, 01:47 PM
Posted on another site in 2012. Here are my today's thoughts of the topic.

I can't, God can, just for today, I choose to let Him.

Translation: Steps 1, 2, and 3 Waltz, something I have to do every day.

I came to the fellowship, not know what was wrong, didn't feel like there was a solution, my thoughts were "Stop the world I want to get off" and I found hope.

I came to realize that only by a spiritual process could I stop and stay stopped. It was a we program and I no longer was alone.

I found that as long as I had a desire to put my life in my God's care, I would learn to understand Him and me.

That was where recovery began, working Steps 4-9, and maintaining my sobriety (soundness of mind), I applied Steps 10, 11 and 12 to my life, one day at a time.


03-09-2014, 12:45 PM
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

My sponsor says 'Mark the places where you find God and go there often.' AA meetings are a place where I find God - I think that the power of God is in the group. - Chris C.


Really like this, and although I have called a meeting a God Village for many years, this is a new perspective.

Have also realized as a result of my own personal quest, that every where I went, looking for Him, I found Him. He didn't follow me, I wasn't following Him, He was with me. Everywhere I went, He was there. It was up to me to acknowlelge Him and build a working relationship with Him.

Ironically, the place I often talk to Him the most is in the bathroom. The door is closed on the world, no distractons, just me and my God. When I let go and let God, I get rid of a lot of crap!


May God grant you always-
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel
So nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you,
And whenever you pray
Heaven to hear you.

- Author Unknown

03-12-2014, 01:56 PM
Take Time


Take Time to THINK...
It is the source of power.
Take Time to PLAY...
It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take Time to READ...
It is the fountain of wisdom.
TakeTtime to PRAY...
It is the greatest power on earth.
Take Time to LOVE and BE LOVED...
It is a God-given privilege.
Take Time to BE FRIENDLY...
It is the road to happiness.
Take Time to LAUGH...
It is the music of the soul.
Take Time to GIVE...
It is too short a day to be selfish.
Take Time to WORK...
It is the price of success.
Take Time to DO CHARITY...
It is the key to heaven.


03-21-2014, 04:41 PM
"It would be tragic to write out an inventory only to shove it in a drawer. These defects grow in the dark and die in the light of exposure."

NA Basic Text, p. 31

We forget that we need to bring thing out of the dark so the light of reason can shine.

How can we change if we don`t know what is in their to change, nurture, or let go of.


03-31-2014, 04:53 PM
Trust the Process of Growth

Be patient with yourself. It takes time to work out issues, to work through things. It takes time to learn lessons. The more important the lesson, the longer the cycle to work it out and work it through.

We may live in a technical age, but our souls aren't technical. They're still connected to nature. We grow and change as nature does. Learn her ways. Study her seasons and cycles, and know those same seasons and cycles are in each of us. The process of change is like planting a seed and watching it grow and bloom into a flower.

What are you trying to develop? A project? A change in yourself? Is there something new you're learning, trying to do? Are you trying to adjust to a major change in your life? Is there an old habit you're struggling to let go of? A love relationship or friendship you're hoping to begin or attempting to end?

Each stage of the process of growth and change is important. From those first moments when we see the idea, or the change begins, to those long moments of nurturing and nourishing the idea, each stage counts. Is there a change in your life that's begun, one you've started to notice? Are you thinking about it a lot, talking about it a lot, but not quite ready to take action? That stage is important too. You're nurturing and nourishing the seeds of change.

It takes time for nature to change things into what they're becoming. It takes time for things to develop. Be patient with yourself and life. Trust the process of growth.

- Journey to the Heart

It was really important for me to trust the process. To know that things happen when they should. When I am ready, the teacher will appear, if I am open and willing to change.

As it says in the reading, that it doesn't happen over night. We didn't get this way overnight. We have a lot of fears and phobia to overcome. A lot of mixed messages to identify and accept or reject according to the person we want to be in today.

Trust that through my Higher Power I will know what is good for me. If I turn my day over, then I will get the Good Orderly Direction that I need daily. Divine Orderly Good will be there if I am willing to acknowledge it and apply it to my life.

Through trusting a Higher Power, I can learn to trust myself. To hear those Messages and know what is my God's will for me.

When I think of an abrasion on my body, I know that it has to heal inside and out. It has many layers, and often when it scabs over, I think it is okay and yet, if I were to take off the scab, I would recognize raw skin underneath. The same with us, many things have underlying issues that we need to deal with. It is seldom one thing, often compounded interest from something that goes way back, which we only recognize in today.

One day at a time, life doesn't get better, I do.

04-07-2014, 03:57 AM
First of all, I am trying to speak American!

Secondly, I was doing a Zen meditation and asked if it was possible to find a common denominator, so that everyone could find common ground and identify and the word I got was "Wishful thinking!"

Our mind is the wish-fulfilling tree-whatsoever you think, sooner or later it is fulfilled.

This was followed by the word "Challenge."

Misery only means that things are not fitting with your desires-and things never fit with your desires, they cannot. Things simply go on following their nature.

My sponsor told me to look at "problems" as challenges. Something to be overcome and to work on. And the "Piece de la resistance" was the word "Accident."

It is not a certain sequence of causes that brings enlightenment. Your search, your intense longing, your readiness to do anything-altogether perhaps they create a certain aroma around you in which that great accident becomes possible. - Osho

Looks like I may have to 'stink' up the place a little to get everyone's attention.

Hey people, we are family. We have travelled different road to get here. It is my understanding that we have one goal, one destination and that is recovery. It doesn't matter the substance, it doesn't matter the trauma and difficulties you overcame to get here, it doesn't matter what stood in your way of getting here sooner, the important thing is - you are here!

We can do what I can't. God Bless.


04-12-2014, 06:03 AM
Because You're Special


I said a prayer for you today
to make your spirits soar,
I prayed for happiness for you,
but then I asked for more.
I asked that God would give you
the courage that you need
to be yourself, to do your best,
to dream and to succeed.
I prayed that God would bless you
with confidence in who you are,
because in God's eyes, as in mine,
you'll always be a star.

- Author Unknown

Prayer works. God answers knee-mail.

04-15-2014, 08:28 PM
Found this on one of my sites while I was looking for some food to calm the soul as I could not sleep.

I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around. What I think, let alone what I say, is put out there and projected onto others and what goes around comes around.

It is so important to be honest and open. It is even more important to think good thoughts!

I am where I am in today as a result of choices made. That is why I try to make healthy choices in today.

Posted in 2010. The site Star Choices is gone.



https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpl2H9KjmyAElfuFut3QrkXZMwrvonC W3uFnMgBN2TZRYxtrlRcA

04-18-2014, 06:33 AM
Bless The Day

Words of Truth



04-22-2014, 07:10 AM

May God grant you always-
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel
So nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you,
And whenever you pray
Heaven to hear you.

- Author Unknown

04-25-2014, 05:55 AM
Our Special Friendship


We've shared the
kind of friendship
that's grown deeper
through the years,
We've seen the ups,
we've known the downs,
we've shared the
smiles and tears.

And through it all,
I've learned one thing
that there could never be
A dearer friend
in all the world
than the one
You Are To Me.

- Author Unknown

This is a we program. Without you, there is no me.

05-03-2014, 06:55 AM

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

05-09-2014, 04:52 AM
"Peace comes not from the absence of conflict, but from the ability to cope with it."

-- Unknown Source


Peace is not won by those who fiercely guard their differences, but by those who with open minds and hearts seek out connections."

-- Katherine Paterson

05-15-2014, 06:55 AM
That's not odd, that's God

Grateful for my sobriety, grateful for the gifts of recovery and the tools that I can use to stay clean and sober.

I look at those `That`s not odd, that`s God!` moments and try to remember to say thank you. They show me that my God is working in my life.

When we stay clean and sober over the holidays, that is not odd, that is God. The normal thing for an alcoholic to do is drink. For me, prescription drugs were like dried up alcohol, I had the same symptoms, more black outs with them that I had with alcohol.

It is my God working in my life, doing for me, something I couldn`t do for myself.

Recovery isn't always easy, especially when we are in the midst of things. When I get enlightenment and new awareness, I find that my God is working in my life.

I like the saying, "Just because you have a feeling, doesn't mean you have to act on it." Also, feel the feelings and do it anyway and my personal favourite and a new one to me, "Just because you get a thought, it doesn't mean it is yours. It could be your Higher Power's or it could be something projected onto you by someone else.

Peace on your journey, when we go within and connect to our Higher Power, we can find the calm within the storm.


05-16-2014, 04:16 PM
...“bad faith” is a phrase which justifies the lack of belief in free choice.

Toxic Antithesis for Clair Drucker

Read this on a post this morning and I thought it could use some perusal.

Just how bad is my faith? Is it justifiable or just fine thank you.

I believe in freedom of choice. Do I exercise that belief and get the most out of the power that is available to me? Or, do I just know, and do nothing about it?

Always thought of faith as a positive thing. I know a little goes a long way. I whole lot strengthens me. I have faith in the AA program. I have faith in the 12 Steps. I believe they are a tool that fits any nut that walks through the doors of recovery. I thought that was very derogatory when I first heard it but found it to be very true. I was one of the biggest, it fit me so why wouldn't it fit someone else.

My hope turned into faith. My faith turned into a connection to my Higher Power. Have I maintained that connection or have I turned it into an Ego?

Faith without works is dead. Work without faith, gets me nowhere.

How does your faith measure up?

In the Twenty-Four Hour daily meditation book for today, it talks about faith. What I got from the reading was that humility and an open mind can lead to a faith that works.

I can have all the faith in the world but I need to follow the thought with action. As the saying goes, "Faith without works is dead!"

Faith means many things to many people, even if it is a religious one.




05-16-2014, 04:24 PM
I pray that my faith may be based on my own experience of the power of God in my life.

- AA Thought for today

Today I have faith that things will work out in my life. Tomorrow is operation day if all goes well. I like the thought here that I can see God at work in my life and that I can have faith in Him. I had to have faith unseen at the beginning, and then as I experienced the change in others, I came to believe it would work for me.

Then I began to experience the change in me, what amazed me most that others could see it before I could. It is difficult to see something when you are in the midst of it. I learned to recognize old patterns and behaviors. I learned to let go of the past and not try to control my own life but allow my God to lead and direct it.

When I turned that control or the illusion of it over to my Higher Power he allowed me to freedom of choice, to live in the now, to deal with life on life's terms and have faith that what He lead me to, He will see me through.

They say faith without works is dead. It is something I have to continue to work at or it dies and fear sets in.

Thank you for letting me share.

March 2009 from another site.

Faith is putting all your eggs in God's basket, then counting
your blessings before they hatch. ~Ramona C. Carroll

I came to realize that I didn't have much faith because I didn't think God had much faith in me. Although a lot of things in my life were as a result of my actions, there were many times that I was a victim of other people's choices and decisions and I continued to allow myself to be the victim, to play the martyr role and didn't have the faith in myself to move out of the situation.

Through working the Steps, I learned to have faith and trust myself knowing that if I took my Higher Power with me, all things were possible.

“Faith makes all things possible....
love makes all things easy.” -unknown

Had to recognize that my faith was weak, if I was feeling fear. As they say, they can't occupy the same space.

Had to recognize that my computer was a big addiction and had to turn my thinking over to my Higher Power, having the faith that I could have healthy thinking towards it, not have that obsessive and all consuming desire to always be on it. My faith allows me to apply the program to all parts of my life.


05-18-2014, 04:43 PM

We can transform like the butterfly. When we surrender and ask for help, we are empowered to do what we need to do for ourselves. I am granted freedom of choice. I can choose to remain the same, bogged down in old memories and old tapes, I can choose to change and let go of the past and become a new me in today.

JoAnne's Recovery Site

05-18-2014, 04:43 PM


Watch your attitudes, know that you are responsible for yourself and not others. Realize that all judgment of, criticism of, condemnation, and anger towards other people is to be released to their own good. Bless all people as they travel the highway of life and always remember that you are free to be you. And therefore, everybody else is free to be themselves.

Begin to enjoy everyone around you. Keep in mind that love, intelligence and courage is always present enabling us to always be who we are. We can rise up and accomplish all that we desire and maintain the joy, happiness and fulfillment we seek - all we need do is practice our spiritual exercises, study and act as we believe with deep faith.

II TIMOTHY 1: 7 reads, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the power and love and sound mind."

Antestian Newsletter - Road to Enlightenment

05-27-2014, 05:00 AM

Too many people struggle with the 'God" concept. Many people have heard the word and left the room. Contempt prior to investigation.

This is a spiritual program. It is not a religious program. Many religious people come to recovery. Many non-religious people come to recover. They all have a chance to recover. It doesn't matter who you call your "God," He/She knows you and hears your name.

All religions are welcomed. Not one religion is the right one or the wrong one, it is all each individual's belief. As I like to say, "My religious beliefs enhance my spiritual beliefs and my spiritual beliefs enhance my religious ones." They have become much more meaning and deeper and have allowed me to grow my connected to my God, who can be Good Orderly Direction, from a Group of Drunks, who have passed their Goodness onto me.

As the reading says, "We are spiritual beings, we were born that way." Recovery is about getting in touch with that Inner Self.

Nothing can clear a recovery room faster than to hear religion spoken there. I know, I have a son who has fought against anything religious all of his life. He stopped wanting to go to Sunday School at 5 years old. He got it earlier than I did. I went to the Martyr's Shrine when I was 8 years and had to be taken out because all of a sudden I started crying in terror. My mother asked me what was the problem. I said, "Ghosts Mommy, Ghosts."

For me, it is about remembering that my son has that same Inner Self that he chooses to ignore in today.

God does show His handy work in nature. You just have to see the Majesty of it all to know that He is all powerful. I have always had a strong connection to Native American beliefs and yet my beliefs are grounded in my church upbringing.

When I went on my spiritual quest, I found that my God was too big to fit into a church. I went back to church, left, went back again. I took communion, my way of making amend to God and then left. It was my thoughts that church was for people who don't have 12 Step Programs. I can identify with them but few could identify with me.

06-02-2014, 08:58 AM
My Light and Salvation


"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Christianity/Bible/Shine-Bible-Verses-about-Light.aspx?p=6#oRGhYuzZbH6vaJlT.99
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Christianity/Bible/Shine-Bible-Verses-about-Light.aspx?p=5#J6uZzJySskHLgmiL.99

My Light and Salvation


"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Christianity/Bible/Shine-Bible-Verses-about-Light.aspx?p=6#oRGhYuzZbH6vaJlT.99

06-11-2014, 05:03 AM

“In the place of stillness, rises potential.
From the place of potential, emerges possibility.
Where there is possibility, there is choice.
And where there is choice, there is freedom!”
Gabriella Goddard

"Through return to simple living comes control of desires.
In control of desires stillness is attained.
In stillness the world is restored."
Lao Tzu

"Stillness is the space that life flows through."
Marynance Schellenbach

"Leadership is getting people to help you
when they are not obligated to do so."
John C. Maxwell

“Life's biggest challenge is deciding what's important –
then disregarding the rest.”
Kamari aka Lyrikal

“Why do people embrace God?
In my opinion, belief in God and an afterlife
is a necessary extension of man's need
to feel that this life does not end
with what we call death.”
Robert Vaughn

“The idea of eternity lives in all of us.
We thirst to live in a belief
which raises our small personality
to a higher coherence –
a coherence which is human and yet superhuman,
absolute and yet steadily growing and developing,
ideal and yet real.”
Christian Lous Lange

06-24-2014, 03:44 AM
We hear allot about "Happy, Joyous and Free" but as life happens in sobriety, we all go through rough times.

This recalls a statement an old-timer told me many years ago. He said "AA doesn't promise you a rose garden but will teach you to live life on life's terms SOBER.

There will be times we are not happy, joyous but we will always be free if we *accept* life on life's terms SOBER!.........just for today. T.

ow true this is! Yet when you think of it, in order to get the roses and see them bloom, it takes a lot of work, turning over the soil, adding the fertilizer, pampering and care, love and attention, food and water, digging out the weeds and trimming the bush so the picture and plant is whole.

That is what recovery and the Twelve Steps have done for me. Now I have the privilege of seeing some blossoms, but I know it takes continuous work, to keep the plant alive.

Posted on another site in 2003

We have to reach by the thorns to get to the rose.


06-25-2014, 06:56 AM

Uplift Your Life with the Power of God
Every Day is a Blessed Day. Let us rejoice in God's miracle.


07-04-2014, 09:33 PM
As they say, "God answers knee-mail." Not able to get there very often these days physically. The last time I remember getting there, I felt a peace from the top of my head to the tip of my toes and I felt like the hand of God had touched me.

As a result of suffering from chronic pain, which never goes away, just makes itself known in different areas and in different ways, it is important for me to surrender it to my Higher Power each day and learn to do the do things that help me to live with it. When I have a problem thinking through it, my posts come out a bit garbled and I have to go back and modify sometimes, others I just let them be. It is where I am at in the moment. Stress is the biggest contributing factor along with the weather. Can't change the weather. I can make healthy choices concerning it. I didn't do that Saturday, I went out to watch the parade and got cold in my legs. In times of stress, I need to work my program and turn things over to my HP. As I have posted before, "My doctor says 'I have never met anyone who is more in touch with her body as you are. A healthy mind makes for a healthy body.'

When I shut down and shut off, and insist on doing no matter what, then I have more pain.



This was posted in 2010.

Grateful in today, that I am still clean and sober and although the pain is still there, my program is still applicable. It is up to me to apply it and find the honesty, open mind, and willingness to change.

Everything is subject to change in the moment. I need that acceptance in the moment, in order to heal and work through the issues of today or things from my past that keep coming into my today to remind me it is there and I need to deal with it.

In my case it isn`t always the same pain and a lot of them have been body memories.


07-10-2014, 05:07 PM
The Paradox of our Age:


We have bigger houses, but smaller families;
more conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less sense;
more knowledge, but less judgement;
more experts, but more problems;
more medicine, but less healthiness;
We have been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet
the new neighbor.
We build more computers to hold more
information to produce more copies than ever,
but have less communication;
We have become long on quantity ;
but short on quality.
These are times of fast food,
but slow digestion;
Tall man, but short character;
Steep profits, but shallow relationships.
It's a time when there is much in the window,
but nothing in the room.

H.H. The XIV Dalai Lama

07-15-2014, 03:17 PM
Night Light

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. -Flora Whittemore

We often hear the phrase, "When one door shuts, another opens." It means everything has a beginning and an end. When our travels on one path are completed, another path lies ahead.

It's not easy to feel a door close. Relationships, friendships, careers, and lives end. Although we may not understand why a door closes, it's important to remember our Higher Power has everything to do with it. By the same token, we may not understand why certain doors open, revealing opportunities we may have longed for. Again, our Higher Power feels we are ready to pursue that new experience.

The doors that opened and closed today helped prepare us for our experiences tonight. The doors that opened and closed tonight will help us grow toward tomorrow. We are not mice in a maze, randomly
pursuing paths for a reward of cheese. We are children of our Higher Power, guided towards our chosen goal through the many doors we open and close along the way.

Have I learned there is a reason for everything in my life? Can I trust that my path has been prepared for me by my Higher Power?

This is a phrase that brings peace to me in the midst of chaos. It is rewarding to know that God is with me because I believe if He leads me to it, He will lead me through it. There is always a lesson, and often though I don't understand the reasoning, especially in the moment and hindsight is a good teacher, trust and faith are greater ones.


07-22-2014, 07:57 PM

Perfectionism is part of my disease, it is not a recovery tool.

It is progress, not perfection. We are not saints, we are human and we aim toward perfection. Each new day we get an opportunity to practice.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQR0VP2gsPUDteniKT_63pgiPj1ryDIe NFpilPkAzOwsZzAcfK9

07-26-2014, 03:01 PM
Found these on another site and decided to snag them. ;)

Hold The Hand

In any relationship,
the essence of trust is not in its bind, age, caste or creed.
But in its bond.

So hold the hand of the person whom you love
rather than expecting them to.


Be Nice And Smile

Be nice and smile to everyone you meet.
You don’t know what they are going through, and they might just need that smile.
At least for a moment, it would make a lot of difference to them.

Life gives us many such moments to make others feel better.
For tomorrow when you feel low, someone might smile and you may feel better.


Every Deed Counts

You can easily judge the character of others
by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.

If you have been telling others - how good your character is?
Ask yourself, judge it for yourself -
What good that you have done for others who cannot do any good for you?

Make difference to all the lives you touch.
When you build your character, every deed counts!

Are you Inspired by this?


I Cried Over You

I saw your face today, In the face of a stranger
But when I looked again, You were not there anymore

I heard your voice today, In the middle of a crowd
I turned around to listen, But did not hear a sound

I felt your touch today, In the blowing wind
I clung to that moment, Held it to its end

I cried over you today, Drowned in my own sorrow
Then I came to realize, There is always a tomorrow.


To be continued....

Let go and let God.


07-26-2014, 03:11 PM
Life Is A Bright Sky

Life is like a bright sky;
and clouds represent instances of unhappy times.

Sometimes the clouds are so dark;
It’s hard to remember the sun still shines.

Be patient. The light will return.
It’s just waiting for an opportunity to peek through.


There Will Be Storms

There will be storms, child there will be storms.
And with each tempest,
you will seem to stand alone against cruel winds;
but with time, the rage and fury shall subside.

And when the sky clears,
you will find yourself clinging to someone,
You would have never known, but for storms.


Stand By My Belief

I am not bound to win; but I am bound to be true.
I am not bound to succeed; but I am bound to live by the light that I have.

I must stand with anybody who stands right;
Stand with him while he is right; Part with him when he goes wrong.
I will stand by my belief. Always!


Life Is Series Of Choices

Life is as we have it.
With will power, we can change its course.
Life is a series of choices.
The thoughts that we have any time are own choices.
No one can enter into our mind and make us think in a particular way.
Similarly, our feelings are our own choice.
Whether a person is depressed or happy is his choice.
After all life is nothing but out own thought, feeling and actions.


You Are A Diamond

Never despise life’s fiery trials.
They are God’s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.
And more a diamond is cut, the more.


Lost Time Is Never Gained

Nobody will sympathize with a person
who constantly lets chances pass by
without making any efforts to salvage them.

We normally don't realize how important our loved and close ones are until they leave us,
and then we start regretting, which results in misery.

Lost time is NEVER gained.


We looked outside of ourselves to find something that would make us feel better, instead of going withing. There is nothing wrong with playing and getting touch with your inner child. There is nothing wrong with taking a time out and having fun; but when it becomes more to the exclusion of other things, it is best to take it to your God.


09-06-2014, 06:34 PM
Live now


"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."

-- Annie Dillard

We lose the power of the moment because we're so rarely in it. We're reliving the past or speculating about the future. We continue to believe that tomorrow's the day when I'll be more capable, more wealthy, more fit and more loving. Meanwhile, I'm just putting in time, dreaming of better things but not making any concrete move to realize them.

When you find yourself thinking of the future or the past, bring your awareness into the present moment. Really experience how you feel and what’s happening around you, without judgment. If we can treasure each moment, our lives will be rich, no matter what we have accomplished.

"Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever."

-- Horace Mann

"If, before going to bed every night, you will tear a page from the calendar, and remark, 'there goes another day of my life, never to return,' you will become time conscious."

-- A. B. Zu Tavern

Higher Awareness

When we live in the moment, we become aware and learn to live in reality. We can recognize old tapes when they start playing, we can sense when we are not feeling comfortable, and we can take the Serenity Prayer and apply it in the moment and ask our Higher Power for the guidance, the strength and the courage to do what we need to do, and the willingness to let go and let God!

09-21-2014, 02:02 AM
Take a breath and hold it. Take another and hold, hold, hold. You can see that you can't live on the inhale alone. The inhale is the breath of the program bringing you life. The exhale is you working with others.

I inhale healing for my soul and exhale hope for others.

- Pocket Sponsor

When I was on the way to the doctor's today, I did this. Asking for the engery and help I need to get there. I asked for the words I need to speak when I spoke to my doctor. My blood pressure when I got there was 167/83 and went up to 176/92. Normally it goes down, but today it didn't and I was glad that my doctor could see the result of my words.

It wasn't only hope for others, but for myself as mine has been quite low lately.

As a result of my doctor's decision to increase my blood pressure medication, I was able to go to bed, have a rest, and get up and share with others. I wasn't able to be on the computer all day.

This is something I wrote in 2011. The blood pressure this is not new, it just something I have been dealing with, and one of the things that happen, one day at a time in my life. As the saying goes, "Life doesn't get better, I do." That means I get better equipped to handle it, and don't have to use to deal with it. I do have to take a certain amounts of medication, but I don't abuse it. Like today, one of my medication, I told the pharmacist that they were giving them to me too close together. I see my doctor tomorrow and I am hoping to be taken of the Lyrica, just don't like the side affects, even though it has not helped. He kept increasing it unbeknownst to me, at that is not acceptable. The neurologist put me on another medication, and I am not sure the two go together. I want an explanation, seeing as my blood pressure increased again today.

I can accept it in today, I don't have to continue to accept it just because it came from my doctor if it affects my health and well being.

I pray and ask for guidance, clarity of mind and the good orderly direction I need each day.


09-23-2014, 10:00 PM
Stay in God's Will


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all you ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Dr. Baker James Cauthen resigned from the faculty of Southwestern Seminary and the pastorate of Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Ft. Worth to take his family to China in 1939, in the midst of war. His explanation was simple: the safest place in all the world to be is the center of the will of God.

Before he left for China, Dr. Cauthen said to his friend Bill Howse: "Bill, many people are making a lot out of what we are trying to do, but for us it's simply the will of God. It's such a good feeling that I can say that if our ship is bombed in Hong Kong harbor and we never set foot on Chinese soil, I will have a sense of completeness because I will have been doing the will of God for me."

Remember. The Will of God will never take you...
Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the arms of God cannot support you,
Where the hands of God cannot mold you.
Where the power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you...
Where the spirit of God cannot work through you,
Where the riches of God cannot supply you,
Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
Where the army of God cannot protect you,

The will of God will never take you...
Where the love of God cannot enfold you,
Where the mercy of God cannot sustain you,
Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you...
Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears,
Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you,
Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

Received in email

10-02-2014, 12:14 AM
“Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely When I know with Source I am One? I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, The Eye of Source is on the Sparrow, I know Source watches over me.”


10-04-2014, 11:58 PM

As we travel the journey within, we make new discoveries, we find old reminders, and precious memories.

Come join our journey to eliminate and let go of the negative, replace it with the positive, and reinforce and nurture the flame within each of us, so that we can walk in balance and acceptance of the Light and the Dark nature of ourselves.

The Spider is the guardian of the Within.

He helps us to weave our own fate and guides us through our choices and find our inner knowingness.

You are never outside of God, whatever you do, but if you express yourself negatively, you may separate yourself from your awareness of God.

The 12-Step program focuses on more than just not drinking. The program also builds basic human spiritual values and practices. These in turn give a natural emotional high to any life situation.

1. An increased tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
2. Frequent attacks of smiling.
3. Feelings of being connected with others and nature.
4. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
5. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience.
6. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
7. A loss of ability to worry.
8. A loss of interest in conflict.
9. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
10. A loss of interest in judging others.
11. A loss of interest in judging self.
12. Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything in return.

( Source Unknown )

Two of the greatest qualities in life are:

1. Patience
2. Wisdom

Received with thanks from Faith

From my site JoAnne's Kitchen

10-05-2014, 12:10 AM
Printed from www.care2.com

Feed Your Chakras with Color

Inspired by Home Enlightenment, by Annie B. Bond
(Rodale Press, 2005).

Simple Solution

We have seven chakras--energy centers--in
our bodies that help to give us radiant
vitality and health when they are in balance.
But if one gets low or out of whack, we
can feel depressed, lethargic, or even
become ill.

One nurturing and effective way to feed
our chakras--to make sure they stay vibrant
and energized--is with color. All you
have to do to is look around at the natural
world, or use your imagination. It's easy
to do color therapy for the health of our
bodies, minds, and spirits. Here's how:

To feed your chakras, start with the Higher
Self, the 8th chakra located about 8 inches
above your head. Then go one by one down
the lower chakras as you are ready. Use
words (unspoken or aloud) to open one chakra
at a time, allowing it to drink in the color.
(You may find that, if your eyes lock onto a
particular color--like the bright yellow of
a spring tulip, for example--that this is a
sign that the chakra associated with that
color really needs it. When you've had enough
of the color, you may find that your concentration
dims--an indication that you can move on to
the next chakra.

White to the Higher Self (8th chakra): Look
at a white cloud or white stone (quartz is
perfect). Imagine complete purity, while
bringing your awareness to the place 8 inches
above your head where the Higher Self resides.

Violet or purple to the crown (7th chakra): Look
at a ripe plum, an amethyst, or a purple flower
(irises are perfect). If there is no natural
purple nearby, visualize light filtering down
through purple stained glass into your crown chakra.

Indigo or cobalt to the brow (6th chakra): A
night sky full of stars, or the sky just before
dawn, are good for this chakra, as are stones
such as lapis lazuli, sapphire, and azurite.
If you hold a stone and gaze at it, you will
also absorb the healing energies of the stone.
Eating blueberries is a great way to absorb
blue internally!

Sky blue to the throat (5th chakra): Imagine
your throat filling up with the blue of the
daylight sky. Helpful stones include aquamarine,
turquoise, Larimar, and blue tourmaline.

Leaf green to the heart (4th chakra): The budding
green leaves of early spring is perfect for this
chakra. In winter, look at a vibrant potted plant
or imagine the new green foliage. Or look at--and
then eat!--a Granny Smith apple!

Yellow to the solar plexus (3rd chakra): Imagine
the bright yellow sun in your solar plexus, energy
radiating out from its yellow center, clearing and
healing as it goes. Or look at yellow flowers--lilies
or tulips, for instance--or a banana. Helpful stones
include yellow tourmaline, celestite, kunzite, topaz,
and rhodonite.

Orange to the navel (2nd chakra): Imagine dried tree
sap or the honey-colored wood found on the inside of
tree bark--or petrified wood with dark orange. Pumpkins,
oranges, daylilies and poppies are good to gaze at,
and the stones orange calcite and carnelian are helpful.

Red to the base of the spine (1st chakra): A good red
found in nature is the dirt in the American Southwest,
or the red breast of a robin, or a tomato, or red apple.
Helpful Hints
Annie's wonderful new book is filled with more wisdom
for body, mind, and spirit. To order your copy, just
click on the link next to the photo.

Disclaimer: Care2.com does not warrant and shall have no liability for information provided in this newsletter or on Care2.com. Each individual person, fabric, or material may react differently to a particular suggested use. It is recommended that before you begin to use any formula, you read the directions carefully and test it first. Should you have any health care-related questions or concerns, please call or see your physician or other health care provider.

I felt this to be useful information on Chakras.
Old memories and hurts reside in the solar plexus.

Love and Light, Dreamz
Thanks my friend for sharing.

10-15-2014, 10:37 PM
Time for Joy - Book - Quote

I have a quiet place within me where I can go rest today.

I have a quiet place within me where I can go that offers peace, comfort and healing. It is as close as this moment, as close as a breath.

This place is mine whenever I want it.

Each of us has that place. It takes practice getting there. It takes practice, along with trust, faith, and an inner belief that it is there whenever we need it.


11-09-2014, 06:34 AM

Spirituality can be tough at times as it forces us to honestly confront ourselves, our warts and all, without excuses or fault finding. And once we have clearly identified what we are, then we are challenged to "move our feet" and take actions that will turn our lives around. We must be careful not to blame others for what we have done.

This can result in guilt and condemnation. However, consistent spiritual practice leads us to experience loving compassion both for ourselves and others. We can avoid condemnation and judgmental attitudes taking on an outlook that is compassionate and unconditional towards ourselves and others.

As we begin to see with this Divine vision, we will see through outer conditions to the inner perfection, goodness and Divinity of every creature. THOMAS A' KEMPIS said, "A humble knowledge of oneself is a surer road to God than a deep searching of the sciences."

Affirmative prayer is a conscious act of looking beyond appearances to recognize and reveal our connection with the One source of love, intelligence, vitality, assurance, peace, joy, and gratitude. When we know ourselves to be one with Divine Mind, all that is left is to be the good of God in our daily lives.

This is what a Zen Buddhist would call seeing into one's true nature, free of attachments - becoming the Buddha. Jesus said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Once we change our inner life, our outer life will conform to it. You and I are one in Spirit, what truth we know in one place and completely believe in will manifest in another place and this is how we are joined in prayer. We might think that asking in prayer is meant that if there is anything we want and asked for God would give it to us, sort of like a spiritual Santa Claus.

Sometimes our prayers seem to be answered and other times not. It is left up to us to declare, believe and unify with the nonmaterial Divine level where what we ask for has already been granted, we need only realize it. RUMI expresses, "Come out of the circle of time/And into the circle of love."

- Antestian Newsletter

Sadly this newsletter is no longer available.


12-24-2014, 04:33 AM

No matter how intelligent, attractive, or talented you may be - to the degree you doubt your worthiness you tend to sabotage your recovery efforts and undermine your relationships. Life is full of gifts and opportunities; you will open to receive and enjoy them to the degree that you begin to appreciate your innate worth, and to offer to yourself the same compassion and respect that you would give to others. Discovering your worth sets your spirit free.

Many factors shape our lives, including beliefs, support systems, motivation, relationships, family dynamics, fate, karma. But the central premise is that our sense of self-worth is the single most important determinant of the health, abundance, and joy we allow into our lives. Discovering your Worth is no more or less important than other potentials but only when you recognize your personal worth will you be open to other life potentials. Discovering your worth provides a foundation from which to build, one potential at a time, a new way of life. Finding your worth is the first step in creating enlightenment and enhancing your recovery work.

At its core, your level of self-worth is your answer to a single internal question: "How deserving am I?" Or, to put it more directly as it pertains to your daily life: "How good can I stand it today?" If you observe your life very closely, you will discover that you don't necessarily get what you deserve. Your addictions or life problems has not diminished your worth as a person. Only to the degree that you appreciate your innate human worthiness will your subconscious mind open up to life's gifts. Sucess involves talent, effort, and creativity, but first of all, it requires a willingness to receive. Do you feel worthy of being well? When a window of opportunity appears, do you pull down the shade? Each of us has a specific degree of pleasure that feels right and appropriate. If that level is exceeded it makes us anxious. Many recovering people fear success because they do not feel worthy.

Because many people assume that self-esteem and self-worth mean the same thing, it seems important for me to note the distinction between the two. Self-worth (associated with self-respect) refers to your overall sense of value, worth, goodness, and deservedness. Your sense of worth can change over time based upon your actions. For example, my sense of self-worth has increased over time as I gradually learned to be a responsible person, loving father, a good friend and partner, my work as a therapist, and whatever minor assistance I bring to Dynamics Of Recovery or other services that I become involved in.

Self-esteem (associated with self-confidence) refers to liking or feeling good about yourself, your appearance, or your abilities. Your sense of self-esteem may change moment to moment, based on appearance, ability or situation. For example, as a clinical therapist I feel high self-esteem (confidence) in therapeutic situations, but less self-esteem at parties or social gatherings.

The central theme of this lesson/posting is that you "subconsciously" choose or attract into your life those people and experiences you believe you deserve! In everyday life pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional - a by-product of poor choices. Get it? Want to argue the point? Your sense of worth or deserving shapes your life by creating tendencies. If you feel unworthy and undeserving, you tend to make destructive or limiting choices. Do you see why this is the first lesson?

At each and every crossroads you are free to choose the high road - by being kind to others, working hard, finding supportive partners, and following good role models. Or you may choose the low road - by burning your bridges, practicing addictive behaviors, or choosing destructive relationships. Your sense of self-worth tends to influence whether you choose to learn easy lessons or difficult ones, to strive or to struggle, to cave in to difficulties or rise above them. Such choices determine your educational and income level, your health habits - even your longevity. Those of us with a strong sense of self-worth are less likely to get caught up in self-destructive habits with addictions or other abberant behaviors..

There is a danger of studying self-worth from a distance - exploring the issue the way some people explore a territory from an airconditioned bus. Keeping a safe distance is more comfortable but far less useful than feeling its impact on your life right now. Remember that your sense of self-worth - of deservedness - is related to your perception of your relative goodness.

Self-worth is not a thing; it is a perception. The first step is to realize that you are not alone. We have all made mistakes as part of our life and growth. We have all said, thought, felt, and done things we regret. Our worth is not dependent upon being perfect. If we can stop judging our mistakes so harshly, we can also stop ourselves from reactively engaging in the negative behaviors.

The second realization is that no matter what your behavior, you have done the best you could every day of your life. You may not agree with this. So before we tackle that question, consider this principle in relation to your parents or other caregivers: Whether they were kind or abusive, they were doing the best they knew how in light of their own limitations, wounds, beliefs, fears, values, and anxieties. Their best may have been wonderful, or terrible, or somewhere in between. In the same way, even though you have certainly fallen short of your ideal many times and made mistakes, you have also done the very best you were capable of at the time.

Most of us have replayed in our minds an incident we wish we could do over. Maybe we could have done better on a job interview, an exam, or a performance. You cannot change past mistakes, but you can avoid repeating them. The past no longer exists except as a set of memories and impressions you keep alive in the present. By focusing on doing what you can do now - by reviewing your mistakes with eyes of compassion and asking for forgiveness - you do much to heal your fragmented sense of worth.

Trust the process. The next time you feel that something good can't last, remind yourself that evolution moves in an upward spiral and that life can, and usually does, get better over time. You live and learn, stumble and fall, fail and grow, expand, and progress.

Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.

-Alice Mackenzie Swaim

- Dynamics of Recovery

Have always liked the words: "Trust in the process." Recovery is a process, it does take time. I found it to be a living program and very much a trusting my Higher Power to lead and guide. Often through no fault of my own, finding myself going back over ground that I had already touched on, either to do more healing, for more awareness, for more forgiveness, for more letting go, whatever the cause, I need to trust that it is where I need to be, whether I like it or not.


01-07-2015, 12:31 AM

The greatest achievement is selflessness.

The greatest worth is self-mastery.

The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.

The greatest precept is continual awareness.

The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.

The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.

The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.

The greatest generosity is non-attachment.

The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.

The greatest patience is humility.

The greatest effort is not concerned with results.

The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.

The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

- Atisha

Think of something that you fear to lose, then ask yourself, 'Were I to lose it, would I be a different person than I am today?' In yourself, be contented. Be whole.

From Do It Now!, by J. Donald Walters

A lot of these I fall short on. I am a firm believer though in what I think and project comes back to me. If I put out negativity, it comes back in kind.

02-14-2015, 12:40 PM
♥♥Believe in Who you Are--

Believe what you have learned throughout your life and have found to be true,

As long as the foundation is strong those shall not be able to tear it down easily.

Never allow others to tell you who you are or who you should be.

Never allow others to tell you that you can't do anything, we can do anything we set our minds to do

Believe in Who you Are--

The possibilities are endless.......If we just BELIEVE ♥♥

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQhJPXBYi_aMNFQIxGtcMrzbCNttr18R Y3yKoByVVAeh7CGJOAs

02-21-2015, 09:33 AM

A day that dawns bright and optimistic, can unravel as quickly and completely as one that begins with a tangle of trouble.

Whether I see it coming, or not, whether the undoing is of my own doing, or not, there are days when I find myself on the backside of the bright side.

Life sends everyone for a ride on the backside. People let you down. You disappoint yourself or someone else. Things hoped for, don't materialize. Jobs disappear. Finances escalate. Health deteriorates. Loved ones pass away.

Unless you live in an insulated bubble, a ride on the backside is inevitable.

Experience on the backside has taught me not to run to the company of misery -- those faithless, open, outstretched arms of self pity & hopelessness. I am not pitiful. I am not without hope and I am faith-filled. I have returned, victorious, to the bright side after every experience on the backside.

Where I am, is never as important as, who I am, while I'm there.

I can sit in darkness and I can despair over being there. I can moan and groan, pick up the phone and wail about my troubles to everyone who will listen. I can pound people with my problems every chance I get. I can seek out the company of those who enjoy misery's embrace and learn nothing from the experience.


I can poke a hole in the veil that separates the backside from the bright side and create a small stream of light to serve as reminder of the victory ahead. I can pray, and I can work my way through trials with ever increasing patience and ever growing strength of endurance. I can pay attention to the parts of my character that show up during difficult times and acknowledge the areas of weakness that need building up.

I can stand straighter and taller each step of the way, until the day I can rip the veil from top to bottom and claim my victory.

Even when life is at its darkest, you are never on the backside of nowhere. The bright side is always there, waiting for you to step back into it and experience your victory.

The Ancient One-Lordès

Used with permission)

02-27-2015, 06:30 AM

03-15-2015, 07:10 PM
Honor all life forms and all humans as messengers., Trust life's messages and signals.

Jamie Sams

My meditation today.

The Hawk.



Was thinking of going back to bed and posting later. Did a meditation and got the Hawk card.

This is a we program. We do it in partnership with others not in competition with others. It is about mine, yours, and ours.

Common traits they share are a keen eyesight, superb hunting ability, and impressive flight patterns. As a totem the hawk is representative of soaring to higher states of awareness and vision. You can expect communications with spirit to open up more fully whenever hawk visits.

04-02-2015, 07:17 AM

Allowing Others to Walk Their Paths
Observing Evolution
by Madisyn Taylor

Everyone is entitled to seek out their own path leading from the darkness into the light.

Watching a loved one or a peer traverse a path littered with stumbling blocks can be immensely painful. We instinctively want to guide them toward a safer track and share with them the wisdom we have acquired through experience. Yet all human beings have the right to carve their own paths without being unduly influenced by outside interference. To deny them that right is to deny them enlightenment, as true insight cannot be conveyed in lectures. Rather, each individual must earn independence and illumination by making decisions and reflecting upon the consequences of each choice. In allowing others to walk their paths freely, you honor their right to express their humanity in whatever way they see fit. Though you may not agree with or identify with their choices, understand that each person must learn in their own way and at their own pace.

The events and circumstances that shape our lives are unique because each of us is unique. What touches one person deeply may do nothing more than irritate or confound another. Therefore, each of us is drawn to different paths—the paths that will have the most profound effects on our personal evolution. If you feel compelled to intervene when watching another human being make their way slowly and painfully down a difficult path, try to empathize with their need to grow autonomous and make their own way in the world. Should this person ask for your aid, give it freely. You can even tell them about your path or offer advice in a conscious loving way. Otherwise, give them the space they need to make their own mistakes, to enjoy the fruits of their labors, to revel in their triumphs, and to discover their own truths.

The temptation to direct the paths of others is a creature of many origins. Overactive egos can convince us that ours is the one true path or awaken a craving for control within us. But each person is entitled to seek out their path leading from the darkness into the light. When we celebrate those paths and encourage the people navigating them, we not only enjoy the privilege of watching others grow—we also reinforce our dedication to diversity, independence, and individuality.

Live and let live.

04-11-2015, 02:39 PM


Watch your attitudes, know that you are responsible for yourself and not others. Realize that all judgment of, criticism of, condemnation, and anger towards other people is to be released to their own good. Bless all people as they travel the highway of life and always remember that you are free to be you. And therefore, everybody else is free to be themselves.

Begin to enjoy everyone around you. Keep in mind that love, intelligence and courage is always present enabling us to always be who we are. We can rise up and accomplish all that we desire and maintain the joy, happiness and fulfillment we seek - all we need do is practice our spiritual exercises, study and act as we believe with deep faith.

II TIMOTHY 1: 7 reads, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the power and love and sound mind."

Antestian Newsletter - Road to Enlightenment

04-22-2015, 10:48 PM
The Parable of the Tree

A man lived in the Great Plains, many years ago. He had only one source of
wood for all his needs: a beautiful large oak tree growing behind his cottage.
Anyone passing by could see that this was truly a beautiful tree, and of
course it was an oak tree so it must be strong. It would protect him from the
prairie's storms and provide shade from the sun.

This man was very happy about his tree. It was really all he had ever wanted
to meet his many needs. It was large enough to provide firewood from its
fallen branches, its many limbs could be cut as he needed them for building
furniture. The man was very happy.

One day the man decided to make a chair, so he took his saw and went out to
his tree. He climbed onto one of the lower limbs and began to saw it off. As
his saw bit into the wood, the man got a funny feeling. Something just didn't
seem right. As he finished sawing the limb suddenly snapped as if it were
brittle, shooting splinters into the man's eyes. He was surprised and hurt, but
he managed to clear his eyes and slid down to where the limb had dropped to
the ground.

He looked at the end where he had made his cut and to his amazement he saw
not the solid, gleaming bands of a healthy oak, but a pithy, brittle mass
riddled with holes. The limb would not serve for furniture - no way. And the man
realized that something was amiss. He began having suspicions about his
beautiful tree.

The next day the man tried again, for life presses on, and he really needed
a chair. So he climbed again to another limb, and began cutting. And again,
just as he was about to complete his task, the limb shattered and sprayed him
with sharp splinters. This time he was prepared, and managed to turn his
head, but the splinters were sharp and they hurt him nonetheless. Again he
climbed down, and discovered the same pithy, brittle mass.

With this the man realized that his precious tree was not well. It was
diseased. It was infested with an insect, the prairie oak flea, which was known to
cripple trees, but not to kill them.

As the disease progressed, the man realized that he was not getting from his
tree the things he counted on for his safety and comfort. The leaves became
thin and scattered, and the tree could not provide the shade that he needed
from the hot sun. When storms came, instead of the sheltering buffer he had
hoped for, the tree would yield its weakened limbs to the winds and they
crashed down on his cottage roof. Once a limb broke right through in the midst of a
storm and the man spent a cold wet night waiting for daylight so he could
close the hole.

But still, the man loved his tree. It was a beautiful tree. And it was an
oak. It was HIS oak. "I love my tree," said the man. "I know it has a disease,
but I love the tree nonetheless. I chose to build my home in its shelter and
I am committed to staying with it."

One day a passing wagon stopped, and the man in the wagon asked, "Why do you
stay under this sick tree? It's causing you so much pain, and there are
things you need that it doesn't give you?"

"Oh, no," said the man. " I love my tree. It's the disease that I hate.
The tree is still a beautiful tree, and it is my life."

"But look," said the man in the wagon. "Its wood is rotten. Its shade is
useless. It harms you in storms when it should shelter you. And you have no
furniture because its wood is brittle and pithy."

"Oh, no," said the man. "You must learn to separate the disease from the
tree. Otherwise you'll become embittered."

"Well," said the man in the wagon, "if the disease is separate, then where
is the tree without the disease? I don't see a healthy tree standing next to
a disease. All I see is a pithy, bug-eaten tree that can barely stand on its
own. If your tree is such a good provider, why is that you have so little,
and what you have is patched and leaking?"

The man thought for a while, and then said, "You know, maybe you are right.
No matter how much I say I love that tree, it will never give me the things I
need from it. I guess you're right. The TREE and the DISEASE are all the
same thing. I don't have a tree and a disease. I have a DISEASED TREE. And the
longer I hang out under this tree, the longer I'm going to live without the
shade and the wind shelter and the furniture that I need, and the more likely I'
m going to be conked on the head by a falling limb. Maybe I need to start
looking for another tree that can give me what I need..."

The man thought about it, and a little later he decided to look around for
another place to have his home. And the man found a spot, even better than the
one he had been living in, with a healthy maple growing nearby.

He hated to think of building his home all over again, but he was, at heart,
a courageous man, and he decided to try. In a few months he had a new home,
shaded in the summer, shielded from the wind, safe during storms, and he was
able to build beautiful furniture for his study. He lived there, mostly
happily, writing to his many friends who also had problem trees.

His old tree continued to grow in its same spot, and continued dropping
limbs during every storm, just as before.

© 2006 Richard, 21CP Author and Publisher

09-23-2015, 12:41 PM
Life as a mirror


"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."

-- Carl Jung

We get clues about our unconscious programming if we watch our reactions, responses, feelings and thoughts about other people and events. Ask yourself: How do I judge or stereotype people? What pushes my buttons? What makes me angry or fearful or sad?

The outer incidents that trigger these reactions in me simply MIRROR my own nature. If I didn't have beliefs around the issues that upset me, where would my reactions come from? If I didn't have some internal reference, I wouldn't react at all.

When outer events spark a reaction, we need to look inside to explore what's going on.

"We discover in ourselves what others hide from us and we recognize in others what we hide from ourselves."

-- Vauvenargues

Received from a dear friend. A truth I know to be true, and like she shared with me, a truth we don't often like to admit to.

11-24-2015, 07:02 AM

Many times in our lives we are dropped, crumpled
and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make
and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless.

But no matter what has happened or what will
happen you will never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumbled or finely creased,
you are still priceless to those who love you.

The worth of our lives come not in what we do
or who we know but by who we are.
You are special!
Don't ever forget it!


12-02-2015, 08:38 PM
The "Second" Ten Commandments


Thou shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.

Thou shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never
come to pass.

Thou shall not cross bridges before you come to them, for no one yet has succeeded in accomplishing this.

Thou shall face each problem as it comes. You can only handle one at a time anyway.

Thou shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make very poor bedfellows.

Thou shall not borrow other people’s problems. They can better care for them than you can.

Thou shall not try to relive yesterday for good or ill, it is forever gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life and be happy now!

Thou shall be a good listener, for only when you listen do you hear ideas different from your own. It is hard to learn something
new when you are talking, and some people do know more than you do.

Thou shall not become "bogged down" by frustration, for 90% of it is rooted in self-pity and will only interfere with positive action.

Thou shall count thy blessings, never overlooking the small ones, for a lot of small blessings add up to big ones.

12-24-2015, 08:26 PM
This poem is dedicated to all those who have lost friends
and family that will be spending Christmas with Jesus.


We know that you are happy now,
And we have to let you go.
Although it will not be easy,
A cheerful smile we'll show.

Christmas just won't be the same
Because you are not here.
Yet I just seem to know somehow,
That we will feel you near.

We wonder how it is with you
Spending Christmas up above.
Listening to the celestial choir
Singing carols that we love.

You know we will always love you
Especially on Christmas Day.
Something will always remind us
Of your sweet and loving way.

One thing that we do ask of you,
You'll know just what to say.
We'd like to send a message,
And wish Jesus Happy Birthday!

01-06-2016, 02:55 AM


01-09-2016, 08:20 AM


A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.
Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.
I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chatted all the way,
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne'er word said she'
But, oh, the things I learned from her
When Sorrow walked with me!
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its strength.

01-30-2016, 10:23 PM
Open to awareness

"Mindfulness means moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness. It is
cultivated by refining our capacity to pay attention, intentionally,
in the present moment, and then sustaining that attention over time
as best we can. In the process, we become more in touch with our life
as it is unfolding."

-- Myla & Jon Kabat-Zinn

Why do we want to become more aware?

If we remain unaware, we:
- repeat the past,
- remain stuck in relationships,
- live superficial, literal and one dimensional lives,
- lack experiences of love and beauty, and
- have limited connection to others and the universe.

With awareness, we are fully involved with life. Awareness is sensing
deeply and sensitively for what really is. To do this, we need to
approach the present as totally new. When we can be open and
attentive in each moment, we begin to free ourselves from the
conditioning of the past and the suffering that it so often brings.

"If moment by moment you can keep your mind clear then nothing will
confuse you."

-- Sheng Yen

Awareness is the key to all change. Penetrate blocks and find your authentic self. Open to new possibilities using your imagination and intuition. Develop your basic and higher awareness.


02-21-2016, 11:43 AM

04-11-2016, 09:59 PM
Fear imprisons, faith liberates; fear paralyzes, faith empowers; fear disheartens, faith encourage; fear sickens, faith heals; fear makes useless, faith makes serviceable.
-- Harry Emerson Fosdick

It has been said that the opposite of fear is faith. But how do we change our fears into faith if we have little or no faith? How do we start having faith? One of the easiest ways to develop an alternative to fear is to ask ourselves during a moment of fear: What is the worst that could happen? Once we know the answer to that question, we have dealt with the source of our fears - the unknown.

What do we fear now? First we need to identify all the unknowns that we fear. Once we recognize all the things that can happen, we will be able to prepare ourselves for possible failure, loss, or sadness. By recognizing the fears, we take away some of their power over us. We can then believe we will be all right.

What do I fear and why do I fear it? I know I am okay because I have identified my fear.

Like this because it affirms my own personal belief. You have to identify your feelings, allow yourself to feel them, in order to let them go. As the saying goes, "Just because you have a feeling, doesn't mean you have to act on it." Just because I am fearful, doesn't mean I can't do it. I can go to my God and ask for His Courage, Strength, Love, Wisdom, or anything else I need to get through it. As they say, "If He leads you to it, He will see you through it."


05-11-2016, 06:49 PM


When my world falls down around me,
And the ground is sinking sand;
When peace can't be found on this earth,
I reach out for your hand.

Then when your hand wraps 'round my own,
A strength pours from your soul;
It brings me to a quiet calm,
Till once again I'm whole.

A peace beyond all reason,
A rest there in your touch;
Something in your quiet words,
My heart yearns for so much.

If I but rest my worries,
Upon your shoulder there;
The strength that pours forth from your soul,
Will wash away each care.

Like a cool, sweet taste of water,
For a tired and thirsty man;
My heart finds peace, my soul is calm,
When I reach out for your hand.

Have A Wonderful Day!

08-21-2016, 07:21 AM
Present In The Progression

Letting Life Unfold

Our lives are guided by natural rhythms that are particular to each of us and cannot be altered by force of will alone. Life itself is a journey made up of processes and events that manifest before us only to be swept away when time marches on. Whether we envision ourselves creating a career, building a family, or developing the self, we instinctively know when the time has come for us to realize our dreams because all that is involved comes together harmoniously. When the time is right, the passage of destiny cannot be blocked. Yet as desperate as we are to touch these beautiful futures we have imagined, we cannot grow if we are not fully present in the evolutionary experience. The present can be challenging, uncomfortable, and tedious, but life unfolds as it will, and the universe will wait patiently as we make our way into the unknown.

The fate that awaits us is not dependent on our pace, which was preordained before we ever appeared in human guise. Therefore there is no reason to rush through life to reach those pinnacles of development associated with the paths we have chosen. Enjoying and fully experiencing the journey of life is as important as achieving goals and reaching milestones. There are lessons we can learn during those moments that seem immaterial or insignificant that we cannot learn at any other time. Appreciating these takes patience, however, because human beings tend to focus on the fulfillment of expectations rather than the simple joys of being.

Like many people, you have no doubt longed for a device that would give you the power to fast forward through certain periods of your existence. Yet haste is by its very nature vastly more stressful than serene fortitude. When you feel yourself growing impatient because the pace of your development is deceptively slow, remember that everything that will occur in your life will occur in its own time. Quelling your urge to rush will enable you to witness yourself learning, changing, and becoming stronger. There is so much to see and do in between the events and processes that we deem definitive. If you are patient enough to take pleasure in your existence's unfolding, the journey from one pinnacle to the next will seem to take no time at all.

What do you think?

This reminds me of what a friend keeps telling me, "Put it out to the Universe and see what you get back."

Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is not so good, and sometimes it is best ignored. Sometimes we feel we are not ready for it, that is when I have to pray for the willingness to be willing.

This ia a Daily OM reading. It is not AA, but it sure has some good `living`suggestions and they do come true like the 12 Promises that say we will have a new freedom and a new happiness.

This is a living program. The words that keep coming up for me today is hope. Hoping for a better tomorrow, if I live in today and do the do things I need to do for my recovery.


08-30-2016, 11:30 PM


Personally, I don't have the power. All I can share is my experience, strength and hope with others. They have to find the way. It is not my job to play God with someone else's life. I do not have the right to project my God on to others, but I can share how my God works in my life and pray that they will find their way.

I read something the other day that said, "You don't have to believe in God to find the Spirit within."

I thought this was very empowering. I thought I knew who God was, but as I worked this program i came to realize that God had been an old tape and I only knew God third hand. God was an old tape and I had to go on a spiritual journey to find out what God meant to me.

For me, God is, as he reveals Himself to me.

I keep telling people not to keep God in church. He is there for sure, but He is everywhere, and why should you limit God by your narrow vision and perception.

I can't make people believe anything, yet hopefully, by living my own program, they can see God working in my life and catch a glimpse of Him through me.

Reminds me of a long time joke about someone dying and his friends coming to say goodbye. The one fellow looks at his friend in the casket and starts to laugh. His buddy calls him his behaviour and says it was very appropriate for the occasion. He said, "I can't help it. Look at him lying there. He always claimed to be an atheist. There he is, all dressed up with no place to go."

It is funny, yet it is sad. To think of having no hope or direction in your life makes life so much more difficult. We have been there, although I knew there was a God, I just didn't believe that He believed in me.

God is as He reveals Himself to me in today.


09-10-2016, 06:03 PM
Promise Yourself…

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.

To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

C.D. Larson

09-17-2016, 09:03 PM
“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”

–Kahlil Gibran


10-07-2016, 11:26 AM
http://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k488/sqacct7/jan11/uncomfortablesoul_tumblr_ldj49gyyCq1qah2fqo1_500.j pg

10-16-2016, 07:54 AM
A Brand New Start


God sometimes brings us to a place
where answers can't be found...
Where we cannot see tomorrow,
for confusion all around.

Yet deep inside we realize
that all things work for good...
Even times when we've been wounded
and we feel misunderstood.

Don't dwell on the injustice
and stay focused on God's heart...
Find forgiveness and go on,
you can make a brand new start.

by Jill Lemming

08-10-2017, 04:07 PM


11-02-2017, 09:32 AM
