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10-21-2019, 10:05 AM
Empty Out the Negative

Your life is a vessel to receive God’s blessings. But have you noticed how easy it is for negative feelings, like worry, guilt, resentment, or fear, to creep in?

Here’s what I’ve learned . . .

When you empty out negativity and bottled-up emotions, there’s room for God to fill you with good things:

Let go of worry and God will fill you with peace.
Say “no” to inferiority and God will fill you with confidence.
Release guilt and God will fill you with freedom.
Resist complaining and God will fill you with gratitude.

You really CAN live happier, with more freedom, more joy!

Start by declaring this right now: “It’s a new day! I’m releasing the negative and receiving God’s goodness, favor, and mercy.”

You have to do it by faith. Negativity will say, “God’s not going to forgive you. It’s too late. Look at what you’ve done.”

But it’s not about what you’ve done. It’s about what God has done!

God gave us the wonderful gift of His Son, Jesus, who made a way for us to start new and walk in freedom from our past.

Joel Osteen