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09-05-2019, 09:02 AM
A Time to Reset

Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40

Recommended Reading
Proverbs 18:9-15 [ http://iz3.me/0G9c2zeTx1A1 ]

Even though more school systems are adopting a year-round calendar, we still have a back-to-school feeling about September. Whatever the calendar says, we bid goodbye to summer at Labor Day and settle into a new season of life. It’s a good time to push the reset button. Perhaps it’s even better than New Year’s Day because there’s no holiday fatigue, no harsh winter at hand, and no pressure to begin a whole new year. Today, right now, you can decide to reset some simple areas of your life that need reordering or reorganizing.

Watch This Week's TV Broadcast [ http://iz3.me/1G9c2zeTx1A1 ]

Think about it this weekend. If you had an hour to devote to resetting some area of your life, what would you begin? Perhaps it’s a spiritual habit that needs revitalization. Perhaps it’s an adjustment to your daily routine that will allow a bit more sleep, a rededication to keeping your financial records in order, or an obligation that’s run its course and needs to be deleted from your schedule. Maybe it’s as simple as cleaning out a drawer or a closet.

God isn’t a God of disorder, and He’s full of grace for fresh starts.


The word discipline closely relates to the word discipleship . Both connote a controlled life.
Kenneth O. Gangel

Ezekiel 36 – 40 [ http://iz3.me/3G9c2zeTx1A1 ]