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08-05-2013, 07:37 AM
Monday, August 5, 2013
Momentum changer
If nothing seems to be going right, break the pattern by getting yourself going right. When momentum is pushing you backwards, make the choice to create some positive, forward-directed momentum.
Just because a few negative things have happened to you, doesn’t mean you’re having a bad day. It means you have the opportunity to make a meaningful positive difference in the direction of the day.
Instead of agonizing over the setbacks and disappointments, get energized and enthusiastic about the good things you can now do. Get energized and then get busy actually doing those things, taking positive action and getting positive results.
Be a momentum changer. Although the day may have started out in an unfortunate direction, that can end right now with you.
Any negative pattern you experience can only continue if you let it. Don’t let it.
Stop the negative pattern, change the momentum and transform the whole day by choosing positive action. You have the power to be a momentum changer, so use that power to the benefit of yourself and all those around you.
— Ralph Marston
08-06-2013, 07:34 AM
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
One more thing
When you’ve done enough good things, all that’s expected of you, go ahead and do one more thing. Give your life and your world an unexpected bonus by giving a little extra effort.
That one more little thing can make a big difference. It could very well be the difference between just getting by and surging powerfully ahead.
If you try to get by with doing as little as possible, you’re guaranteed to struggle endlessly. Instead of seeing how little you can do, choose to be pleasantly surprised, inspired and energized by how much you can accomplish.
When the work you must do is finished, don’t stop. You’re on a productive roll, so get a little more value from it.
In fact, it feels great to make a difference, so extend that great feeling a little longer. You’ve gotten yourself to a positive, satisfying place, so enjoy it.
Once you’ve done everything, do one more thing, just because you can. And enjoy how truly great, and effective, and in control, and alive it makes you feel.
— Ralph Marston
08-07-2013, 08:12 AM
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Fear of success
The fear of failure is also the fear of success. If you hold yourself back due to fear of failure then you will be cut off from the possibility of success.
Achievement requires effort, and effort often results in disappointment. Yet that is really not such a bad thing.
In fact, disappointment does not have to hurt you or even slow you down. Instead of making a big deal about it, you can choose to continue making your way forward.
With no risk, there is no reward. Take the risk, make the effort, get past the disappointments, and work your way to the rewards.
Don’t seek failure, but don’t fear it either. Act with confidence, knowing each failure that may come will bring you closer to success.
Instead of worrying that you might encounter disappointment, put your energy, awareness and effort into doing what you can do. Even when you get it wrong, keep going, and before long you’ll have it right.
— Ralph Marston
08-08-2013, 08:28 AM
Focus on the outcome
Base your actions not on what just happened, but on what you would like to now make happen. You can’t change what already is, but you most certainly have influence over what will be.
Choose your actions and responses based on the outcomes you desire, not on the history you’ve experienced. Sure, it’s great to let the past inform you, but not good at all to let it control you.
Instead of trying to win an argument or prove a point or assign blame, put your energy into creating new value. Instead of being drawn into a useless negative reaction, choose a useful, helpful and positive outcome.
You don’t have to react to rudeness with more rudeness and you don’t have to react to injustice with more injustice. Decide to put an end to the negativity by focusing on a highly desirable outcome.
You may not have been the person in the wrong, yet you can be the person to make it right. So make the most of that extraordinary opportunity.
Look ahead, and choose the very best outcome for everyone involved. Then positively, politely, and enthusiastically put your efforts into making that outcome happen.
— Ralph Marston
08-09-2013, 08:38 AM
Friday, August 9, 2013
Positive future
Envision a positive future for yourself, for those you care about, and for your world. Let that future vision fill your spirit with positive energy in the present.
Give yourself a positive vision for the future and then begin to live that vision right now. Give yourself something wonderful and meaningful to look forward to, then start working forward to it.
No matter how young or how old you are, you can choose a positive and realistic vision of the future. And no matter where you are or what you have, you can immediately act to bring that vision about in your life.
The difference between feeling lousy and feeling great is knowing that you’re headed in a positive direction. Take steps right now so that you know, without a doubt, you are headed in a positive direction.
The future is as bright as you choose to see it. Make it shine so brilliantly that you are compelled to act effectively and persistently to bring it about.
Instead of arguing about the past or complaining about the present, create a beautiful vision for your future. And find real joy in living that vision.
— Ralph Marston
08-10-2013, 08:28 AM
Saturday, August 10, 2013
If you choose to
Your greatest weakness can become your biggest advantage, if you choose to make it so. Your biggest problem can become your most valuable and promising opportunity, if you choose to make it so.
What ultimately matters most is not what life gives you or withholds from you. What ultimately matters most is what you choose to do with it.
Many things are out of your control, and complaining or begging or wishing for them to be different is a waste of your time. What you can control is what you do with it all, and by exercising that control you’ll find limitless positive possibilities.
Yes, you can absolutely transform a difficult, challenging day into a highly empowering day. The first step is making the choice to do so.
Once you make that commitment, you are entirely capable of finding a way. Once you make that commitment, you connect yourself with a very real pathway to success.
Your life can be enormously fulfilling, no matter what. Make the choice, again and again, to make it so.
— Ralph Marston
08-11-2013, 08:43 AM
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Be kind to yourself
Be kind to yourself. The better you feel, the more value you can create for your world.
Learn from your mistakes, but don’t hound yourself relentlessly with them. Build for the future, but don’t withhold from yourself the joys that you can live right now.
Delight in life’s pleasures without sinking into meaningless excess. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you as it resonates with the beauty that is within you.
Find genuine satisfaction in productive, meaningful effort. Give the best that you have, and discover the real, lasting treasures you receive from doing so.
Provide yourself with the energy, commitment and determination to do much. And regularly give yourself some peaceful, relaxing time to do nothing.
Treat yourself with kindness, courtesy, respect and the highest of expectations. For life is as good as you choose to make it.
— Ralph Marston
08-12-2013, 07:26 AM
Monday, August 12, 2013
Go the distance
Though the road ahead is long and challenging, take the next step now. There is much to be done, and you can get it done by making good use of every day, of every moment.
When faced with a difficult task it’s natural to feel overwhelmed. The best way to get past that feeling is not to give up, but to get busy and make some solid progress.
Unexpected challenges will arise, obstacles will block your path, and it will feel like the world is against you. When that happens, the key to feeling better about your situation is to do something positive and proactive with it.
Remind yourself that in this moment all is well, because you are here and able to make a difference. This moment is the sum of everything you have, so choose to feel good about it and to do good with it.
To assure the best of what is to come, make the best of what is right now. Instead of dreading what you imagine in the future, embrace and make positive use of the reality of the present.
You can absolutely go the distance if you’ll take it one positive, productive moment at a time. Live fully now, and you’ll be immensely thankful you did, for a long time to come.
— Ralph Marston
08-13-2013, 08:02 AM
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Find a way to care
Find a way to care about it and you’ll find a way to get it done. Make the task meaningful enough and you’re sure to make it happen.
Don’t waste your time and drain your energy doing things you don’t want to do. Put your effort into connecting what you must do to the passions that are yours.
All your life you’ve been happy to do the things you truly want to do. So instead of laboring against your desires, make the connection between those desires and whatever you’re working on.
The tasks you enjoy and find meaningful are the tasks at which you excel. Whatever you’re doing, remind yourself why it matters and you’ll find yourself doing it with excellence.
Instead of complaining that you don’t care, frame the task in such a way that you do care. Instead of assuming that your work is meaningless, be the one to give authentic meaning to it.
Make the choice to enjoy and find fulfillment in everything you do. Not only will you feel great, you’ll do great too.
— Ralph Marston
08-14-2013, 07:38 AM
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Live what matters
Find a way today to do something that truly fulfills you. You have unique dreams, desires and values, so live them.
It’s not selfish to listen to yourself. In fact, what’s truly selfish is to keep your highest desires hidden and unfulfilled.
There is a way, right now, to live some aspect of your life in the best way you can imagine. Imagine it, feel it, and do it, now.
Give respect to what matters. You owe it to life to be your best, so do what makes you feel your best.
Pay attention to what’s practical and sensible, but pay more attention to what’s meaningful. Be reasonable while also being fully alive and true to your purpose.
You are here on this beautiful day, so enjoy the beauty in your own special way. Live what matters, now and always.
— Ralph Marston
08-15-2013, 08:13 AM
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Positive choices
You can choose to be happy just as easily as you choose to be sad. The choice, no matter what the situation, is always up to you.
You can choose to get up and get going just as easily as you choose to sit and do nothing. The choice to actively move your life forward is always yours to make.
Instead of worrying about who is to blame, focus on choosing your most positive response. Instead of letting the past get you down, make the choices that will lift you up.
This is your own life, so live it with your own best intentions. Each moment gives you a new choice, so make all those choices count.
Sure, there are many things that are out of your control. Yet there are still plenty of choices that enable you to live your life the way you wish to live it.
Choose, again and again, to live in alignment with your purpose and your highest values. Positive choices are what create a positive, fulfilling life.
— Ralph Marston
08-16-2013, 07:42 AM
Friday, August 16, 2013
Embrace the responsibility
You don’t have to prove how good you are. Just be how good you are.
You don’t need anyone else’s permission to live your dreams. Give yourself permission, and inspiration, and a sincere reason, and go for it.
The quality of your life is not determined by what other people choose to think of you. It is determined by what you choose to think and do.
Stop wishing for someone to bail you out, or waiting for someone to give you a break. Give yourself a nudge forward, then get moving and keep moving.
Consider your good fortune at being able to act on your own behalf. Delight in the fact that you are responsible for the way your life unfolds.
Embrace that responsibility and all the good things it makes possible. Live that responsibility, and make your life live up to your very best expectations.
— Ralph Marston
08-17-2013, 08:24 AM
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Aim even higher
You’ve done much. Now do more.
Life is dynamic, never standing still, moving either forward or back. Standing still is not an option, and you don’t want to slip backwards, so do what it takes to move forward.
Be satisfied with what you’ve done, but don’t be content to merely leave it at that. After you’ve made a little progress, or a lot, make a lot more.
Achievement is not a good reason to stop achieving. In fact, it’s a great starting point for even more achievement.
Whether you’ve aimed high, or aimed low, or have not aimed at all, now is the time to aim higher. Give your life a boost of energy and enthusiasm by giving yourself a great and meaningful place to go.
Aim high, achieve, and then aim even higher. You know you can do it, and you know how good and right it feels.
— Ralph Marston
08-18-2013, 07:57 AM
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Choose discipline
Discipline is a decision you make, over and over again. Discipline is choosing to do what you know must be done, as often and as long as necessary.
With discipline, you can make smart and advantageous use of the time and resources available to you. With discipline, you can create great value for yourself and your world.
The most powerful way to put discipline into your life is to understand and remind yourself of what it can do for you. Once you truly decide to live with it, the power of discipline is yours.
If you do not choose to discipline yourself, you will eventually be subject to the harsh, inescapable discipline imposed upon you by life’s realities. It is far more desirable to choose your own discipline and to deal with those realities on your own terms.
Self discipline opens up a world of choices and opportunities which otherwise would not be available to you. Whatever goal you set your sights upon, discipline is the most reliable way to reach it.
Choose, early and often, to use the powerful tool of discipline. And always achieve maximum results from your time and your actions.
— Ralph Marston
08-19-2013, 08:02 AM
Monday, August 19, 2013
Conditions are perfect
Don’t put off your life waiting for conditions to be right. Conditions are perfect, right here and now, because you are alive and able to make a difference.
The day to live life fully is not someday. Someday never comes, yet today is here for you right now.
Wait no longer, for in this moment is the opportunity you seek. Life can be as rich and fulfilling as you dare to imagine on this very day.
For life’s richness does not come from arranging your affairs in a certain, specific way. Life’s true richness is found by allowing, feeling, expressing and experiencing your own unique beauty as it flows out from you.
Let that beauty flow into whatever circumstances you may find yourself in. Release the conditions you’ve put on joy, and let it fill your world, however that world may otherwise be.
On this day, in this moment, in this place, conditions are perfect for you to fully live. Experience the wonder of your life that is right now.
— Ralph Marston
08-20-2013, 06:43 AM
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Make yourself persist
If you see that you’re making a difference, keep going, and add to your positive influence. If it seems you’re not making a difference, make some adjustments, keep going, and you’re sure to find an effective way forward.
The key is to keep going. Whether you’re encouraged, discouraged, jubilant or disappointed, the next step is to go ahead and decisively take the next step.
To find, you must seek. To achieve, you must act, no matter what.
You know you have it in you to live the best life you can imagine. Express that value and beauty within you by keeping yourself in motion.
When the going is good, it’s easy to keep going, so do. When things are not going well, it’s more important than ever to keep going, so by all means do.
Persistence wins. Make yourself persist and you’ll transform your world in meaningful, positive, wonderful ways.
— Ralph Marston
08-21-2013, 08:36 AM
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Uncover the richness
Your life is inherently rich on many levels, and yet your own negative thoughts and feelings can cover up that richness. The more negativity you let go of, the more goodness you allow into your experience of life.
Let go of your need to judge, your habit of fear, and your desire to take offense, and uncover the richness. Choose to forgive, to act with courage, and to understand, and feel that richness as it fills your life.
Stop struggling to justify and express your negative impulses. Instead, enjoy floating freely and peacefully in your own sense of goodness.
Delight in your own richness by giving of it to your world. Experience the extent of your good fortune by living it with love and generosity.
Instead of obsessing over the moment’s shortcomings, celebrate life’s richness. Look beyond your minor concerns and see your major positive possibilities.
The immense richness of your life is always within your reach. Let go of the little negative things and experience that richness in big and wonderful ways.
— Ralph Marston
08-22-2013, 08:12 AM
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Somewhere special
You don’t have to go somewhere special to be somewhere special. Wherever you happen to be has a unique and valuable beauty all its own.
You don’t have to do anything special to experience how truly great and special life is. Even in the ordinary things there is always extraordinary richness to be found.
Just the sensation of the warm sun on your skin is amazing. And that’s something you can feel anywhere on the face of the Earth.
There’s no need to wait until some special moment to experience life in all its glory. The fact is, you can make any moment special just by giving your love and authenticity to it.
Look around you, wherever you are, and you’ll see plenty of opportunities for fulfillment. What makes life special is your choice to live it fully.
Allow yourself to feel the wonder, to drink in the beauty and to experience the special time and place where you are. Life is always special, so live it accordingly.
— Ralph Marston
08-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Friday, August 23, 2013
Your awareness
Life can wear you down, or life can lift you up. It all depends on how you choose to see it and live it.
The primary component of weariness is not age or infirmity or circumstance. It is attitude.
The main ingredient of enthusiasm is not youth or comfort or good fortune. It is your attitude, based on your awareness.
What do you look for, think about, focus on and expect? That is what you will experience.
Focus the bulk of your awareness not on transient trivialities, but on what truly matters to you, to your dreams, and to your values. Pay much less attention to the fears and frustrations, and much more attention to the positive possibilities and opportunities.
Sincerely see life as beautiful and fulfilling, and you will make life beautiful and fulfilling. Your awareness has awesome power, so use it wisely and lovingly.
— Ralph Marston
08-24-2013, 07:24 AM
Saturday, August 24, 2013
How good you have it
Remind yourself today how good you have it. Then allow yourself to make it even better.
Step back from the immediate challenges and frustrations, and look at the big picture. In the big picture of your life and your world, see the positive possibilities.
Let your awareness be filled with gratitude for all that is, and for your unique perspective within it. Treasure what you are thankful for, and be thankful for what you treasure.
The daily pains and setbacks are indeed real, and can certainly be very serious. Yet above and beyond all that, is your profoundly amazing existence, and every good possibility you can imagine.
There is much that must be done, and there is even more that you are able to do. Experience for a moment how good it feels to have the opportunity to make a difference.
Then act on that opportunity, make a real and beneficial difference in life, and feel even better. Remember how good you have it, and celebrate your good fortune by making even more.
— Ralph Marston
08-25-2013, 07:33 AM
Sunday, August 25, 2013
You are valuable
You are valuable. Others may not treat you as such, but that in no way diminishes the fact that you are truly and undeniably valuable. You are valuable, and nothing that anyone else can do or say will ever take that value away. The value of your life is yours to hide from or to ignore if you choose, or to live with magnificent fulfillment.
Your thoughts and opinions are valuable. The more they are challenged, tested and refined, the more valuable they become. Your interests, passions and experiences are valuable. Even your disappointments and limitations have much positive value because of the learning and perspective they provide.
You are valuable, and it is your unique challenge in every moment to fulfill that value. Though it is much easier to pretend that you have no value, what is easiest is not what is best.
For ultimately, life is considerably more rich and more rewarding, more filled with joy and real meaning, when you live true to the value that is you. Know that you are indeed valuable, and let that value shine.
— Ralph Marston
08-26-2013, 07:57 AM
Monday, August 26, 2013
The less you need
Much of what you think you need, you may not need at all. Challenge your assumptions, and free yourself of needless needs.
The less you need, the more you can enjoy. The less you need, the richer you are.
Certainly there are very real necessities and obligations in your life. But there’s nothing to be gained by piling your own invented needs on top of them.
Life might in fact be much better if you made the choice to do without some of the things you think you can’t do without. Letting go of self-imposed burdens can open many doors to new experiences and joys.
Although being needy may feel comfortable, living with positive purpose and intention feels much better. Look for opportunities to get away from your needs and into your possibilities.
Live by choice, not merely by habit. Let go of the needless needs, and feel the exquisite, empowering freedom.
— Ralph Marston
08-27-2013, 08:30 AM
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Positively purposeful
Don’t waste your energy on being annoyed and resentful. Put your energy into doing something positive about your situation.
To the degree that you’re filled with annoyance or frustration or anger, you’re ineffective. And that just leads to more annoyance, frustration and anger.
However, you can choose to break the cycle. You can choose to be positively purposeful.
If someone acts in a rude and disrespectful way, let it be that person’s problem and not yours. Let it go, and move on ahead with what you’ve chosen to do.
Though there are plenty of things to be angry about, there are almost no good things your anger can accomplish. Rather than reacting with anger, redirect your energy into intentional, positive purpose.
Don’t let rude, annoying people choose your attitude. Choose your own positively purposeful attitude, and reward yourself with a rich and fulfilling life.
— Ralph Marston
08-28-2013, 08:32 AM
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Little bits
If all you can do right now is a little bit, do it. Those little bits will quickly add up.
Value that is built over time, in small increments, tends to be value that also lasts for a long time. Use each opportunity, each day, to build more.
Doing something, even if it is just a little bit, is infinitely more productive than doing nothing. So do something, where you are, with what you have, using the time that’s available to you.
By doing something now, you increase the value of what you’re able to do later. By doing something useful with this moment, you preserve the moment’s value long after the moment has passed.
By all means, do as much as you can. And if all you can do right now is just a little bit, that’s a whole lot more than nothing.
Do a little bit now, a little bit later, and as much as you can each chance you get. Soon you’ll have a whole lot of good things to show for your efforts.
— Ralph Marston
08-29-2013, 07:12 AM
Thursday, August 29, 2013
No apologies
If you have hurt someone, then apologies are most certainly in order. If you haven’t, then you have no need to apologize to anyone.
Be who you are, loving who you love, admiring what you admire, and valuing what you value. Instead of worrying about what other people might think, focus on what will bring you authentic fulfillment.
Be kind and helpful and loving toward others, but don’t be a slave to their opinions. Live with richness, with originality, and with no apologies.
Make your own way through each day, taking responsibility for your actions and for your life. Be true to your highest, authentic values, doing what you know is right and good, creative and valuable.
Your life is unique and precious, so give it the respect and commitment it deserves. Your possibilities are amazing, so use your full efforts to bring the best of them unashamedly to life.
Live with true purpose and rock solid integrity. And you won’t be wasting your time or energy on apologies.
— Ralph Marston
08-30-2013, 08:10 AM
Friday, August 30, 2013
Think your best
Right now, you have the opportunity to choose your thoughts. And the thoughts you choose will have a direct impact on the life you live.
Your thoughts focus your awareness. The direction of your awareness determines which of life’s possibilities you see, explore, and fulfill.
The things you think about over and over again become crucial components of your reality. Take positive, purposeful, persistent control of your thoughts, and you can point your life in whatever direction you choose.
Your mind has great power. Use that power to bring more meaningful goodness into your life and your world.
Choose not to waste your valuable thoughts on meaningless and negative things. Instead, invest your thoughts each day so that they will lift life higher.
It’s amazing what you can think, and even more amazing where your thoughts can lead. Think of life at its very best, and you’re on your way to making it so.
— Ralph Marston
08-31-2013, 10:20 AM
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Grand adventure
Don’t just sit there. Make a richer, more beautiful, more meaningful, more fulfilled life out of every moment you have.
Don’t complain that things are bad. Accept that things are as they are, and make new goodness and value from them.
This is your life, your moment, your opportunity to make a difference. This is your day, filled with abundance that’s ready to be transformed into unique greatness.
Instead of avoiding the challenges, embrace them. Instead of being intimidated by the limitations, be inspired to find new ways around them.
You don’t have to settle for just getting by or merely making it through the day. You are capable of so very much more, so go for it.
Realize what a magnificent opportunity you have, right here and now. And fully live the grand adventure that is your life.
— Ralph Marston
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