08-11-2019, 05:07 AM
Many of us have possibly put off a decision in life. Some major decisions. Some not so major. However, we all have some decisions to make in life. When we make our decisions carefully and go to God for help, we are pleasing Him. He wants to guide us in our decision making with His word. He wants to show us the way as we lean on the Holy Spirit to direct us. When we have decisions to make, we need to remember we are not alone. We can go to God and seek His will so we can make the best decision for us and others. When we make the decision to choose God, we are deciding to live only for Him and to obey only Him.
SCRIPTURE: Joshua 24:22 “’You are a witness to your own decision,’ Joshua said. ‘You have chosen to serve the Lord.’ ‘Yes,’ they replied, ‘we are witnesses to what we have said.’” (NLT)
1. Write about some decisions you have made.
2. List the ones you made without God.
3. Pray asking God to help you make right decisions today.
4. Look for opportunities to go to Him before making decisions.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us today with our choices and decisions. We know we sometimes don’t have all the facts. We know we sometimes make quick decisions. We know we sometimes don’t come to You before making a decision. Help us today to remember You in all our choices and decisions. We want to do what You want and to give You the glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
REMEMBER: We must not allow those who do wrong to sway us to make a wrong decision.
We should not accept bribes that would force us to make wrong decisions.
Deuteronomy 16:19 “Never accept a bribe, for bribes blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt the decisions of the godly.” (NLT)
When our decision is to serve the Lord, we are making a right decision.
Our decisions must be based on facts and truth.
Isaiah 11:3 “He will delight in obeying the Lord. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay.” (NLT)
We should be sure our decisions are in line with God’s will for our lives and the lives of others. 38
Many of us have possibly put off a decision in life. Some major decisions. Some not so major. However, we all have some decisions to make in life. When we make our decisions carefully and go to God for help, we are pleasing Him. He wants to guide us in our decision making with His word. He wants to show us the way as we lean on the Holy Spirit to direct us. When we have decisions to make, we need to remember we are not alone. We can go to God and seek His will so we can make the best decision for us and others. When we make the decision to choose God, we are deciding to live only for Him and to obey only Him.
SCRIPTURE: Joshua 24:22 “’You are a witness to your own decision,’ Joshua said. ‘You have chosen to serve the Lord.’ ‘Yes,’ they replied, ‘we are witnesses to what we have said.’” (NLT)
1. Write about some decisions you have made.
2. List the ones you made without God.
3. Pray asking God to help you make right decisions today.
4. Look for opportunities to go to Him before making decisions.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, help us today with our choices and decisions. We know we sometimes don’t have all the facts. We know we sometimes make quick decisions. We know we sometimes don’t come to You before making a decision. Help us today to remember You in all our choices and decisions. We want to do what You want and to give You the glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
REMEMBER: We must not allow those who do wrong to sway us to make a wrong decision.
We should not accept bribes that would force us to make wrong decisions.
Deuteronomy 16:19 “Never accept a bribe, for bribes blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt the decisions of the godly.” (NLT)
When our decision is to serve the Lord, we are making a right decision.
Our decisions must be based on facts and truth.
Isaiah 11:3 “He will delight in obeying the Lord. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay.” (NLT)
We should be sure our decisions are in line with God’s will for our lives and the lives of others. 38