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12-01-2013, 08:02 AM
Sunday, December 1, 2013
You deserve
You deserve the best in life. And you deserve the experience of creating it.
You are worthy of a life that’s rich and filled with meaning. And you are worthy of working through the difficult challenges to make that life a reality.
At any given moment, including this moment right now, you are fully deserving of life’s greatest experiences. It is never too early and it is never too late to fully feel how it feels to be uniquely alive.
You deserve to be extraordinarily happy in your own special way. And you deserve to realize and to understand that you are the only person who can choose to let that happiness flow.
You deserve to find the strength within yourself to triumph over difficult challenges. You deserve to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from a job well done.
You deserve whatever you truly desire and whatever you most authentically imagine. Get busy now, with a love of the possibilities, and give yourself what you deserve.
— Ralph Marston
12-02-2013, 07:04 AM
Monday, December 2, 2013
Build great strength
Don’t run from failure or hide from failure or avoid the possibility of failure. Use failure to improve.
If you’re not willing to fail, you won’t be able to grow. To become stronger and more capable, you must push yourself beyond what you already know you can do.
It is only by lifting more weight than you’ve lifted before that you strengthen your muscles. It is by experiencing failure that you discover new ways to succeed.
Failure and disappointment can serve as powerful steps along the path to magnificent achievement. In dealing with the difficult times, you build great strength with which to create good, meaningful, satisfying and fulfilling value in your world.
Success means nothing if it is not earned. Failure is an important part of earning success.
The road to achievement will constantly test you. Be willing to take those tests, and to work through those tests, and achievement is yours.
— Ralph Marston
12-03-2013, 07:20 AM
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Choose a positive response
No matter what happens, you can respond in whatever way you choose. So make your response the most positive one for every person it affects.
There’s nothing to be gained by adding more negativity on top of negativity. You have the opportunity to break the pattern.
Instead of responding to anger with more anger, challenge yourself to respond with understanding and compassion. When you’re tempted to respond with frustration, make the more positive choice to respond with patience.
For your world to be a more positive place, you must take responsibility for putting more positive energy into it. Though a positive response may be the more difficult one, it is also the more valuable choice in the long run.
Rather than choosing a response based on what has happened, choose your response based on the direction you wish to go. Even when life has let you down, your best choice is a positive response that creates a more positive future.
Each response to life is an opportunity to make progress. Choose a positive response, again and again, and create a much more positive world.
— Ralph Marston
12-04-2013, 07:47 AM
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Give purpose to this day
To get the most out of this day, give it a purpose. Instead of just taking whatever comes, experience this day the way you choose to experience it.
If this day has no clear purpose, then you’re likely to be tossed around by all the random things that happen. Yet when you’ve made a firm commitment to a specific result, your focused direction will enable you to rise above the distractions and diversions.
If you’re standing still, wondering what to do next, the obstacles will push you back. Yet when you’re already moving forward and you encounter obstacles, your momentum will help carry you through them.
Give this day a purpose that will excite you, motivate you, ignite your passion and compel you to get moving. Give yourself something good and meaningful to show for the time you spend living this day.
When the next step is clear, you’re much more likely to take it. When you’ve decided exactly what is to be done, you’re much more likely to do it.
There is enormous positive potential in this very day. Give this day a purpose, and claim some of the great value it offers.
— Ralph Marston
12-05-2013, 07:42 AM
Thursday, December 5, 2013
The moment when you can
Now is the most important time in your life, because now is the time you can do something about. Now is your most powerful moment, because now is when you can exercise the power of your intention.
Don’t waste this powerful moment complaining about the past or worrying about the future. Invest your time, this time right now, in living with purpose, passion, creativity, effectiveness and joy.
This is not a time to be timid or vengeful, angry or disappointed. This is your time to find sweet fulfillment in using your wisdom and your efforts to make a difference.
It doesn’t really matter what’s been happening lately, or whether you’ve been falling behind or speeding ahead. Now is a valuable new moment, filled with new possibilities, ready for you to live with all you have.
Now is jam-packed full of great opportunity. Grab some of that opportunity, right here, right now, and do something beautiful and meaningful with it.
You are here, this moment is here, the possibilities are here, and you can immediately start to transform those possibilities into fulfilling reality. This is the moment when you can, so do.
— Ralph Marston
12-06-2013, 07:19 AM
Friday, December 6, 2013
Live smart
Don’t just think about how great life can be. Live those thoughts.
In your own unique way, you are incredibly smart. So use the opportunity of this day to live smart.
Your best ideas deserve much more than to be stuck in your mind. Bring those ideas to life.
You intuitively understand what it will take to make a positive difference in the world. So go ahead, and actually do what it takes.
Put your thinking into action and truly experience how great life can be. Translate your intelligent thoughts into effective, rewarding efforts.
You’re smart enough to know what it takes to create the fulfillment you desire. Put that great intelligence to use, today, and make it happen.
— Ralph Marston
12-07-2013, 06:57 AM
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Who to blame
When a law has been broken or a contract violated, it is important to determine who is to blame. For most other things in life, however, being concerned about blame is largely a waste of time and effort.
Yes, it matters who is to blame. Yet there are plenty of other things that matter much, much more.
Punishing those who are to blame does not undo what they have done. Time and effort put into assigning blame take time and effort away from moving forward.
Let go of the need to blame. Embrace the freedom and the opportunity that forgiveness can bring.
It is better to make new progress than it is to fight battles from the past. Instead of becoming obsessed about who is to blame, become passionate about the good things you can now do.
Your best options are found by looking forward, not back. Make the choice to make the best of what has happened, starting now.
— Ralph Marston
12-08-2013, 07:43 AM
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Coming and going
Kindness is just as enjoyable when you’re giving it as it is when you’re receiving it. Love makes you just as warm inside whether you’re offering it to another or you’re on the receiving end of its good graces.
There is nothing to be gained by keeping score, by worrying whether or not you’re receiving as much love and kindness as you’re giving. Instead of wasting your time and energy keeping track, put that energy into creating more love, more kindness in the world.
Whether it is coming or going, love is yours to enjoy. When you feel the need for love, give your love freely, and you will surely experience its richness and warmth.
Even when a kindness is never returned, it still exists and shines a positive light on all who touch it. Rather than waiting for kindness to come to you, let it freely come from you at every opportunity.
Give love, and it grows more abundant. Offer kindness, and there is more of it in your life.
No matter what direction they flow, love and kindness add real value to each life they touch. Take every opportunity to let them freely flow.
— Ralph Marston
12-09-2013, 07:24 AM
Monday, December 9, 2013
Start the ball rolling
Motivation leads to action, and action leads to more motivation. If you’re not motivated to do anything, do a little something anyway and start the ball rolling.
Even the smallest positive step can begin to create positive momentum. Take that small step, feel the tiny wisp of motivation and momentum, and let it carry you to the next modest step.
Even if it doesn’t seem to accomplish anything, a small, initial positive action does in fact achieve something of great consequence. It gets you going.
Once you’re in motion, you’re much more likely to stay in motion. The longer you stay in motion, the more likely you are to keep going.
The best thing to do when you don’t feel like doing anything, is to do something. Remind yourself that although you may be severely unmotivated, you can take a small action anyway.
No matter what your situation or level of motivation may be, there’s some little something you can do. Do it now, get the ball rolling, and let the power of positive momentum push you forward.
— Ralph Marston
12-10-2013, 07:37 AM
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Do yourself a big favor
You don’t have to beg or wish or hope for favors from others. You can do yourself a big favor today.
You can use the moments of this day, the moments available to you right now, to create value. You can choose to take the specific actions that will bring new, meaningful richness to your world.
Even though you may be burdened with challenges, obligations, limitations, frustrations and other factors pushing against you, still you can move forward. You can choose to achieve something valuable in spite of whatever might be working against you.
What really matters is not your situation, but your attitude, your intentions and your commitment to make positive things happen. When you’re truly committed to making progress, you will find a way.
Reach into your most sincere, authentic self and connect with what matters most to you. Have the courage to admit what you love, and to do something about it.
Do yourself a big favor and live this day with purpose, intention, passion and relentless energy. You can do it, and you’ll feel amazing when you do.
— Ralph Marston
12-11-2013, 07:49 AM
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Think highly of yourself
Very often, your biggest limitations are the limitations you put on yourself. What you expect has a profound effect on what you actually get.
If you think of yourself as too old, too inexperienced, uninformed, dull or ordinary, those negative expectations influence the way you live. When you think of yourself as creative, passionate, interesting, valuable, unique and genuine, those positive expectations will be expressed in your life.
Thinking highly of yourself doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant or elitist. When you truly think highly of yourself, you’ll end up living your life so as to genuinely prove those thoughts accurate.
You can be held back by your expectations, or encouraged forward by your expectations. Make the choice to be encouraged, inspired, motivated and compelled by the positive things you expect of yourself.
Sure, there are many difficult challenges you’ll face in living a fulfilled, successful life. Don’t add your own negative expectations to those challenges.
Instead, expect the best of yourself in every moment and in every situation. And ride those expectations forward to a life of true fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
12-12-2013, 07:15 AM
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Give care
If all you care about is what’s in it for you, there won’t be much in it for you. If all you care about is what other people think of you, people won’t think very highly of you.
What you care about has a powerful impact on the way your life unfolds. So instead of caring so much about what you think you need, put your energy into caring for all that you have.
You have life, and great possibilities, and other people with whom to enjoy it all. You have a universe filled with beauty and wonder, and the opportunity to create new meaning and value.
Give loving care, attention, gratitude and support to the abundance with which your world is filled. Take good care of the good things, and they will grow even more beneficial.
Give care, focused thought, attention and awareness to whatever you’re doing, and whatever you’re doing will bring meaningful, valuable results. Give your care to making a difference, and continually put that care into action.
Lift up life by caring for it. Give true care, and the rewards are immense.
— Ralph Marston
12-13-2013, 08:02 AM
Friday, December 13, 2013
Clear direction
Decide where you will go, and then go there. When you live by intention, there is no limit to the rich rewards that life can bring.
To get somewhere, you must first know precisely where that is. To achieve, you must zero in on the specific details of your intended achievement.
Whether it is for an hour, a day, a month, five years or five decades, clear and purposeful direction makes a profound difference. The highest level of fulfillment comes to those who can envision precisely what that fulfillment looks like.
Yes, it’s difficult to hone your scattered ideas and desires into a positive, coherent direction. Yet you most certainly can do it, and each time you do the results will be amazing.
Give yourself a clear direction for this day, for this week, for this beautiful and unique life of yours. Give yourself a clear direction and you’ll have a workable path to your own special greatness.
In whatever you’re doing, choose a direction that will express your highest, most treasured values. Give yourself a direction, and give your very best gifts to life.
— Ralph Marston
12-14-2013, 06:05 AM
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Unwelcome interruptions
You have great plans, and yet life is always getting in the way. You intensely wish to move forward, but all sorts of things seem to constantly interrupt and impede that movement.
But do those unexpected and unwelcome interruptions really have to hold you back? The fact is, you don’t have to let them.
Sure, you must regularly deal with the urgent, pressing matters that come your way. But that doesn’t mean those unwelcome interruptions have to take over your life.
Instead of seeing those interruptions as negative, distracting influences, you can just as realistically choose to see them as positive, empowering opportunities. Just because they weren’t in your plans doesn’t mean they have to upset your plans.
Decide that there’s something positive to be found, and you’ll find something positive in anything. Decide that the interruptions won’t really interrupt you, but will in fact provide you with additional ways to move forward, and that’s exactly what will happen.
Learn to welcome, embrace and empower yourself with the unexpected interruptions. They’re always going to come, so make the choice to make them work in your favor.
— Ralph Marston
12-15-2013, 07:58 AM
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Make life good
Your resentment gives more power and influence to whatever you resent. Is that really what you want?
There’s no reason why a negative situation has to make you negative. You always have plenty of other options.
You don’t have to let your attitude be poisoned by other people, situations, or events. You can choose a positive, powerful perspective no matter what.
You don’t have to let your life be thrown into a turmoil by every little thing that happens. Instead, you can decide to be directed by a deep and abiding sense of true purpose.
Remember who you are, and why you are, and what’s important to you. Focus a little more on what matters, and a little less on what just arbitrarily comes your way.
Live on purpose, live with purpose, and with constant, loving attention to that purpose. You can make life good in your own way no matter what.
— Ralph Marston
12-16-2013, 07:06 AM
Monday, December 16, 2013
Better than ever
If you’re in a pattern that’s taking you nowhere, it’s time to create a new pattern. That’s not nearly as difficult as it might initially sound.
You are the person who is keeping yourself stuck in an unproductive pattern. You are the person who can move quickly, decisively and permanently to something much better.
Stop and take an honest, objective look at what you’re doing. If you had a good friend who was doing the same kinds of things, think of the advice you would give that friend.
One big reason you keep doing what doesn’t work is because it feels comfortable. So remind yourself that continuing in a negative, unproductive and unfulfilling pattern will make you extremely uncomfortable in the long run.
Comfort feels nice, and yet fulfillment and meaningful achievement feel thousands of times better. Your life is meant to be filled with the richness of new experiences, not just the comfort of familiar routines.
Get yourself out of that same old pattern and get yourself on a path that will resonate with your passion. You owe it to yourself, and to all of life, to continue becoming better than ever.
— Ralph Marston
12-17-2013, 07:19 AM
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Making hope real
It’s good to hope for the best. Yet it’s infinitely more effective to put your thoughts, actions, commitment and genuine love into actually bringing about the best in life.
Hoping, wishing and dreaming can be very positive experiences. It is important to remember, though, that such experiences are starting points, not ultimate destinations.
You can very realistically experience what you hope for. The way to do so is to go beyond mere hope, and to put your life into making that hope real.
Hope can matter very much, and have an extremely positive impact. The way to make it matter is to do something about it.
Give time, effort and substance to your hope, to your dreams, wishes and visions for life. If something is important enough to hope for, it is absolutely important enough to work for.
Experience how good it can be to feel the hope. Then experience how very much better it feels when you put your life into making the hope real.
— Ralph Marston
12-18-2013, 07:33 AM
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Offer encouragement
You cannot force other people to do the right thing. What you can do, and what is extremely effective, is to encourage them.
If you offer threats, intimidation and low expectations, you’ll get resentment and poor performance. When you assume and expect the worst of others, you’re very likely to get it.
A better choice is to expect the best, and to offer opportunities for those expectations to be met. Though it’s true that people won’t always live up to your positive expectations, it’s also true that most people would prefer to do what’s best for everyone concerned.
Just about everyone responds positively to positive, genuine encouragement. Let others know, clearly, precisely and in positive terms, what you expect, and let them know you have faith that they’ll meet those expectations.
Instead of looking for ways to control, look for opportunities to support and encourage. Instead of conducting detached transactions, seek to build ongoing relationships.
Offer the encouragement to do what is right, what is good, what is valuable and positive. Expect the best, in a supportive way, and it is much more likely to happen.
— Ralph Marston
12-19-2013, 06:29 AM
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Joyful world
Put some real joy into what you’re doing, and what you’re doing changes for the better. Put some genuine joy into the situation, and new, positive possibilities come clearly into focus.
Instead of assuming that you cannot possibly enjoy what you’re doing, find ways to add your own joy to it. Instead of expecting joy to be given to you, make as much of your own joy as you can.
Energize your moments by living them joyfully and enthusiastically. You can choose the way you relate to life, so choose to do it with joy.
Don’t poison your attitude by compiling a list of things that get you down. Commit yourself to lifting life up no matter what kinds of things might be going on.
By all means, live in the real world, and live with authentic joy. Be realistic and joyful at the same time, and your reality will get better and better.
This is a day, this is a moment, this is a life that could benefit from some real joy. Give some joy now, and as often as you can, and live in a more joyful world.
— Ralph Marston
12-20-2013, 07:10 AM
Friday, December 20, 2013
Something good in it
What appears to be a problem is not just a problem. It is an invitation to explore new positive possibilities.
What seems impossible is not entirely impossible. It is challenging you to look at the situation from a different perspective.
The obstacles that block you are also doing you a favor. They are guiding you to become more creative, more innovative, more determined and purposeful.
Each negative thing has a positive element. That’s because you have the amazing ability to learn, to adapt, to create and to transform life according to your unique, positive vision.
There’s really no need to worry about what might or might not come. For no matter what may come, there’s a way for you to create more goodness and richness from it.
Enthusiastically embrace each moment with open arms. There’s something good in it, waiting for you to bring it to life.
— Ralph Marston
12-21-2013, 07:34 AM
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Taste the goodness
Relax, let go, be thankful and live this beautiful life that is yours right now. Feel the goodness that is your nature, and let that goodness fill your awareness.
Be where you love to be by loving where you are. Enjoy life by enjoying the moment you’re in.
See the beauty that is all around you, in even the most ordinary of things. Feel the truly astounding miracle that is your existence on this day, in this place.
Allow yourself to be filled with wonder and appreciation for all that is. Know that there is unique positive value to be discovered in every turn of events, and choose to make the most of that value.
There is every reason to expect the best of yourself and your world right now. There is every reason to live this moment with passion, purpose and love.
Open yourself fully to life, and see how truly good it is, right now. Taste the goodness, and let it grow more abundant within you.
— Ralph Marston
12-22-2013, 07:17 AM
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Through your unique awareness, life experiences itself. What you do, what you think, what you feel, goes far beyond you.
Choose to be at peace, and you add to the peacefulness of all existence. Choose to be happy, and there is more happiness all around.
Your own genuine happiness does not take anything away from anyone else. It is truly a way for you to give to all of life.
Every moment you live, you add your own special perspective to the whole of life. With each choice you make, you have the opportunity to change the world.
Life is not something that exists somewhere out there apart from you. It is a magnificent panorama into which your thoughts, words and actions are inextricably woven.
The way you choose to live changes things, not only in your own life but also in all of life. Choose now, and always, to lift up the world with which you are so solidly connected.
— Ralph Marston
12-23-2013, 07:34 AM
Monday, December 23, 2013
When success happens
When and where do success and achievement always happen? They always happen here and now.
This is the moment when you can choose to either work toward your dreams or to let them fade away. Now is when you take the specific actions that create the reality of your life.
Successful achievement is not some far off, future concept that might happen someday. Achievement is very real, and comes about as a result of what you do now.
You will not ever get anything done if you keep scheduling it for someday. What you do with right now is what truly makes a difference in your life.
Your future consequences are determined right here, right now, based on what you do with this day. This is when you can put real life and substance into your dreams.
Delight in this moment and give your very best to it. For in this moment is when you are creating your life, and in this moment is when success happens.
— Ralph Marston
12-24-2013, 06:46 AM
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Positive experiences
Positive experiences create positive momentum. And positive momentum brings even more positive experiences.
Give yourself the gift of a genuine, meaningful positive experience. The benefits of that time will continue long after the experience has ended.
Be good to yourself and it will be great for your life. Truly enjoy the world around you and you'll see opportunities that were previously invisible.
Joy is always possible. Allow a little joy to flow out from your life right now.
Being good to yourself is not selfish. Because the more fulfillment you experience, the more value you have to give to others.
Have fun with what you have and enjoy where you are. Life's great abundance is yours when you can truly feel that it's there.
— Ralph Marston
12-25-2013, 07:50 AM
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Living more fully
Life is precious, beautiful, wondrous, joyful, overflowing with positive possibilities, and yours right here and now. On this Christmas Day of joy and giving, commit yourself to living life more fully, richly and lovingly than ever before.
No, things are not perfect and there are plenty of difficult problems and painful circumstances. Yet even when there are all kinds of reasons for despair, there is always a more effective and affirmative choice.
That choice is to see, appreciate, celebrate and support life’s inherent goodness. Feel the reality that it is truly good to be alive, and choose to live the best possibilities that spring from that reality.
Just imagine the difference you can make when you see each moment as a blessing, no matter what it may hold. Then go beyond imagining and experience the joy of making it happen.
This is a great day to pause and reflect on what truly matters at the deepest level of your existence. This is a great day to choose a life that is true to all you hold so dear.
Look around, and see the goodness. Make the choice to make much more of it with the way your life is lived.
— Ralph Marston
12-26-2013, 07:26 AM
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Life without limits
There is no limit to how much you can love. So give your love every opportunity you get.
There is no limit to how high you can aim. So aim for the highest, most meaningful goals, and your achievements will be amazing.
There is no limit to what you can imagine. So imagine and expect the very best for your life and your world, and let what you imagine inspire you to make it so.
Limits are only for those who fear their own strength. Let go of your fear, let go of the limits, and discover how truly strong and effective you can be.
Step boldly outside the comfort of your self-imposed limitations. You have many good and worthy things to do, so put all your focus on making them happen.
Live your life without limits. And fulfill the beautiful, unique purpose that is you.
— Ralph Marston
12-27-2013, 07:17 AM
Friday, December 27, 2013
Live proactively
The best time to solve a problem is before it becomes a problem. Get out in front of life and live it proactively, and you’ll be free to set your own agenda.
When you earn money before you spend it, you’ll avoid debt and make yourself financially secure. In the same way, when you do what must be done before it must be done, you avoid having to play catch up and can spend your time doing what matters.
Every moment gives you the opportunity to get ahead of life’s demands. The more wisely and productively you use each moment, the more you’ll be in control of your own destiny.
It feels good to take it easy and do nothing. It feels much, much better, though, to take it easy when this month’s work and next month’s work are already done.
It’s great to be able to deal a problem when it arises. What’s even better, though, is to already have the solution in place before the problem ever comes.
Look ahead, plan ahead, and work ahead. Live proactively by valuing every moment for the opportunity it is, and feel how great it feels to truly get ahead.
— Ralph Marston
12-28-2013, 06:50 AM
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Worry is a waste
Worry is a waste. Find something better to do.
Worry achieves nothing, and it eats up your precious time. Let go of the worry, and use the time to create some real, meaningful value in your world.
Instead of worrying that the worst things will happen, work to make sure the best things happen. Instead of worrying about whether someone will give you a break, work to put yourself in a position where you don’t need a break.
It’s smart to act on your concerns, but foolish to simply worry about them. The best way out of worry is action, so find something positive you can do instead of letting the worry build.
You have the wonderful ability to act and to make a difference. As such, it makes absolutely no sense to worry.
The next time you feel worry, stop it immediately and start taking action. Whatever may or may not happen, you can turn it into something great.
— Ralph Marston
12-29-2013, 06:53 AM
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Powerful or desperate?
You can either be desperate or you can be powerful. How would you prefer to be?
You can ignore your responsibilities and continue to let yourself fall more and more behind, until you have no choice but to desperately take action. Or, you can push yourself a little bit more each day, grabbing every opportunity to make progress, and put yourself firmly in control of your own circumstances.
Use time as it comes, to be productive and creative and effective. The more wisely you use your time, the more control you’ll have over all the aspects of your life.
Get in the habit of doing what is best instead of merely what is easiest. In fact, seek out the difficult challenges and deal with them on your own terms rather than waiting until they find you.
If you wish, you can come up with plenty of excuses for not taking action. But those excuses will add nothing of value to your life.
Instead, go ahead and do what must be done, then take the initiative and do even more. Live life on the highest level by working your way upward each chance you get.
— Ralph Marston
12-30-2013, 07:48 AM
Monday, December 30, 2013
Right where you are
Start where you are, and do what you can. Make use of what you have, in the time available to you, and there’s much you can get done.
Don’t waste your time waiting for conditions to be perfect, for they will never be. Go ahead, with things as they are, and begin making real progress.
The place to aim is as high as you can imagine. Yet the place to start is right where you are.
Let go of any concerns about not having enough time, or money, resources or anything else. Focus instead on the great value and potential of what you do have and of what you can do right now.
See the real treasure that exists in your opportunity and ability to make good, effective use of this moment. Claim that treasure by going ahead and putting forth your very best effort.
Today is your day to achieve and to make your world a better place. Start where you are, and get yourself solidly on the way to wherever you wish to be.
— Ralph Marston
12-31-2013, 07:36 AM
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Too precious to waste
This is your life, so don’t settle for a cheap imitation. Live each moment of it with substance.
Life is too precious to waste even a little bit of it on meaningless junk. Give your time, your attention, your efforts and your energy to what really matters.
If something doesn’t concern you, don’t let it consume you. If something doesn’t really matter, then let it go.
There are only so many hours in this day. Choose to spend every one of those hours in the service of what truly matters.
Your priorities are based not on what you say or intend, but on what you actually do with your time. Choose positive, meaningful priorities by spending your time in positive, meaningful ways.
Devote yourself to what truly matters. And add more richness to your world with each passing moment.
— Ralph Marston
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