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06-26-2019, 08:39 AM
Inner Peace

I am peace within, and I choose peace without.

Inner peace and outer peace are closely linked. Inner peace does not depend on outer conditions. Still, I seek out peaceful places and people on my path to serenity.

I may create time in my schedule for solitude in nature—perhaps a walk in the park or in my own backyard. I also plan sacred time at home and enjoy a period of quiet each day.

I surround myself with compassionate people who share a commitment to a spiritual path. I belong to a spiritual community in which I am supported and uplifted. Here, I am a peaceful presence for others.

As I make peaceful choices for my life, I embody inner peace.
And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you.—Luke 10:6

Daily Word