06-08-2019, 07:38 AM
Heart for the Lord Day 8 by SGLY Ministry
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6 (NKJV)
Today’s Thought:
At the beginning of creation, Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
Genesis 1:3 (NKJV) God said the light was good and it separated the darkness.
So, it was when Jesus came into the world. Jesus said “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
As God commanded light to shine out of darkness, so also He sent Jesus into the world to be the Light of Life. Through Jesus, God has enlightened our hearts, giving us knowledge of His glory.
Prayer of the Heart to the Lord:
Dear Lord, today I ask that You create in me an Enlightened Heart so I can have knowledge of Your glory.
I want an Enlightened Heart, one that is informed, illuminated, full of the knowledge of the light of the gospel,so then it can shine on others and illuminate Your truths.
An Enlightened Heart will dispel the darkness so the glory of Your Son can be revealed to all and then other hearts around the world will be enlightened with the good news of the gospel of Christ, who is the Light of the World.
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6 (NKJV)
Today’s Thought:
At the beginning of creation, Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
Genesis 1:3 (NKJV) God said the light was good and it separated the darkness.
So, it was when Jesus came into the world. Jesus said “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
As God commanded light to shine out of darkness, so also He sent Jesus into the world to be the Light of Life. Through Jesus, God has enlightened our hearts, giving us knowledge of His glory.
Prayer of the Heart to the Lord:
Dear Lord, today I ask that You create in me an Enlightened Heart so I can have knowledge of Your glory.
I want an Enlightened Heart, one that is informed, illuminated, full of the knowledge of the light of the gospel,so then it can shine on others and illuminate Your truths.
An Enlightened Heart will dispel the darkness so the glory of Your Son can be revealed to all and then other hearts around the world will be enlightened with the good news of the gospel of Christ, who is the Light of the World.