05-16-2019, 07:43 AM
Inner Peace
Centered in Spirit, I am calm and serene.
In the silence of prayer, I center myself in God’s presence. I still my thoughts and listen as God speaks to me:
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I am holding you in My loving embrace, protecting you, comforting you, and giving you the strength you need.
“My presence is with you and within you. Feel My love and know peace in your mind and heart. Be filled with faith, be calm, experience serenity in your soul—My gifts to you.
“Know without a doubt that I am within each and every person on earth, guiding the minds and hearts of all My children to calm strife and promote understanding. I am always with you, beloved. Know My peace.”
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.—Colossians 3:15
Daily Word
Centered in Spirit, I am calm and serene.
In the silence of prayer, I center myself in God’s presence. I still my thoughts and listen as God speaks to me:
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I am holding you in My loving embrace, protecting you, comforting you, and giving you the strength you need.
“My presence is with you and within you. Feel My love and know peace in your mind and heart. Be filled with faith, be calm, experience serenity in your soul—My gifts to you.
“Know without a doubt that I am within each and every person on earth, guiding the minds and hearts of all My children to calm strife and promote understanding. I am always with you, beloved. Know My peace.”
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.—Colossians 3:15
Daily Word