View Full Version : Spirituality/Angel Messages
11-29-2013, 11:23 PM
When I am at peace with myself and my Higher Power, there's no greater force. No person, place, or situation has power over me. I will ask my Higher Power to grant me the strength I will need to be the best I can be today. I will take in my Higher Power until my whole being is filled with the strength I need to face what today has in store for me.
What have I allowed to have power over me lately? How can I better use the strength my Higher Power has to offer me today?
You are reading from the book:
Help for Helpers by Anonymous
From my site The Five As, posted in 2005
I am powerless over people, places, and things. When I surrender, give my day to my God, He leads and guides me. The thing that I can do for others is pray. The power of prayer links our spirit to what I call the Divine Triangle.
12-14-2013, 05:51 AM
As long as we think dugout canoes are the only possibility-all that is real or can be real-we will never see the ship, we will never feel the wind blow.
- Sonia Johnson
Women who do too much have grown afraid to dream. We know how to lust-after power, after money, after security, after relationships-but we have forgotten how to dream.
Dreaming is not limited to the unreal. Dreaming is stretching the real beyond he limits of the present. Dreaming is not being bound by the merely possible. Dreaming is not safe for our illusion of control and it is infinitely safe for our soul.
When we deprive ourselves of our hopes and dreams, we relegate ourselves to keeping our eyes to the ground, carefully calculating every step, and missing the picture in the clouds and the double rainbows.
To hope and dream is not to ignore the practical. It is to dream it in colors and rainbows.
12-17-2013, 01:59 AM
A day that dawns bright and optimistic, can unravel as quickly and completely as one that begins with a tangle of trouble.
Whether I see it coming, or not, whether the undoing is of my own doing, or not, there are days when I find myself on the backside of the bright side.
Life sends everyone for a ride on the backside. People let you down. You disappoint yourself or someone else. Things hoped for, don't materialize. Jobs disappear. Finances escalate. Health deteriorates. Loved ones pass away.
Unless you live in an insulated bubble, a ride on the backside is inevitable.
Experience on the backside has taught me not to run to the company of misery -- those faithless, open, outstretched arms of self pity & hopelessness. I am not pitiful. I am not without hope and I am faith-filled. I have returned, victorious, to the bright side after every experience on the backside.
Where I am, is never as important as, who I am, while I'm there.
I can sit in darkness and I can despair over being there. I can moan and groan, pick up the phone and wail about my troubles to everyone who will listen. I can pound people with my problems every chance I get. I can seek out the company of those who enjoy misery's embrace and learn nothing from the experience.
I can poke a hole in the veil that separates the backside from the bright side and create a small stream of light to serve as reminder of the victory ahead. I can pray, and I can work my way through trials with ever increasing patience and ever growing strength of endurance. I can pay attention to the parts of my character that show up during difficult times and acknowledge the areas of weakness that need building up.
I can stand straighter and taller each step of the way, until the day I can rip the veil from top to bottom and claim my victory.
Even when life is at its darkest, you are never on the backside of nowhere. The bright side is always there, waiting for you to step back into it and experience your victory.
The Ancient One-Lordès
(Used with permission)
Written in 2004
It is nice to go back to old posts and find what you need for in the moment.
Today is a day I hope I never have to repeat anytime soon. Nothing that I can point a finger to, just a day like this reading which started with sunshine and promise and ended up with me fighting myself, feeling very alone with no desire to much of anything, certainly not going to a meeting and being with people, and no one came to mind that I really wanted to talk to.
My son was here for a short time, he even cooked supper. I laid down for a couple of hours while he watch a movie because I was in pain.
In the last hour since he left, I have been reading old posts and feeling a little better. I think part of the problem has been depression. I have been taking nothing for my pain, my new doctor refuses to give me the medication that has worked for me for the past twelve years, and I think I am just sick and tired of fighting the pain. Just for today, I have had problems being strong. This piece gives me a lot of strength. It was written by a very special lady who is on tour and I don't get to correspond much any more. I am grateful for the lessons she taught me and started me on a new spiritual awareness many years ago.
Thanks for letting me share.
The key for me when I read this tonight was getting out of my own way.
12-22-2013, 10:29 AM
One of my bygone recollections,
As I recall the days of yore.
Is the little house, behind the house,
With the crescent over the door.
'Twas a place to sit and ponder
With your head bowed down low;
Knowing that you wouldn't be there,
If you didn't have to go.
Ours was a three-holer,
With a size for every one.
You left there feeling better,
After your usual job was done.
You had to make these frequent trips,
Whether snow, rain, sleet, or fog,
To the little house where you usually
Found the Sears-Roebuck catalog.
Oft times in dead of winter,
The seat was covered with snow.
'Twas then with much reluctance,
To the little house you'd go.
With a swish you'd clear the seat,
Bend low, with dreadful fear.
You'd blink your eyes and grit your teeth
As you settled on your rear.
I recall the day Granddad,
Who stayed with us one summer,
Made a trip to the shanty
Which proved to be a hummer.
'Twas the same day my Dad
Finished painting the kitchen green.
He'd just cleaned up the mess he's made
With rags and gasoline.
He tossed the rags in the shanty hole
And went on his usual way,
Not knowing that by doing so,
He would eventually rue the day.
Now Granddad had an urgent call,
I never will forget!
This trip he made to the little house
Lingers in my memory yet.
He sat down on the shanty seat,
With both feet on the floor.
Then filled his pipe with tobacco
And struck a match on the outhouse door.
After the Tobacco began to glow,
He slowly raised his rear:
Tossed flaming match in the open hole,
With not a sign of fear.
The Blast that followed, I am sure,
Was heard for miles around;
And left poor grandpa
Just sitting on the ground.
The smoldering pipe was still in his mouth,
His suspenders he held tight;
The celebrated three-holer
Was blown clear out of sight.
When we asked him what had happened,
His answer I'll never forget.
He thought it must be something
That he had recently et!
Next day we had a new one,
Which my Dad built with ease.
With a sign on the entrance door
Which read: No Smoking, Please!
Now that's the end of the story,
With memories of long ago,
Of the little house behind the house
Where we went when we had to go!
Received from my friend Carey. I was one of the lucky ones, I got to experience this. In today, it is more modern but it does help when you need quiet time in the midst of the 'busy' of today.
God is everywhere!
I have a direct line on a mobile phone!
This reminds me of what my sponsor said in early recovery. Stop looking up, start looking in.
Everywhere you go you take with you. Every where you go, God is with you.
It is my strong belief that when I go to a meeting, I am visiting a God Village.
Many times when I have had a healing or a change in my life, a monarch butterfly appeared. I was given gifts by friends in recovery at my anniversaries in the shape of a butterfly because I was so sick when I got here, and the person that was, is no more. I still have issues today, but even with my pain, I am not that lost soul I was when I came into recovery. Today my God is with me.
One of the times I seem to be able to connect with Him/Her is when I am sitting on the throne or in the bathtub. I also have a little prayer I say when I am in the shower, asking God to cleanse me of negativity and help me to let go of what isn't mine.
12-29-2013, 08:40 PM
While your character is formed by your circumstances, your desires can shape those circumstances.
The one thing over which you have absolute control is your own thoughts.
It is this that puts you in a position to control your own destiny.
Nature is constantly at work around you.
Character and destiny are her handiwork.
She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence.
You have the power to choose which impulse you follow.
At any time you can decide to alter the course of your life.
No one can ever take that away from you.
You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.
Your greatest power is the power to choose.
This reminds me that I must bring things out of the darkness into the Light!
From my old site The Gathering of Eagles. This is the name of an AA convention in Texas. They asked me to design a flyer for them. They chose my eagles and kept their old flyer, so I used the name for a new site. It is now gone and glad when I find old posts from the site, that I posted on other people's sites.
01-03-2014, 06:29 PM
“Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with
my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak.
Probably so we can think twice.” - - Bill Watterson
Have found over the years that I have learned to hesitate and meditate before I speak. That is a real departure from the old me, even in recovery, I wanted to tell people, who it should be done!
For me to walk away and not react was and is a big step for me. I still may come back and share my own experience, strength, and hope. It just won't be done with resentment and anger. I have always been a person who has believed in standing up for what she believes in. For too many years, mum was the word and it all festered inside, only to explode in anger and hate. I am a firm believer in it isn't about what you say, it is about how you say it. When you let go of the anger and always having to be right, things can be stated in truth. Agreeing to disagree was a wonderful tool in recovery.
I use to tell my ex-husband, you just took your foot out of your mouth to put the other one in. My tongue was a real weapon. In today, I try to use it for healing, instead of tearing people apart and forgetting to put them back together after ward.
I have had a lot of deep seated anger of the years. It was buried very deep and I didn't realize it was there until I heard myself speak. cuq_8C0DKop0tb98_vZ
01-11-2014, 09:28 AM
"Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give."
-- David O. McKay
I want to choose the details of my life. Fortunately, I've come to appreciate how important it is to give others the freedom to choose their own paths.
None of us wants our choice robbed from us. I can't know what's best for anyone but me. So why give unsolicited advice to others and expect them to follow it?
"The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, and pride and arrogance."
-- Samuel Butler
"What man wants is simply independent choice, whatever that may cost and wherever it may lead."
-- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
From Higher Awareness - used with permission
So many times we don't make healthy choices and our humanness comes out because we have not made contact to our Higher Power or applied our program to our life. We have left it in the rooms of recovery and forgot to take it with us into today.
We can share our experience, strength and hope, that doesn't mean people have to follow it, but hopefully they will find a little bit of it that is applicable to them. The Big Book says, "I can't keep my sobriety unless I give it away. What others do with it is none of my business.
01-11-2014, 04:11 PM
The Bible can be a good recovery tool. So often man reads into something they want it to say and often take things out of context. They see a few words and forget the rest.
For many years, I feared the wrath of God, because I did not obey the laws of the church. I was very angry at the "thou shall nots" not the 10 commandments, but the the ones that stopped me from dancing, movies, playing cards, etc. I felt like I might as well get hung as a sheep as a lamp and tried drinking, smoking and looking for love in all the wrong places and for all the wrong reasons.
Today I am slower to anger, although this morning I got a little ticked off when a man came in the front door, saw me coming with my walker from the mall door and didn't wait for me, hold the door open for the elevator. He went up to 10. It wasn't a long wait and wasn't really all his fault, I was cold and waited a long time for my bus. I was going to visit a person in the coffee area and I was going to take myself out for lunch, but decided to do neither. I won't mention the name that I called him. Suffice to say, I said a 'little' prayer for him and me.
The opposite example was patience. It says slow to wrath. In order to be slow, that means I need to be patient. Not too good with that one either. I am certainly a whole lot happier when I don't go around mad. Mad at the world, mad at myself, just makes me a very unhappy person with no peace and serenity.
Still working on this anger thing, have a couple of issues that I need to pray on.
Get a biblical perspective on dealing with anger and how to handle emotions. Read Bible quotes about being angry and not sinning. Discover how to live free from the control of anger.
I have found that it is alright to be angry, but it is how I deal with it and how long I hang onto it that is important. An angry moment should not spoil a whole day.
01-28-2014, 09:50 PM
Like the Eagle I fly,
I soar with the clouds on High.
Wind in my feathers,
like a breeze blowing through heather.
I ride the wind with out thought or care,
wishing this feeling I could share.
The higher i soar the cord stretches thin,
I disconnect from Mother Earth, leaving my Kin.
I long to fly, to the Sun...beyond,
this earthly body leave behind with the flick of a wand.
Fly on and on to new places and worlds,
a messenger of love, a peace hearald.
I reach the end of the cord feel it pull,
I look back at my home that tiny world.
The more I look the futher back I fall
Then I slam back into my body in no time at all.
As I catch my breath, taking my journey to mind.
I realise only glimpses leaving the bulk behind.
The feelings however are held deep in my heart,
Which is still soaring the heavens, never the two shall part .
~EagleShadow 2006
Originally posted at Spirit of Rain
01-28-2014, 09:52 PM
I never met a spring day I didn't like...
Or summer, autumn and winter, too.
You've turned the prettiest flowers the color of the rainbow...
And the sky the most beautiful blue.
Oh nature, Mother Nature
What would we do without you?
You knew just what you were doing
When you blessed the earth with rain.
You knew it would cause the grass to grow...
And the flowers to bloom again.
You sent summer's soft warm breezes
And sunshine shore to shore...
Working miracles
For mankind to explore!
Fall's magic paintbrush soon transforms
Tree's crowns to crimson and gold.
And winter works His magic...
Turning the wind to crystal snowflakes...
Each one like the rarest diamond...I'm told.
And spring...Oh beautiful spring!
A time to pray, perhaps to dream.
A time to work with our hands
In earth's warm sod....
Oh Nature...Mother Nature...
When will we all realize
That you must surely
Walk hand in hand with God?
Written by: Elizabeth Durney
01-29-2014, 04:29 AM
Let us pray:
God and Father of all people,
never let me look down on others
or make anyone feel inferior.
Show me how to remove any prejudices
so that
I may appreciate individuals more
for who they are.
Inspire me to live in such a way
that I may discover you
in the people I will meet today.
Gandhi said:
“If you don’t find God
in the very next person you meet,
it is a waste of time
looking for him further.
Had a similar thought this morning, if you can`t find God in the people and things around you, what are you looking for, a burning bush? Your blessing will be few and far between.
02-01-2014, 05:10 AM
~ Have You Hugged A Friend Today? ~
No moving parts, no batteries.
No monthly payments and no fees;
Inflation proof, non-taxable,
In fact, it's quite relaxable.
It can't be stolen, won't pollute,
One size fits all, do not dilute.
It uses little energy,
But yields results enormously.
Relieves your tension and your stress,
Invigorate your happiness;
Combats depression, makes you beam,
And elevates your self esteem.
Your circulation it corrects
Without unpleasant side effects
It is, I think, the perfect drug
May I, prescribe, my friend..The Hug!
(and, of course, fully returnable!)
Pass this Hug to everyone you care about...
And hopefully you'll get lots in return!
Someone Thought About You Today
In A Very Special Way
Someone Who Cares About You
And Is Reaching Out To Touch Your Heart
Bet You Have Someone That You Care About Also
Let Them Know That They Are In Your Thoughts.
02-02-2014, 05:19 PM
The Creator is my companion; I shall not hurry.
He helps me pause in pleasant places;
He gives me moments of renewal.
He calms my anxiety.
He keeps me in the path of quietness for His love's sake.
Yes, though I am surrounded by rush and stress and worry,
I will not be overwhelmed; for You are with me.
Your calmness protects and comforts me.
You have refreshed my soul even in in the middle of my busy life.
You have eased my mind with inner peace.
Surely quietness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the care of the Creator for ever.
This modern interpretation and adaptation of Psalm 23 helps me when I am overworking and not taking care of myself.
Celia Haddon - The Yearbook of and Wisdom
02-06-2014, 02:49 AM
The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention. The smallest kindness is better than the best pitch.
It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.
- Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Like this, like even better that we are suppose to do nice things and not tell people what we did. I remember thinking that I had to tell because you wouldn't know I was working a good program if you didn't see me do it. LOL! The Egotist, the Self-centered alcoholic/addict who thinks it is all about them. Not knowing that the people on the other side of the street are just as sick if not sicker from being around them and picking up their bad habits.
My intention was to do good, often though it was to get back, get attention, get recognition, and/or strokes and have you like me. I felt unloved, unwanted, rejected, abandoned, and hurt by the actions of others, and full of fear.
It is difficult some days when you are at war with yourself. Coming from both sides of the track, it is about looking at the whole picture. It is about the good of the whole, not always about what is good for me.
AA says get out of self and help others. Al-Anon says, you have always taken care of others, take care of yourself. What I found was: I need to take care of myself so I could help others.
02-09-2014, 02:22 AM
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, not by sight.
02-15-2014, 05:13 AM
This angel picture will change daily.
I will be posting quotes from Angel Messages to go with them.
Purple is spiritual transformation and development
Pink is love and relationships
Green-Blue is Healing, on a personal and global level
Yellow is your career, and ideas and creativity
I will start with purple.
02-15-2014, 05:19 AM
Purple Suit - Spirituality
At this point in time you are where you are meant to be. Your life is a book already written.
We are all on a learning journey, with each lifetime as a new chapter in the book of our soul's ultimate destination. It is already pre-ordained what we have chosen to experience in our present life here on earth. Our angels are alongside helping and guiding us, acting as a link between our present lives and our higher selves.
02-16-2014, 05:29 PM
Take a moment, feel life's essence within you and wonder at its miracle.
We all need to take a moment to appreciate the wonder of just being. Sit a moment and contemplate the miracle of life - become aware of the essence of breath, feel your heart beating, look at your hands and finger tips - you are alive and each of us is a testimony to creation.
02-17-2014, 10:29 AM
Listen and learn to tune in, your soul is the most important part of your being.
Our physical body is merely the husk which contains the most important part of our being - our soul. By using these cards as tools you will first learn to connect with your soul and join the collective consciousness of humankind. You will soar onwards to the angelic realms where you will hear and learn knowledge beyond your wildest dreams.
02-18-2014, 05:48 AM
Hold out a hand to clasp at Divine Guidance.
Take the first step to learn to time into our inner selves so that we can begin to reach out and connect with angels.
Once you have set out on this pathway you will learn to open yourself up to accept angelic messages of love, hope, and kindness as they surround and protect you.
02-19-2014, 03:05 AM
The present is where you are meant to be now - tomorrow is for the future and the past is the past.
The past is gone forever and make it positive and wonderful. All that you are learning today can be put to good use tomorrow. Today is the first day of the rest of your life - get on with it, every moment is precious.
02-21-2014, 01:06 AM
Your angelos hear you and are listening - are you?
Your angels hear and see everything that you do - are you allowing them to become a part of your life by inviting them to communicate with you more fully? Take a moment, relax and open up your mind - hear them! They are waiting for you to dial their number.
02-21-2014, 01:14 AM
Angelic message will always be heard when the time is right, open up your heart and you will hear them.
When the time is right for your angels to communicate with you, it will happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You are already on the pathway to this wonderful experience, which is why you are reading these messages. Make every moment of your day precious, and be at peace with yourself and the world.
02-23-2014, 04:56 AM
The third millennium is a new spiritual age. Become a part of it by just being open - allow your inner feelings of joy and light to flow.
Can't you feel the buzz as more and more people become interested in everything spiritual? The movement is gathering momentum as people communicate on a higher spiritual level and connect to a higher consciousness. Your Angel Message Cards will enhance your spiritual ability through communication with the angelic realms, encouraging your angels to fill you with joy, love and happiness. Feel encouraged to seek out your own spiritual pathway and to help others.
02-23-2014, 05:03 AM
The mists are lifting between the earth and the spiritual words - be free of old ways and enjoy the sensation as spirits channel their ideas through you.
The whole world is rejoicing to a spiritual revolution. You are and important part of it. Fee yourself from your old ways, and open up to the new. Your angels want to converse with you and totally support your in every action that you take. Open up to inner peace, balance, joy and harmony and feel angelic love all around you.
N.B. I feel that there are Earth Angels around us, those special people that your God puts in your path.
02-24-2014, 12:30 PM
Birth heralds the dawning of a new soul's adventures on earth. A baby's guardian angel guides it through life's pitfalls and beyond.
When we are born, our soul immediately forgets all of the knowledge it has gathered from its past existences; it is helpless. Everyone has their own guardian angel who will be with us from the day that we are born until the day that we die - and beyond.
02-25-2014, 05:46 AM
Mankind is on the verge of a new phase of evolution - feel the energy of the universe and communicate with others on a spiritual level.
You can feel the excitement and energy as we enter this new phase of human evolution as more and more people are becoming aware how to communicate with the higher consciousness. We are learning that we can move from our ordinary state of mind - concerns about money, work, health and relationships - onto a higher frequency that adds another dimension to the way we think.
03-07-2014, 12:08 AM
Sorry to be behind in my posting, hope to be able to bring these up to date. I bought a new deck today called "Flower Therapy." A new thing for me, and hope to share it with you. 97iPogN5n4ZzyzWMnk
03-07-2014, 09:43 PM
At last you can communicate with your guardian angel. Treasure the knowledge and be open to joy.
Open yourself up to the frequency of spiritual communication and experience the wondrous knowledge of love, harmony and joy that your guardian angel wishes to bestow upon you. You will at last know the true meaning of inner peace. Rejoice and look forward to the rest of your life - you are blessed beyond your wildest dream.
03-07-2014, 09:46 PM
Listen out for angelic harmonies as they float through the summer evenings.
Take a moment to relax and enjoy a beautiful summer's evening. Open us and listen. Angelic melodies are there for all to hear but it takes a special person who can open up to the heavenly vibrations and bathe in their wonder and beauty. You are ready - enjoy.
03-07-2014, 09:50 PM
There is an angel at your shoulder to guide you through life's maze.
Your guardian angel is always with you to protect and guide you through the ebb and flow of life.
As you learn to connect so you will begin to feel subtle energy flow through you and experience the sublime unconditional love of the universe.
03-07-2014, 09:54 PM
Open your heart and let angels guide you to your next point on the staircase of life.
Time does not exist in the angelic realms as all time is parallel. A points in your present physical existence are already preordained. Your guardian angel is alongside you at all times and now is the moment for you to become aware of his presence and become open to his subtle nurturing energy which will enfold you in love and goodwill.
03-07-2014, 10:00 PM
Let your angels surround you with peace and harmony.
Your angels are always with you and now the time has come for you to open your connection with them so that you become more fully aware of their love and harmony. Your angels work with you connecting you to spiritual energies so love and caring will become a part of your norm. Allow the energy to vibrate through every essence of your body and fill every part of your mind, body and soul.
03-07-2014, 10:06 PM
Your guardian angel approves and loves you for yourself - you are great!
Your guardian angel will always love you for who you are, and it's time that you learned to love yourself. You are unique and special. Celebrate your life and enjoy every moment. This is not a rehersal.
03-07-2014, 10:09 PM
Feel your angel's embrace as you sit alone - angels love you for just being you.
When you are feeling alone, remember that you are not. Your angels arfe always with you, waiting to fill you with love and harmony. Angels unconditionally love you for who and what you are - you are terrific, and your life will get better all the time.
03-07-2014, 10:14 PM
As a raindrop joins a river, connect with universal joy - it's getting stronger every day.
By using these quotes as a tool to connect with the universal consciousness and by letting in its energy, so will you begin to experience the joy and love of being part of it. We are now in the most exciting era of humanity's spiritual expansion as every day more people are learning to connect with the energy.
03-07-2014, 10:17 PM
Your guardian angel will nourish your soul with love and joy.
By learning to connect with angels, they will in turn teach us how to connect with our Higher Self - the aspect of ourselves that is closest to God. As we begin to channel this energy with the help of our angels, so we will begin to embrace the feeling of true love and joy which is all part of the universe.
03-09-2014, 11:49 AM
Accept the gifts of the universe and bloom like a red rose of knowledge.
You are now at the time in your life where you are ready to become part of the universal consciousness. Connect with it's energies, and let them infiltrate every part of your being. You will feel the love and healing qualities grow and bloom within you, and you can then pass these on to others. Take a moment to feel this sublime energy and bathe in its wonder.
When I do meditation, I start out sitting with both palms up, I got the sense that energy came in through my right hand and what I didn't need, left through my left hand. Over the years, I have learned that I can give and receive with both hands. I can also say, "Look Mom, no hands." It was a practice to help me be still and with myself. I had to quiet my mind, thoughts, and body. Sitting still was not one of my strong points, yet again, I learned I didn`t have to be sitting to meditate.
04-15-2014, 12:35 AM
Never feel alone with your problems - your angel is with you, helping you take one more step up the mountain of life.
At times you may feel that there is no one to help or understand the emotional turmoil you are going through, and each step is like climbing a steep mountain. Take heart - your guardian angel is always with you, pulling you along when you miss your step or feel too tired to carry on. The time has come for you to invite your heavenly helper into your life.
04-15-2014, 12:38 AM
Give out love whenever you can. Heavenly aspirations lead to heavenly actions.
Feel the love of the universe and let it radiate through ever part of your being. Open your heart and let love flow freely so that others may love you in return. You are a vessel overflowing with the harmony and love of the universe.
04-15-2014, 12:43 AM
Take a moment to feel the beat of angel wings as the energy swirls around you.
All is well in your life. Open up to angelic vibrations and be aware of the pure loving energy around you at all times. Let the joy fulfill your wildest dreams as you embrace the power and unlimited love of your angels. Accept the happiness and peace of mind which are yours by right.
04-15-2014, 12:47 AM
Your guardian angel approves and loves you for yourself - you are great.
Your guardian angel will always love you for who you are, and it's time that you learned to love yourself. You are unique and special. Celebrate your life and enjoy every moment. This is not a rehearsal.
04-15-2014, 01:14 AM
Feel the love as your angel's wings cradle you through life.
As you send out your energies to the angelic realms, so your guardian angel will at last be able to communicate with you. Take that special moment and you will feel yourself enveloped in your angel's wings as they give you a big hug. Accept the love of the universe and learn to love yourself - you are wonderful and unique.
04-15-2014, 01:19 AM
This is your life, no-one else's. Have the courage to love and look the world in the eye.
You are your own person, and nobody know you better than you. People are always free with their advice, but listen to your intuition. You are the only one who will ultimately make certain decisions; be satisfied they are the right ones for you. Free yourself from destructive self-doubt and get on with life. You are loved and you are safe.
04-15-2014, 01:23 AM
Always be aware of angelic love - it is undemanding and unconditional.
When you crave love from others they will almost certainly want some in return. However, the love that you will always receive from your guardian angel is without conditions and is totally spontaneous and heavenly.
04-15-2014, 01:26 AM
As you learn to live and love, so you will grow and prosper.
As you start to question and care about the true purpose of life, so you will begin to care more about everything around you. Take time to ponder upon the wonder of life, and love and joy will follow quite naturally.
Open your heart and let angelic love flow freely. As you learn to love yourself and others and you will be loved in return.
04-15-2014, 01:29 AM
Think I lost my place and I retyped a few quotes, some may be duplicates.
This is the end of the Pink section and the next series is Green/Blue.
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