View Full Version : Blessed

11-28-2013, 11:38 AM

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

Have you ever thought about how blessed you are to be a Christian? With all our blessings, it's a wonder we don't have a more thankful spirit.

God chose to show His love by sending His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus paid the ultimate price so we could have a relationship with the Father. Even though our sin made us worthy of death, He gave us life. He opened the doors of heaven, inviting us to spend eternity with Him.

God dwells with us. He is in our midst. We don't have to travel to be in the presence of God. He meets us where we are.

God will never leave us. While people may forsake us, God will not forsake us. His faithfulness defies imagination.

God hears our prayers. We can come to Him with our needs and He will answer. The Lord is approachable. His doors are always open to us.

God shares his will with us in His Word. We don't have to guess how God wants us to live. We can read the Bible and He will direct us. His love letter guides us along the right path, pointing the way to heaven.

God increases our family. We have millions of brothers and sisters who we can look to for support. Their love and prayers can help us get through rough times and their encouragement can cheer our hearts.

How has God blessed you? Spend some time today counting your blessings. What was your life like before you were a Christian and what is it like now? Can you see how far God has brought you? Thank Him for all He has done.

(If this devotional has blessed you, please pass it on.)

From a fellow traveler just passing through,

Jason Mitchener