11-26-2013, 07:00 PM
Social Phobics Anonymous is a wonderful 12 step program for people who suffer from social anxiety and/or social phobia and/or shyness problems.
If you are struggling with these issues and would like top try a 12 step program that focuses on this area of recovery, visit our website at:
Phil M., Social Phobics Anonymous
P.S. If you would like to post on this thread about your struggles with social fears, social anxiety, isolation or chronic shyness, feel free to do do here...
All posts are welcome--
Struggles, frustrations, hope, inspiration, successes, setbacks, and whatever has worked for you personally-- all types of posts on the subject are welcome.
Thank you for sharing, I can identify with anxiety disorders but when I came into recovery, I didn't know what they were. I heard people say they had anxiety attacks, and wondered what they were talking about. Then they shared about how they felt, and their reactions to these attacks, and I was able to recognize them within myself.
1) Having trouble walking three blocks to go to the grocery store.
2) Walking over grates of any size or shape
3) Fear of bridges and thunder storms
4) Being on a crowded bus and having to get off.
5) Scheduling all my appointments for one day so I didn't have to leave my place.
Thankfully, by working the steps and my program of recovery, all these fears have gone for the greatest part. There are still times in the grocery store I get overwhelmed with too many people and can lose direction as to what I am after, but I don't have to run away in fear today.
Written in 2004
Thankfully, most of this has still changed thanks to the 12 Steps on all aspects of my life.
If you are struggling with these issues and would like top try a 12 step program that focuses on this area of recovery, visit our website at:
Phil M., Social Phobics Anonymous
P.S. If you would like to post on this thread about your struggles with social fears, social anxiety, isolation or chronic shyness, feel free to do do here...
All posts are welcome--
Struggles, frustrations, hope, inspiration, successes, setbacks, and whatever has worked for you personally-- all types of posts on the subject are welcome.
Thank you for sharing, I can identify with anxiety disorders but when I came into recovery, I didn't know what they were. I heard people say they had anxiety attacks, and wondered what they were talking about. Then they shared about how they felt, and their reactions to these attacks, and I was able to recognize them within myself.
1) Having trouble walking three blocks to go to the grocery store.
2) Walking over grates of any size or shape
3) Fear of bridges and thunder storms
4) Being on a crowded bus and having to get off.
5) Scheduling all my appointments for one day so I didn't have to leave my place.
Thankfully, by working the steps and my program of recovery, all these fears have gone for the greatest part. There are still times in the grocery store I get overwhelmed with too many people and can lose direction as to what I am after, but I don't have to run away in fear today.
Written in 2004
Thankfully, most of this has still changed thanks to the 12 Steps on all aspects of my life.