04-08-2019, 09:57 AM
Grounded in wisdom, patience, and faith, I affirm: This or something better.
How grateful I am that I have the power of wisdom and the divine quality of patience within me. As I quiet my thoughts, divine wisdom speaks to me of patience with a simple directive: Wait, listen, respond in love and faith.
When my life seems to be going in a direction different than I think it should, I may try to change course without thinking things through. This is indeed the time to pause and attune to my inner wisdom.
I practice patience, and I remain calm as I anticipate the best in every circumstance. I imagine the highest outcome and quietly affirm: This, God, or something better, knowing that my patience and positive expectation open the way to my good.
God had provided something better.—Hebrews 11:40
Daily Word
Grounded in wisdom, patience, and faith, I affirm: This or something better.
How grateful I am that I have the power of wisdom and the divine quality of patience within me. As I quiet my thoughts, divine wisdom speaks to me of patience with a simple directive: Wait, listen, respond in love and faith.
When my life seems to be going in a direction different than I think it should, I may try to change course without thinking things through. This is indeed the time to pause and attune to my inner wisdom.
I practice patience, and I remain calm as I anticipate the best in every circumstance. I imagine the highest outcome and quietly affirm: This, God, or something better, knowing that my patience and positive expectation open the way to my good.
God had provided something better.—Hebrews 11:40
Daily Word