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04-04-2019, 10:14 AM
In the Now

Attuned to God, I live in this now moment.

There are times when I feel my attention pulled in different directions. What do I do when this happens? I take a moment to stop and be. Even the shortest instant of stepping away allows me to center myself. In this brief, quiet time, I am present in this now moment. I can determine the right action to take.

Living in the now becomes a habit as I consistently take time to pray and meditate. By quieting my thoughts, becoming aware of my breath, and connecting with God within, I practice being present. I prepare myself for any situation I may encounter throughout the day. Then in any moment of concern or conflict, I can function in the now moment and make choices with ease and grace.

Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.—Matthew 13:16

Daily Word