04-04-2019, 09:12 AM
We all have probably taken a wrong turn in life. We may have followed the GPS and ended up on a wrong road. We may have listened to others in the car and missed a turn. We may have even been out walking and took a trail that led to a dead end. No one wants to get lost. No one wants to get on a path that is dangerous. However, many times we find ourselves on a wrong path. We get sidetracked and listen to those who don’t truly know the right way. Reading God’s word will get us back on track every time.
Proverbs 4:26-27 “Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” (NLT)
1. List where you have made a wrong turn in life.
2. Write down the situation and outcome.
3. Know God wants you to follow His path.
4. Stay in His word, pray and focus on His way.
Dear Lord, many times we get off track in life. We think we have a better way. We listen to others. We succumb to the things of the world. These things and people will make us think their way is the right way; however, we know there is only one true way. Your way. Guide us today to stay on the right path. Show us how to plan ahead and stay in Your word so we are focusing on going the way You have planned for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When we find ourselves going down the wrong road, we can go to God who can help us get on the right and safe path.
God wants us to plan ahead in our lives just as we do when we go on a trip. He wants us to listen to Him and follow His plans.
When we plan a straight and godly path for our lives, we have a better chance of not getting sidetracked.
There will be times we get off track in life. Turning back to God will help us get back on track.
Reading God’s word will get us back on track every time.
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT)
To avoid getting distracted or off track, we need to focus on God’s word. 16
We all have probably taken a wrong turn in life. We may have followed the GPS and ended up on a wrong road. We may have listened to others in the car and missed a turn. We may have even been out walking and took a trail that led to a dead end. No one wants to get lost. No one wants to get on a path that is dangerous. However, many times we find ourselves on a wrong path. We get sidetracked and listen to those who don’t truly know the right way. Reading God’s word will get us back on track every time.
Proverbs 4:26-27 “Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” (NLT)
1. List where you have made a wrong turn in life.
2. Write down the situation and outcome.
3. Know God wants you to follow His path.
4. Stay in His word, pray and focus on His way.
Dear Lord, many times we get off track in life. We think we have a better way. We listen to others. We succumb to the things of the world. These things and people will make us think their way is the right way; however, we know there is only one true way. Your way. Guide us today to stay on the right path. Show us how to plan ahead and stay in Your word so we are focusing on going the way You have planned for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When we find ourselves going down the wrong road, we can go to God who can help us get on the right and safe path.
God wants us to plan ahead in our lives just as we do when we go on a trip. He wants us to listen to Him and follow His plans.
When we plan a straight and godly path for our lives, we have a better chance of not getting sidetracked.
There will be times we get off track in life. Turning back to God will help us get back on track.
Reading God’s word will get us back on track every time.
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (NLT)
To avoid getting distracted or off track, we need to focus on God’s word. 16