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11-26-2013, 09:52 AM
Don’t Stay Angry

Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not yourself—it tends only to evildoing. —Psalm 37:8

The Word tells us another way to resist temptation: “When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]” (Ephesians 4:26–27).

Paul said that we should forgive people to keep Satan from gaining an advantage over us (See 2 Corinthians 2:10–11). If someone offends you, get over it quickly so you won’t leave open a door for the devil. It is a sin to hold anger and bitterness, so never go to sleep mad. If you forgive everyone before you fall asleep, freedom from wrong attitudes in your heart will help you start your day right the next morning.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer.

11-26-2013, 01:12 PM
Anger is a danger that blocks us from the Spirit of God. When we block the negative, the positive is prevented from entering as well. If I put up a barrier, I am stuck in my stuff or back just existing and not experiencing life.

I try to find the good in everything and try to change to negative into a positive. If I can't, I need to turn it all over to Him. What is negative to me, may not be negative to someone else.

There are days when what I foresee as negative is just what I need to make me aware, give me a lesson, a new understanding, a spiritual awakening.