View Full Version : Becoming a friend of God

02-10-2019, 10:12 AM
“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.”

--John 15:15

Do you want to be a friend of Jesus or just a casual acquaintance? Do you want to know about Him or would you like to really know Him?

If you want to experience closeness with God, it takes discipline.

To make your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ personal and intimate, you have to put a little work into it. You must cultivate your relationship with Christ just like you would a relationship with any other friend.

Here are three ways you can work on your relationship with the Lord Jesus:

1. Interact with the living Word of God, the Bible. When you open God’s Word, you can listen to Him. God speaks to us from the pages of His Word!

2. Engage the Lord in prayer every day and in every way. Prayer will keep you connected in your relationship with Christ.

3. Spend time with Jesus’ friends—other believers. Join a church and attend faithfully. Surround yourself with those who love Jesus and who can give you insight and teaching from God’s Word!

Becoming a close, intimate friend of God takes effort, but it will be the most worthwhile investment you will ever make!

You must cultivate your relationship with Christ just like you would a relationship with any other friend.

Jack Graham