01-10-2019, 09:21 AM
Wholly Available
Matthew 5:13-16
Stop and ask yourself, What kind of light am I? Is your glow possibly a little dull—a flicker that others can see only if they are really looking? Or do you brighten everything up when you walk into a roomful of people? As Christians, we should shine brilliantly, no matter where we are. Even a small flame brings light to the whole room.
Shortsightedness may dim our radiance, causing us to miss out on blessings. Before agreeing to cooperate with the Lord, we may think we have to understand exactly what He plans to do. But we’re called to be faithful ambassadors who trust His Spirit to work as He wants. God tells us, Don’t give Me a schedule—trust Me. Watch Me do it My way in My time, and see what happens.
As a believer, you’re someone special. And as a member of God’s family, you’re indwelt by His Spirit; His light is the radiance within you. In terms of benefit to the kingdom, your life has potential beyond imagination. You have no idea what amazing things He can do—in the workplace, at school, or with family, neighbors, or friends—through your willingness to shine the light of His powerful love.
If you’ll get on your knees and pray, “Lord, I’m available—do whatever You want with my life, and show me what to do,” He’ll reveal the next step. God is willing and ready to move in the life of anyone who chooses to be available for Him.
Matthew 5:13-16
Stop and ask yourself, What kind of light am I? Is your glow possibly a little dull—a flicker that others can see only if they are really looking? Or do you brighten everything up when you walk into a roomful of people? As Christians, we should shine brilliantly, no matter where we are. Even a small flame brings light to the whole room.
Shortsightedness may dim our radiance, causing us to miss out on blessings. Before agreeing to cooperate with the Lord, we may think we have to understand exactly what He plans to do. But we’re called to be faithful ambassadors who trust His Spirit to work as He wants. God tells us, Don’t give Me a schedule—trust Me. Watch Me do it My way in My time, and see what happens.
As a believer, you’re someone special. And as a member of God’s family, you’re indwelt by His Spirit; His light is the radiance within you. In terms of benefit to the kingdom, your life has potential beyond imagination. You have no idea what amazing things He can do—in the workplace, at school, or with family, neighbors, or friends—through your willingness to shine the light of His powerful love.
If you’ll get on your knees and pray, “Lord, I’m available—do whatever You want with my life, and show me what to do,” He’ll reveal the next step. God is willing and ready to move in the life of anyone who chooses to be available for Him.