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01-08-2019, 11:24 AM
Who Am I? Day 7 by SGLY Ministry

Day 7–In Christ I am: CARED FOR
casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 NKJV

Believers, sometimes we get to thinking that no one cares about us.
In this world, in our day to day life, we might not encounter those who care, but we must remember that we are important to God.
He cares for us. He is interested in everything we do, think, and say. He wants a close relationship with us. He doesn’t want us worried, anxious, or burdened down that’s why He wants us to cast our all our care upon Him.

Casting means get rid of quickly or throw. That means He doesn’t want us hanging onto any worries, anxieties, problems, negative thoughts, or burdens. He wants us to get rid of them quickly by throwing them off and on to Him. He knows better than us how to deal with things anyhow.

So, remind yourself daily that God really cares for you and wants you to walk with Him free, un-hindered, doing the good works He has prepared for you to do– joyfully.

This New Year start casting all those cares upon Him so you can be who you really are in Christ!

Each time you cast remind yourself that in Christ you are: Able, All Sufficient, Abounding in Grace, Abundant in Good Works, Appointed, Assured, Blessed, Brought Near and Cared For!