View Full Version : What kind of life will I paint this year?

01-01-2019, 03:01 AM
Fresh Start

I behold and delight in a fresh start.

The new year stretches before me like a blank canvas. What kind of life will I paint this year? I choose the brushes of service and relationship—those that feel most natural and meaningful to me. I select colors that stir my soul as I prepare to paint a new picture of my life. What palette best reflects my spirit and intentions? Bright, vibrant tones or understated, earthy ones? I choose accordingly.

I pause before the blank canvas of my life until I feel guided to create. Once nudged in a particular direction, my creativity comes alive, and I begin my masterpiece, each movement carefully selected with the Master Creator’s direction. I behold and delight in the fresh start Spirit inspires in me.
This month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.—Exodus 12:2

Daily Word