View Full Version : Where are they now?

11-19-2013, 11:26 AM

Where have all the people gone?

Have you gone back out to do some more research?

Have you ever considered the thought of the people who were there for you when you came into recovery.

I wonder where they went?

Have you got so much recovery that you feel like you don't need to give it away, that you have done your part, yet Bill W. says if we don't give it away, we can't keep it.

Have you gotten yourself a life because you have substituted other drugs (people, places and things) for your drug of choice, and you think your choices are healthy. Do you know that it isn't the substance?

Have you forgotten that the substance isn't the disease, it is a soul sickness which is an allergy to the body, an obsession of the mind which tells us we are just F I N E!

I don't have a drinking and drugging problem.

I have a disease that affects my perception and alters my reality.

This same disease doesn't want me to get real, it loves that fantasy world, and it loves the illusions of grandeur and the hipe of being "fixed" when in reality we are looking at other things to get our fix!

Have you ever picked up a cigarette and waited for the pain and the hunger to go away?

Have you ever turned on your computer or TV to shut out the world because you can't face what is going on in your life.

Have you ever had a feeling and you chose to stuff it and ate that whole bag of cookies or gone for that second helping which you didn't really need.

Anything that stands between you and what God would have you do with your life, becomes you LOWER POWER and your HIGHER POWER is no longer the force in your life.

How do I know?

Been there and done it. This is a one day at a time program. All I have is today. I am given freedom of choice. What I do with that choice is up to me. I choose sobriety and gratitude (an action word) for the second chance at life.

04-02-2014, 10:27 PM
Where are you on your journey. Are you coming or going? Are you standing still?

When in a so, so place, it is good to get back to basics.

Your Higher Power is a God of your understanding. You don't have to agree with others, it is your own perspective. A relationship you build. This is a disease of perception, of reflection, and one that tells you that you don't have it.

It tells you that everything is just F.I.N.E., which means you are frustrated, insecure, neurotic, and emotional. Sometimes we like being there, so give yourself a little talk and pray that your old tapes are renewed. When I came into recovery, I found that my God was an old tape.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQun9Ixtp_YCEOY3a2TE5_xI2TIZpHpB LdGFNOLPTDNCN0mZGmwAA

07-06-2014, 12:02 PM
Who are the forgotten children of AA?

- Those that came and went back out never to return?

- Those that came a long time ago and stayed and have forgotten where they came from?

- Those still in denial, but not wanting to go back to where they came from?

- Those that have a problem grasping for the knowledge of a Higher Power?

- Those who compare instead of identifying the feelings behind the acitons?

Please keep coming, don't leave until the miracle happens. The power is in the rooms. If you stay, it will raise you above anything you have ever experienced before. If you go back out, it will take you lower than you ever dreamed possible.

Lest I forget!

In the last few days, I have heard of the passing of AA members who went back out and didn't make it back and another, who was very much active in service who died sober.

We do have a choice.

For me it is a daily thing. Each day I try to remember to say, "Just for today, I choose not to drink or drug.

The spiritual aspect of recovery, gives me that moment, that pause to say yes or no.

Just because we have a thought doesn't mean we have to act out on it. It was something I did wrong all of my life.

I am so grateful for those Higher Power moments. I have a direct line, so hope you get one for you. My God is on call and their for all occasions.
