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12-06-2018, 10:02 AM
He Wants to Be Involved in Everything

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. —Romans 8:14

Being led by the Holy Spirit means allowing Him to be involved in every decision we make, both major and minor. He leads us by peace and by wisdom, as well as by the Word of God. He speaks in a still, small voice in our hearts, or what we often call "the inward witness." Those of us who desire to be led by the Holy Spirit must learn to follow the inward witness and respond quickly.

For example, if we are engaged in a conversation, and we begin to feel uncomfortable inside, it may be the Holy Spirit signaling us that we need to turn the conversation in another direction or be quiet. If we are about to purchase something, as we feel uncomfortable inside, we should wait and discern why we are uncomfortable. Perhaps we don't need the item, or we may find it on sale somewhere else, or it may be the wrong time to buy it. We don't always have to know why; we simply need to obey.

I remember being in a shoe store one time. I had chosen several pairs of shoes to try on when I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. This discomfort increased until I finally heard the Holy Spirit say, "Get out of this store." I told Dave we had to go, and out we went. I never knew why, and I do not need to know. Maybe God saved me from some harm that was coming my way, or perhaps the people in the store were involved in something unethical. Maybe it was just a test of obedience. As I have said, we don't always have to know why God leads us in certain ways. Our part is simply to obey His voice.

From the book Hearing from God Each Morning: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer.