11-12-2018, 09:13 AM
MEMORY VERSE: Quench not the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
If we quench a fire, we stop it in its path. If we quench the Holy Spirit, we halt His work in us. We stifle or suppress Him. When you quench the Holy Spirit, you exalt your will above the will of God. To quench the Holy Spirit is to resist Him. It is going your own way when His leading is clear.
Quenching the Holy Spirit is like changing channels on your television set. It is like turning off the radio to avoid its message. It is turning your mind away from the things you know the Lord wants you to do or say.
When you stop quenching the Holy Spirit, you will find some wonderful things happening. Your day will unfold as a part of His plan. You will see opportunities that you would otherwise have missed. His calming voice will comfort you when everything seems to be falling apart. Life's irritations will be recognized as experiences that enable you to be patient and longsuffering. The needs of others will be brought to your attention and you will be refreshed in ministering to them. Having your own way will become less important. Allowing Christ to have His way in your life will receive priority.
So, stop tuning out that still small voice that always gives the right direction. Lend an obedient ear to the Lord. Be quick to do His bidding. Look for opportunities to follow His leading this very day. Don't be afraid to be an obedient child.
Remember, the Lord always gives His best to those who follow Him completely. JVI
MEMORY VERSE: Quench not the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
If we quench a fire, we stop it in its path. If we quench the Holy Spirit, we halt His work in us. We stifle or suppress Him. When you quench the Holy Spirit, you exalt your will above the will of God. To quench the Holy Spirit is to resist Him. It is going your own way when His leading is clear.
Quenching the Holy Spirit is like changing channels on your television set. It is like turning off the radio to avoid its message. It is turning your mind away from the things you know the Lord wants you to do or say.
When you stop quenching the Holy Spirit, you will find some wonderful things happening. Your day will unfold as a part of His plan. You will see opportunities that you would otherwise have missed. His calming voice will comfort you when everything seems to be falling apart. Life's irritations will be recognized as experiences that enable you to be patient and longsuffering. The needs of others will be brought to your attention and you will be refreshed in ministering to them. Having your own way will become less important. Allowing Christ to have His way in your life will receive priority.
So, stop tuning out that still small voice that always gives the right direction. Lend an obedient ear to the Lord. Be quick to do His bidding. Look for opportunities to follow His leading this very day. Don't be afraid to be an obedient child.
Remember, the Lord always gives His best to those who follow Him completely. JVI