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11-10-2018, 10:14 AM
Wake Up!

As we are now a one-car couple, my husband recently woke me up very early to drop him off at work. With sand still in my eyes, brain fuzzy, and cup of coffee in hand, I shuttled us both off on what seemed like auto-pilot, kissed him on the cheek, and waved good-bye, ready to begin my own busy day. During the drive home, my mind went through a long list of things I needed to accomplish for the day. I was so engrossed in the stresses and duties of the day that I was completely oblivious to the beauty around me. Here I was, driving over the massive Caloosahatchee River; water sparking like tiny diamonds as the morning sun shone upon it, coconut-laden palm trees swaying on its banks, and a warm breeze that would make anyone swear they were on a tropical vacation, and I was missing it all!

Thank goodness I snapped out of that self-centered, wrapped up in work mind-set just in time to stop, take a deep breath and appreciate the loveliness around me!

I can't help but wonder how many people go about their daily lives doing similar. Worse yet, how many individuals go month after month, year after year, totally missing out on a relationship with God because they fail to see the manifold blessings only the Heavenly Father can provide?

My dear friend, it is time to wake up, step out of that slumber, and grab life with both hands full! God has much to offer you, if you will only take it! Daily Wisdom