View Full Version : Advice

11-02-2018, 10:30 AM

It is a hard lesson to learn, but one day we finally come to accept that we cannot handle everything in our lives by ourselves. In moments of darkness and uncertainty, we need someone to walk through the journey of life with us. Seek out a wise person to walk with you when the light on your path loses its clarity. A wise person will not necessarily tell you what to do, but he or she can point out to you what your options are. Many of us fail to see the number of possibilities open to us when we look for clarity of direction in our lives. Someone else often sees what we cannot. When we ask advice from someone who is wise, we increase our possibilities of acting successfully in the choices we make. A good adviser will not free us from the responsibility of making our own decisions, but he or she can broaden our vision so that we will have a better chance of making the right ones. If we are sufficiently honest to acknowledge our own limitations, we will have the openness to seek advice in those times when we most need it.

I know that wise advisers are your gifts to me, Lord, and that you sometimes choose to speak to me through them. Help me to break away from the illusion that I don't need them, and grant me the humility to accept wise advice when it is offered.

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