View Full Version : Prayer for those who morn...

08-08-2013, 03:45 AM
For those who mourn


Lord Jesus, you tell us
that those who mourn are “blessed”,
knowing that only those who love greatly
can mourn.
We know, too,
that it is better
to have loved and lost someone
than never to have loved at all.
Be with ______
and may the members of his/her family
be strengthened,
knowing that others care for them
and hold them in prayer. Amen.

08-16-2013, 09:24 AM

We have experienced
" living in Hell "....
got out quickly with
Thanks to the constant Protection and
Loving Guidance of Our Angels,
Guardians and Guides ...
and now are living
" Happily ever after "
within Our Hearts and Homes !
We realized that We had just
" been badly brainwashed "
and that it was never
too late to change
Our minds and choose a
Loving , Happy Future !

From Healing Inspirations

Have always believed there is life after death. Celebrate a life, let the person go, give them permission to move on with THEIR lives.

It is normal to morn, yet it is up to us to FEEL the feelings and let them go.