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10-29-2018, 09:12 AM
God's Word For Today

Just Ask!

Read Luke 11:1–54

Nan and her teenager looked at the heavy console TV in their van. “How are we going to move this?” her son asked. “It’s way too heavy.”

“Why don’t we ask them for help?” Nan said, nodding at two young men working on a car in the street.

“Nah, they’re busy,” the teen replied.

They tried again to move the TV, but it didn’t budge.

Nan marched across the street, and the men immediately said they’d be happy to help. In moments the fellows easily accomplished the tough task.

“It’s amazing what people will do if we’ll only ask,” Nan told her son.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9).

How many times do we stress and struggle, trying to solve problems or find answers on our own—forgetting to ask God for help? Sometimes God waits to step in until we ask, seek, or knock. Then He saves the day, and we wonder why we didn’t call on Him sooner!

Prayer Suggestion: Lord, help me remember that to see You work sometimes I just need to ask.

Quicklook: Luke 11:1–13