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10-29-2018, 10:08 AM
BE STILL...And God
By: Ron Edmondson
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 4:10

This now famous verse can change your life if you follow the command that God is giving. Let's look at it:

Be still! In other words, STOP doing what you are doing. Slow down for awhile. You are far too busy to recognize God in your life. Give Him some time. Remove some of the obstacles in your life that keep you from experiencing God. Take some time off from your daily routine, just for God.

And know! This doesn't mean “I think I know,” or “I'm pretty sure,” or “I am almost positive.” It means absolutely, positively, without a doubt knowing. Do you KNOW God personally, intimately, and without question?

The second half says that I am God! He is God-- the Creator, Sustainer, Protector, Provider, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Everlasting, Never-Ending (I know they are the same thing, but it bears repeating), All-Sufficient, Constant, Patient, Loving God! Did you get all that? Maybe you should read the list again! He is God!

Be still and know that He is God.