View Full Version : Give thanks to Him... Who remembered us in our low estate

11-11-2013, 10:14 AM
Give thanks to Him... Who remembered us in our low estate

"Give thanks to Him... Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever" Psalm: 136:23

I am sure we all have experienced lows in our lives sometime or other. It could have been a health condition or unhappiness or joblessness or something else that we can all relate to.

Those were the days when help wasn't near; we were not sure whom to run to, what to do, how to manage. Faith was being tested to a great extent. Friends were rare and we were at the lowest of our lows.

But God remembered us! Our faith was restored & our joy renewed.

Now, let us go back in time to see how God remembered us in our low estate - just scanning it all in our minds - and thank Him for that. Let's share our testimonies of how God led us through certain hardship with our friends, family and especially our children. Let us also be kind to those who might be in dire situations like we once were and help the best way we can...

For some of us, may be these are the lowly days... Our Lord remembers you as we speak - He has not forgotten you!

Let us remember to thank the Lord who remember(ed) us in our low estate!

Coffee with Jesus

11-11-2013, 06:47 PM
My low self esteem goes back to my childhood. Part of it was due to the rules and regulations taught in my home, or the lack of teaching at home, because you can't know what you have never been taught.

I saw and heard things and they all seemed to go back to the church and I got a major resentment. I didn't know it was my choice or that I had a choice, a rule was a rule, and I had to obey. I grew up knowing that Jesus loved me. When I came into recovery, I saw how He had been there when I couldn't help myself. He didn't walk away, I did. That is why is was so important to find a new understanding of my God and my role and relationship with Him.