11-09-2013, 10:48 AM
Wait and Trust
by Linda Rodgers
**Are you in the middle of a disaster and are tired of waiting on God?
If there are two words that are the hardest for me to live, it is these two. God gave them to me and asked me to obey. Not one verb, but two! It is like asking me to go to a top of a mountain and jump off without a parachute!
This verb WAIT is like watching a dog on a leash trying to run after a squirrel. Many times my definition of ‘wait’ is about 100 minutes. Joseph sat in a dingy pit, Job watched his world crumble, Esther waited to see her king, and well, Noah and his hammer were teammates for a very long time.
What I like so much about the Psalmist is that he walked in our shoes. Psalm 40:13, “Please show that you care and come to my rescue. Hurry and help me!” (CEV) Earlier in this chapter he started off by saying, “I patiently waited, Lord, for you to hear my prayer.” God knows we have such a hard time waiting, and yet He knows it is good for us. Being in the waiting area of life develops strength, character, and builds trust. Living the practicality of it is where the rubber meets the road. Sometimes I just sigh and realize that is what I need to do.
God says in His Word to Trust Him. As I put this word into practice I have to walk it in living color. If you open my Bible you will see the circled letter ‘T’ beside verses where God asks us to trust Him. Why do we feel that we can do things on our own and do it so much better? As I have taken baby steps in this direction, it is totally humbling and exciting to see how God has opened some new paths and direction in my life.
Psalm 91: 2 Then you will say to the Lord, ‘You are my fortress, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you.’(CEV)
Many times I have had to wrestle with this issue. Trust. When I truly sit and focus on who God is, it is a simple answer…YES!
Psalm 95: 3-4 says, “The Lord is the greatest God, King over all other gods. He holds the deepest part of the earth in his hands, and the mountain peaks belong to him.” (CEV)
Humanly speaking I have seen God’s touch on my life in all situations. He has always remained faithful, despite the pain and tragedies of life. So God has asked me to move out in faith and ask Him to Trust. Despite my weakness in this area, He is working with me and it has been amazing!
Wait and Trust. It has been a push-pull experience for me this year. However, I can truly thank God for those two words because in the steps I have journeyed, those words have been my comfort and strength. He is teaching me amazing things through the waiting game and the trusting factor. I have moved forward in my faith and reached out my hand to God many times asking Him to help me with these two verbs. They have to be action words because without that we can’t work on our faith. WAIT and TRUST. See the adventure begin!
~Father God, thank You for Your 100% guarantee of walking the journey with me. Thank you that in my deepest moments of uncertainly, You are there holding out Your hand. Help me to take these two verbs and make them action words in my life. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.
Questions: Name the things that you are waiting on? What thing is God asking you to trust Him with?
by Linda Rodgers
**Are you in the middle of a disaster and are tired of waiting on God?
If there are two words that are the hardest for me to live, it is these two. God gave them to me and asked me to obey. Not one verb, but two! It is like asking me to go to a top of a mountain and jump off without a parachute!
This verb WAIT is like watching a dog on a leash trying to run after a squirrel. Many times my definition of ‘wait’ is about 100 minutes. Joseph sat in a dingy pit, Job watched his world crumble, Esther waited to see her king, and well, Noah and his hammer were teammates for a very long time.
What I like so much about the Psalmist is that he walked in our shoes. Psalm 40:13, “Please show that you care and come to my rescue. Hurry and help me!” (CEV) Earlier in this chapter he started off by saying, “I patiently waited, Lord, for you to hear my prayer.” God knows we have such a hard time waiting, and yet He knows it is good for us. Being in the waiting area of life develops strength, character, and builds trust. Living the practicality of it is where the rubber meets the road. Sometimes I just sigh and realize that is what I need to do.
God says in His Word to Trust Him. As I put this word into practice I have to walk it in living color. If you open my Bible you will see the circled letter ‘T’ beside verses where God asks us to trust Him. Why do we feel that we can do things on our own and do it so much better? As I have taken baby steps in this direction, it is totally humbling and exciting to see how God has opened some new paths and direction in my life.
Psalm 91: 2 Then you will say to the Lord, ‘You are my fortress, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you.’(CEV)
Many times I have had to wrestle with this issue. Trust. When I truly sit and focus on who God is, it is a simple answer…YES!
Psalm 95: 3-4 says, “The Lord is the greatest God, King over all other gods. He holds the deepest part of the earth in his hands, and the mountain peaks belong to him.” (CEV)
Humanly speaking I have seen God’s touch on my life in all situations. He has always remained faithful, despite the pain and tragedies of life. So God has asked me to move out in faith and ask Him to Trust. Despite my weakness in this area, He is working with me and it has been amazing!
Wait and Trust. It has been a push-pull experience for me this year. However, I can truly thank God for those two words because in the steps I have journeyed, those words have been my comfort and strength. He is teaching me amazing things through the waiting game and the trusting factor. I have moved forward in my faith and reached out my hand to God many times asking Him to help me with these two verbs. They have to be action words because without that we can’t work on our faith. WAIT and TRUST. See the adventure begin!
~Father God, thank You for Your 100% guarantee of walking the journey with me. Thank you that in my deepest moments of uncertainly, You are there holding out Your hand. Help me to take these two verbs and make them action words in my life. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.
Questions: Name the things that you are waiting on? What thing is God asking you to trust Him with?