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09-10-2018, 07:39 AM
Today's Daily Word
Thank You, God, for answered prayer.
Thank You, God, for prayer. With this sacred opportunity, I am linked heart and mind with Your spirit and blessed in myriad ways. With this consecrated focus on You, I am strengthened physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For this, and so much more, I am grateful.
Thank You, God, for the wonder I experience in prayer. As I relax my body and release the concerns of the day, I affirm oneness, wholeness, and peace. I release any attachment to a specific result, knowing that as I do, Your activity in every arena of my life brings the perfect results.
Thank You, God, for answered prayer. I deepen my sense of oneness with You in every moment spent in prayer. I give thanks in advance that right outcomes will be revealed in the perfect way and time.
“And Jesus looked upward and said, ‘Father, I thank you for having heard me.’”—John 11:41