08-27-2018, 06:32 AM
Inducted... by Bruce Wadd
There it is… your photo is on his wall! Who’s photo, you ask? Yours!
The devil has your imprint on his ‘wall of shame’. For some of you, it’s been hanging there a long time, and you are incredibly controlled by the idea.
You may have struggled with this trapped feeling, caught in a cobweb of sin and addiction unable get out of the circumstances!
And one of the devil’s lies to you is… ‘it’s always going to be like this.’
Let me ‘bang the desk’ for a moment, emphatically stating a Jesus’ truth. You have been released, set free from every circumstance that captures you through Jesus’ death.
God’s got your photo on His Wall of Fame. It’s hanging on a huge red backdrop of Jesus’ blood, that was spilled so you could be free of shame, addiction and guilt.
Anything that holds you back is broken and powerless– you’re free to live your life in God, free to serve Him! You have been inducted into God’s kingdom forever!
Who’s wall is your photo hanging on?
When Moses, the old patriarch and leader, faced this question here’s how he spoke to Israel…
“…I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse.
Oh, that you would choose life. Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey Him and to cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days.” Deuteronomy 30:19
TODAY, be inducted into God’s hall!
There it is… your photo is on his wall! Who’s photo, you ask? Yours!
The devil has your imprint on his ‘wall of shame’. For some of you, it’s been hanging there a long time, and you are incredibly controlled by the idea.
You may have struggled with this trapped feeling, caught in a cobweb of sin and addiction unable get out of the circumstances!
And one of the devil’s lies to you is… ‘it’s always going to be like this.’
Let me ‘bang the desk’ for a moment, emphatically stating a Jesus’ truth. You have been released, set free from every circumstance that captures you through Jesus’ death.
God’s got your photo on His Wall of Fame. It’s hanging on a huge red backdrop of Jesus’ blood, that was spilled so you could be free of shame, addiction and guilt.
Anything that holds you back is broken and powerless– you’re free to live your life in God, free to serve Him! You have been inducted into God’s kingdom forever!
Who’s wall is your photo hanging on?
When Moses, the old patriarch and leader, faced this question here’s how he spoke to Israel…
“…I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse.
Oh, that you would choose life. Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey Him and to cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days.” Deuteronomy 30:19
TODAY, be inducted into God’s hall!