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08-13-2018, 09:56 AM
Let Go, Let God

I surrender to God’s love, and I become whole.

It takes courage to let go of painful memories or circumstances. I may cling to hurt or disappointment, feeling misunderstood or unloved. But although the memories may linger, God’s unconditional love is here to heal my pain.

If I need help letting go, I pray for understanding and an open heart. A world of possibilities opens when I willingly receive divine love and allow it to heal me. I release my struggle and let universal love heal my wounds. Forgiveness becomes possible. I feel whole again.

When I let the love of God become my guiding principle, I am clear, confident, and at peace. I let go of the past, and I am free.
Those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.—Psalm 9:10

Daily Word