08-04-2018, 07:51 AM
God Is Near
"Am I only a God nearby," declares the LORD, "and not a God far away?" Jeremiah 23:23
Have there been times in your life when you felt God was far away from you? Are you going through trials at this very moment that are so overwhelming that you feel all alone? Take heart, God is with you; it matters not where He is physically, because His presence transcends time and space. This is a hard concept for our finite minds to comprehend, so we must trust God and believe what He states in His Word. He has stated quite emphatically in this Scripture that it matters not where He is physically; He sees all, He knows all and He is in control of all that takes place in the lives of His children. What comfort we can take in that thought! We must learn to trust God in spite of what we might feel. Our feelings can be very deceptive. We may feel unloved, but God has stated that He loved us so much that He gave His beloved Son for us. (John 3:16) We may feel all alone, but God has said "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Heb. 13:5) We may feel ugly and unworthy, but God has said that inner beauty is what counts and we are worthy through Christ. (1 Peter 3:4) Our feelings must have no bearing on how we view God. Not only can we take God at His Word, we must. Know that God is near! God cares and nothing will befall us that is not meant for our eternal welfare. Take heart, God is with you always!
Father, help us to put little value on our feelings, they are so untrustworthy. We know that Satan will use them against you. Help us to put all our trust in you! We need to spend time in your Word and take to heart the promises you have there for us. Convict us daily of this need. We are so grateful that we do not have to worry about where you are at any given time, knowing that you are with us no matter what. Comfort us with that promise and may we live our lives in your presence always! Amen. Quiet Waters
"Am I only a God nearby," declares the LORD, "and not a God far away?" Jeremiah 23:23
Have there been times in your life when you felt God was far away from you? Are you going through trials at this very moment that are so overwhelming that you feel all alone? Take heart, God is with you; it matters not where He is physically, because His presence transcends time and space. This is a hard concept for our finite minds to comprehend, so we must trust God and believe what He states in His Word. He has stated quite emphatically in this Scripture that it matters not where He is physically; He sees all, He knows all and He is in control of all that takes place in the lives of His children. What comfort we can take in that thought! We must learn to trust God in spite of what we might feel. Our feelings can be very deceptive. We may feel unloved, but God has stated that He loved us so much that He gave His beloved Son for us. (John 3:16) We may feel all alone, but God has said "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Heb. 13:5) We may feel ugly and unworthy, but God has said that inner beauty is what counts and we are worthy through Christ. (1 Peter 3:4) Our feelings must have no bearing on how we view God. Not only can we take God at His Word, we must. Know that God is near! God cares and nothing will befall us that is not meant for our eternal welfare. Take heart, God is with you always!
Father, help us to put little value on our feelings, they are so untrustworthy. We know that Satan will use them against you. Help us to put all our trust in you! We need to spend time in your Word and take to heart the promises you have there for us. Convict us daily of this need. We are so grateful that we do not have to worry about where you are at any given time, knowing that you are with us no matter what. Comfort us with that promise and may we live our lives in your presence always! Amen. Quiet Waters