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08-04-2018, 08:49 AM
A Place To Stand

No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. —1 Corinthians 3:11

While taking a break during a ministry trip, we were snorkeling in the Caribbean Sea. The boat that had taken us to the deep water for better sites had gone back to shore, and I began to feel panicky about being in the open water. Finding it hard to control my breathing, I asked my son-in-law Todd and a friend, Dave Velzen, for help. They held my arms while I searched for an outcropping of coral close enough to the surface for me to stand on. Once I had a place to stand, even though surrounded by deep waters, I was okay.

Are you feeling a bit panicky about events in your life? Maybe it seems as if you are surrounded by the open waters of relationship problems, or money woes, or simply an inability to put your life in order. Perhaps you feel as if you are drowning in a sea of trials and trouble.

May I suggest two things? First, find a fellow Christian or two who can come beside you and hold you up (see Eccl. 4:10), pray for you, talk with you, and remind you that you are not alone. Then rest your feet on the only solid foundation in life: Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11).

Life’s troubles are too tough to take on alone. Get some help and find in Jesus a place to stand. — Dave Branon

God often meets our deepest need
With help we gain from others,
From caring members of His church—
Our sisters and our brothers. —Brown

Build your life on the solid foundation—Jesus Christ.