07-04-2018, 08:52 AM
Today, and every day, I celebrate my freedom!
Who is in charge of my freedom? I am! I have been given the gift of free will. I alone choose how I will live. I alone choose my attitude. I am free to choose the thoughts I think and to speak the words I wish to speak. I can choose to rest in the Silence, where I meet with Spirit and receive guidance. If ever I feel restricted or constrained, I affirm: The Spirit of the Lord is in me, and I am free!
If I am unhappy or feeling unfulfilled, I am free to make a new choice. I choose to let go of limiting thoughts. Instead, I imagine my highest good and my limitless possibilities. I choose how I spend my time and set priorities accordingly. I live the best life I can. Today, and every day, I celebrate my freedom!
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17
Daily Word
Today, and every day, I celebrate my freedom!
Who is in charge of my freedom? I am! I have been given the gift of free will. I alone choose how I will live. I alone choose my attitude. I am free to choose the thoughts I think and to speak the words I wish to speak. I can choose to rest in the Silence, where I meet with Spirit and receive guidance. If ever I feel restricted or constrained, I affirm: The Spirit of the Lord is in me, and I am free!
If I am unhappy or feeling unfulfilled, I am free to make a new choice. I choose to let go of limiting thoughts. Instead, I imagine my highest good and my limitless possibilities. I choose how I spend my time and set priorities accordingly. I live the best life I can. Today, and every day, I celebrate my freedom!
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17
Daily Word