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06-26-2018, 08:56 AM
It’s the Wrong Time to Ask
Ask, and it will be given to you. Matthew 7:7

There’s a right time and a wrong time to ask others for their help. We avoid phoning them at the dinner hour, pouncing on them when they are just home from work, or interrupting when they are deep in concentration. In such situations, we tell ourselves, “Wait; it’s the wrong time to ask.”

Two thousand years ago in the Holy Land, the Sabbath was the wrong time to ask. Because God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest, many prohibitions guarded against working on the Sabbath. So when the man with the shriveled hand found himself near Jesus, he did not ask Jesus to work a cure, even though he surely had heard about Jesus’ previous healing miracles. It was the wrong time to ask. But Jesus showed that the Sabbath is a day for saving life, doing good, and showing mercy and compassion. Jesus healed the man, so the man’s hand was made whole and strong.

Jesus always has time to listen, and He hears even our unspoken needs. Jesus always has time for each of us, even though we may complain that we’ve no time for Him. With Jesus there’s never a wrong time to ask. With Jesus, it’s always the right time to ask, the right time to share our heart’s desire, and the right time to pray.

Thank You, Jesus, for always having time for us. Make us eager to spend time with You. Amen.
--Portals of Prayer