View Full Version : I live in the light of God

06-22-2018, 09:44 AM
I live in the light of God.

The sunlight that awakens me on a summer morning is bright and encouraging. Its radiance beckons me into a day of abundant possibilities.

The indwelling light of God is constant. It leads me on a path to my highest good, providing direction when I am unsure what to do. To find this inner light, I center my heart and mind on the love of God; my path becomes clear. God is my light, my strength, and my hope.

I trust the light of God within to awaken me to my full potential. With divine light shining in me, I am strong and confident.

I live in the light of God. Each day is like a bright summer day in which all things are possible.
Indeed, you are my lamp, O Lord, the Lord lightens my darkness.—2 Samuel 22:29

Daily Word