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05-30-2018, 09:24 AM
The Lord Is With Me

"The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The LORD is with me; he is my helper." Psalms 118:6, 7

The LORD is with us: think about that for a moment. The God of the Heavens and Earth, the creator of this vast Universe is with us, with you and with me. How awesome is that! Surely what is there to be afraid of? When the reality of these verses is understood, suddenly everything in our lives comes into perspective. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished; no trial too tough to go through, for He is with us. He walks with us, He talks with us, He cares for us. Nothing that takes place in our lives can harm us. All things that take place in our lives is for our ultimate good because He is with us! There is nothing that man can do to us that will remove God's presence from our lives! NOTHING! The LORD is with us through the good and the bad times. He is there to help us: to help us to work through the rough times, to lift us up and carry us if necessary; and to share with us in the good times: to laugh with us and cry with us in all aspects of our lives. He is there to help us to sift through the ashes and find the hidden treasures He has placed there to bless us. He is our creator. He is our Savior. He is our helper. He is our Father. And He is always with us!

Father, how grateful we are for this promise that you will always be with us! There is nothing we need to be afraid of when you are by our side. There is nothing that can harm us. Thank you for being our helper, for seeing us through the tough times in our lives. Thank you for your laughter, as you share in our joys. Thank you for your tears, as you walk with us through the fire in our lives. You are a precious Father! Amen

Quiet Waters