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05-25-2018, 10:04 AM
God's Word In Your Mouth

17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

The sword, or weapon, of the spirit is speaking the Word of God. Left sitting in a book on your shelf, it does you no good.

A weapon must be used against an adversary to be of any benefit. Our adversary is the devil and a weapon he uses is doubt. We must speak God's Word to actively resist doubt, so it won't defeat us.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

We need to personalize the Bible, and act on it. The first, and main, way to accomplish this is to speak in agreement with what the Bible says.

For a short basic confession to get you started, look at http://www.believers.org/helps/basiccon.htm

Basic Confession
Jesus is my Lord. The devil has no power over me. (Matthew 28:18; Colossians 1:13)

In Jesus' Name I bind you satan and forbid you to bother me in any way. (Mark 16:17; James 4:7)

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)

No evil or accident will happen to me. Neither shall any sickness come near me. God has given His angels charge over me to always keep me safe. (Psalm 91:10-11)

I fear no evil for You are with me Lord. (Psalm 23:4)

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

Christ has set me free from the curse of sickness. By His wounds, I have been healed. (Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24)

The Lord is my Shepherd. I do not lack. (Psalm 23:1)

My God is supplying all I need. (Philippians 4:19)

I am a child of Almighty God. He loves me and takes good care of me. (Matthew 6:32-33; 7:11)

The Lord is my Helper. I will not be afraid. (Hebrews 13:6)

I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

All things are possible to me. I have faith so nothing is impossible. (Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23)

I am a forgiver. I am patient and kind. I walk in love. (1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5)

God gives me favor with people. (Acts 2:47)

Jesus has become my wisdom. (1 Corinthians 1:30)

I have the mind of Christ. (Philippians 2:5)

The Spirit of truth lives in me and teaches me all things. He guides me into all truth. (John 14:26; 16:13)

The Lord gives me wisdom and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6)

God is for me. (Psalm 56:9)

SAY THIS: I take the sword of the spirit and put it in my mouth by speaking in agreement with the Word of God.

A Bible Devotion