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11-01-2013, 07:10 AM
Friday, November 1, 2013
Get life going your way
Don’t wait for life to go your way. Get your own thoughts and actions going your way and the other things in life will reliably follow along.
Step forward and take a positive, active role in creating your own future. Instead of worrying about what might or might not happen, work to make what does happen the best you can imagine.
With every moment and every choice, you have an influence on the way your life unfolds. Instead of being a victim of circumstance, find ways to utilize each circumstance for meaningful, positive purposes.
Though you cannot control every influence in your life, you absolutely can control what you make of those various influences. Make the choice, again and again, to make the best of them.
Take what comes, whatever it may be, with gratitude and positive expectations. Do what you must to make something good out of it.
There is always a way forward, so take it. There is always something useful, valuable and positive you can do, so do it, and get life going your way.
— Ralph Marston
11-02-2013, 06:59 AM
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Goodness in return
If you have been disappointed, take heart. For you are also in a great place from which to start.
When you’ve made the effort and failed to get the desired result, see it as the blessing it is. You have just discovered what doesn’t work and that will help you figure out what does work.
When people are critical of you, sincerely thank them. They have just given you a valuable perspective which can help you to become even more effective.
In the moments when frustration comes, feel the intense energy that comes with it. Transform that energy into determination, and make it a powerful, positive force.
Even when there are good reasons to feel sorry for yourself, don’t. Those very same reasons can be reasons to move forward with more commitment than ever before.
Whatever life may give you, choose to give goodness in return. And nothing will be able to hold you back from the sweet fulfillment you deserve.
— Ralph Marston
11-03-2013, 06:35 AM
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Take comfort
You seek comfort by hiding away, but all you get is loneliness. You seek comfort by judging and criticizing others, but all you get is resentment.
You seek comfort by striving and acquiring, but all you get is the insecurity of knowing that those things you have will not last. You seek comfort by insulating yourself from life’s ups and downs, but all you get are days that seem empty of any meaning.
You seek comfort by indulging every pleasure and whim. Yet you end up with shallow sensations that bring no real joy.
You seek comfort by running away from the possibility of pain and disappointment. Yet you find that in so doing you have run away from life itself.
Take comfort instead in looking forward to the challenges that will surely come, and in working your way through them. Take comfort in feeling your own strength of purpose grow with each effort.
Take comfort in knowing that you are both resolute in your intent and flexible in your tactics for moving successfully through each moment. For that is the kind of confident comfort that cannot fade away.
— Ralph Marston
11-04-2013, 10:12 AM
Monday, November 4, 2013
Too valuable to waste
Consider what a truly great day you have today. Think of all the magnificent possibilities that are yours right now.
You can fill the next hour with sixty minutes of focused, purposeful, effective effort. You can bring new and meaningful value to your work, your home, your family, your community and your dreams.
On this day you can learn, experience, work, feel, love and play. You can make creative use of whatever you have to move in the direction of whatever you desire.
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. So let yourself imagine something wonderful, and then enjoy the wonderful experience of making it happen.
Though it might seem easier and more comfortable to just do nothing, that’s really not the case. If you waste the great possibilities of this day, you will very soon come to regret it.
So avoid that regret and jump into action. Today is much too valuable to waste.
— Ralph Marston
11-05-2013, 05:56 AM
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Fully there
Wherever you are, be there fully. For where you are is where you can most effectively act and live.
If you’re constantly wishing that you were somewhere else, you diminish the opportunities for where you are now. When your thoughts are in another place or time, your actions lose much of their effectiveness.
It’s great to dream, to plan, to aspire, to reach for new and improved circumstances. And yet the way to successfully do that is by being the best you can be in the place where you now find yourself.
It’s great to keep yourself focused on an ambitious goal. And that focus is the most effective when it is crafted from the perspective of where you are now.
To successfully travel the path from here to there, you must start with being fully here. The more you give your attention and your energy to making the most of where you are, the more quickly you’ll move along that path.
There is much to be accomplished, much to be lived in every place and in every moment. Be there fully for all of them, and life will be rich indeed.
— Ralph Marston
11-06-2013, 08:02 AM
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Carefully listen
Stop worrying so much about what you’re trying to say, and listen for a while. Though it may seem strange, one very effective way to express yourself is by listening.
Listen, carefully, lovingly and attentively to the world around you. Listen to others and listen to life.
Let go of your assumptions about what you expect to hear. Listen not only with your ears, but also with your heart and spirit.
Pay attention to what life has to say to you. There is no end to the valuable lessons you can learn.
When you think you know it all, you deny yourself the opportunity to learn new things. When you interact with others only to impress them with how much you know, they’ll soon understand that you know very little.
The more you listen, observe and learn, the more powerfully you’ll be able to express yourself. Take heed of what life has to say, and what you learn will carry you far.
— Ralph Marston
11-07-2013, 06:53 AM
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Forever thankful
Do you remember anything special that you did exactly one week ago, or one month ago today? What can you do today that will make today a day to fondly remember for a long time to come?
This day is an entire day of your life. You have the opportunity to live this day in such a way that it will make a positive difference for years to come.
You can express your love in a new and unique way. You can begin an ambitious project that you’ve been meaning to start for a long time.
You could take the time and make the effort to learn a new skill that will add value to every day of your life. You could visit a place you’ve never been to before, or re-connect with an old and dear friend.
You can thoughtfully re-commit yourself to your highest priorities. And then you can take real, effective action that will bring those priorities to life.
You can live this day in such a way that you’ll be forever thankful for what you’ve made of it. Get started now, and make it one to remember.
— Ralph Marston
11-08-2013, 07:16 AM
Friday, November 8, 2013
Highest vision
Look up from what you’re doing and look around for a minute. See what a beautiful world you’re in.
Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and focus on the positive possibilities. Consider how very much you are able to do.
Turn your attention for a while away from the worries and anxieties. Remind yourself of all your many blessings.
The direction of your focus is the direction your life will move. Let yourself move toward what is good, valuable, strong and true.
The things that fill your awareness are the things that will fill your life and your world. So expand your awareness beyond your own concerns and toward the best of what can be.
Look up and look confidently toward the highest vision you can imagine. The moment you do, you’re on your way there.
— Ralph Marston
11-09-2013, 07:19 AM
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Success is not a secret
Success is not a secret. It is a choice, a choice that is made over and over again.
The choice that brings success and achievement is more than a one-time event. It is a choice that is integrated into every moment of life.
It’s one thing to decide upon a course of action and then leave it at that. Such a strategy will leave you with nothing but empty wishes and good intentions.
Real achievement comes from choosing to achieve, again and again, moment after moment, until the goal is attained. Real achievement comes from choosing to achieve, and then continually reaffirming that choice with action.
Choosing success is really quite easy. To actually reach that success, just keep on choosing it.
Keep on choosing, and acting on that choice, for as long as necessary. And anything is within your reach.
— Ralph Marston
11-10-2013, 05:39 AM
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Thankful for it all
Gratitude is like putting money in the bank. Practice it every chance you get.
Every day is filled with opportunities to be thankful. You can be thankful for your blessings, for your problems, for the things you know, for the things you’ve yet to learn, and for everything in between.
When you sincerely enjoy and appreciate life’s small, simple treasures, the big, impressive achievements will soon be headed your way. Demonstrate, with joy and enthusiasm, your appreciation for something, and you’re likely to get much more of it.
Choose to be gloriously thankful simply for the fact that you’re alive and aware. You will notice an immediate and profound improvement in your day.
Every thankful thought you think connects you more solidly to life’s magnificent abundance. The more you appreciate something, the more real value it takes on.
So challenge yourself to be truly thankful for all that is around you, for all that is in you, and for all that happens to you and through you. By so doing, you give richness and value to everything you touch.
— Ralph Marston
11-11-2013, 06:59 AM
Monday, November 11, 2013
Experience the richness
You put a lot of energy and effort into living. So on a regular basis, take time to fully experience your life and the world in which you live.
Spend some time that has no purpose other than to take in all the richness of which you’re a part. Let go, for a while, of the need to analyze, to criticize, to judge and react.
Allow your thoughts to be still. Feel the wonder, the goodness, the beauty of simply being, and knowing that you are.
Experience life, not in order to gain any advantage or to impress someone. Experience life because the depth of its richness has no limit.
The more fully you experience and appreciate life, the more you’ll find yourself needing less and having more. Experience life, and you’ll clearly see how truly rich you already are.
Life is a gift so precious that it has no equal. Experience life, and give that gift to yourself and others.
— Ralph Marston
11-12-2013, 07:36 AM
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Embrace responsibility
Don’t blame others, don’t blame the situation, and don’t blame yourself. Instead of wasting your energy on assigning blame, empower yourself by accepting responsibility.
The way you experience life is no one’s fault. It is your choice.
Fully accept and embrace responsibility for all that surrounds you, and something amazing happens. You gain the power to make a positive difference.
If you run from the troubles, they grow stronger and chase you more and more relentlessly. Yet the moment you take responsibility for those troubles, you begin to have some control over them.
If you merely wish for your dreams to come true, they won’t. Yet when you step up and take responsibility for bringing those dreams to life, they begin to take on real form and substance.
Responsibility is the key that gives you access to all the best life has to offer. Embrace responsibility in all things, and unlock the great value that is yours to live.
— Ralph Marston
11-13-2013, 07:26 AM
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Beautiful reality
Act not out of judgment, but out of love. Live not from a position of fear, but from a perspective of joy.
Let go of the need to prove how good you are. Live in such a way that real goodness, joy and generosity flow naturally from all you do.
Instead of seeking to gain more advantage, discover new ways to give more value. Instead of worrying about what might be, live the immense treasure of what already is.
Don’t waste your time looking for happiness in this thing or that. Let happiness always find you right where you are, doing whatever you are doing.
See life not as a contest where some must lose in order for others to win. See it as an opportunity to lift yourself higher by lifting many, many others through your unique gifts.
Let go of the illusion that you must struggle. And let in the beautiful reality of how very good life can be.
— Ralph Marston
11-14-2013, 07:54 AM
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Beyond the good life
Sometimes fear doesn’t really feel like fear. Sometimes it feels very comfortable.
Sometimes the desire to remain comfortably where you are can prevent you from being the best you can be. Sometimes you might live with unacceptable pain just so you don’t have to make any changes.
Sometimes it is useful to remind yourself that there is more to life than just being comfortable. Sometimes a change, though it may be intimidating, can do you a whole lot of good.
It’s great to appreciate and value where you are. Yet life will surely and eventually insist that you continue to move forward.
So make the choice to get a little bit beyond what you’re comfortable with. Feel true gratitude and appreciation for life’s richness, and know that there is even more beyond the horizon.
Don’t let your comfort shield you from your best possibilities. Go beyond the good life, and make it even better.
— Ralph Marston
11-15-2013, 07:10 AM
Friday, November 15, 2013
Real, fulfilling life
Life gives to you what you give to life. The way you experience life depends on the way you choose to live it.
If you act according to your own greed, you will suffer from the greed of others. If you live with hatred you will be the recipient of hatred.
When you live out of a sense of authentic love, you will receive love from others. Live with true respect, and you will be truly respected.
You cannot possibly get the good things you do not wish to give. You cannot possibly avoid receiving in return whatever it is you offer to life.
A puzzle that is solved for you is really not any fun. A life that is lived for you is no life at all.
Make your own way, shoulder your own burdens, and give your very best in every moment. That is real, fulfilling life, and it is priceless.
— Ralph Marston
11-16-2013, 07:05 AM
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Worth every moment
Some days will be joyful and other days will be painful. Through it all, life is worth every moment.
Some experiences will be frustrating and others will be exhilarating. Choose to see the positive value in all those experiences, and to grow stronger with each one.
On some days the sunshine will feel delightfully warm and on other days the wind will be bitterly cold. Yet every day, each feeling can make you feel more richly alive.
The future may at times appear bright and at other times seem to be deeply troubling. Whatever the case, you can always make the very best of the time you have, as it comes.
Life will always have its ups and downs. Instead of making a judgment about every experience, make the choice to embrace it all.
See each day as an opportunity to grow stronger, more capable and more thankful for life’s limitless possibilities. Use each day to bring the best of those possibilities into being in new, unique and meaningful ways.
— Ralph Marston
11-17-2013, 07:25 AM
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Empty yourself of everything you care about, every dream, every worry, every concern, every ambition, every purpose, every disappointment, every desire. Gently let it all go.
Then put back in only the things that have real meaning. And taste the sweet, glorious freedom of being able to bring those hallowed purposes fully to life.
Are you so intensely concerned with chasing success that you’ve made that success impossible? Let it go, and then you can truly know it.
Do you ache so fervently for love that you drive it away? Let it go, and it will fill you.
Cleanse your spirit of all the many layers of need to, have to, want to, and can’t do without. Clear out some space to truly live.
Underneath all those empty artifacts you’ve been striving to hold on to, there is freedom and there is power. Cleanse yourself of the need to need, and free yourself to soar.
— Ralph Marston
11-18-2013, 07:03 AM
Monday, November 18, 2013
Taking action
You can plan and prepare and talk about it for weeks or months or years, but that’s never enough. Action is what will make it happen.
A verbal commitment is good and a written commitment can be powerful. Yet there is no true, effective, life-changing commitment until there is action.
When you take action, there is no guarantee of success. Yet when you do not take action, there absolutely is the guarantee of failure.
Act early, act often, act intelligently, act with persistence, and be willing to adjust your actions based on the results they bring. The only way to achieve the goal is to get in the game and make the effort.
Right now you have the time in this day. Fill it with effective, directed, focused, positive, purposeful action, and you’ll always be thankful you did.
Action will take you from here to there, from nothing to something, from dream to reality. Get up, get going, take action and make your reality the best you can envision.
— Ralph Marston
11-19-2013, 06:44 AM
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Energized by the possibilities
Acknowledge and accept what is, but don’t settle for it. You can take what is, whatever it may be, and add great value to it.
If you’ve allowed yourself to fall behind, or if events beyond your control have held you back, you don’t have to stay behind. You can fully embrace where you are, and then begin to step solidly forward.
It is never too late to experience the true fulfillment of making a real difference in life. No circumstance is ever too burdensome to separate you from your authentic purpose.
Don’t let yourself get caught up in judgments or comparisons. Instead, let yourself be energized by the positive possibilities of right now.
Whatever has happened, has happened, and now the thing to do is move forward with renewed energy. You can do it, not because of where you’ve been or what you have, but because of who you are deep inside.
Take this day, this moment, this unique place and time, and give it the best you have. There is greatness within you, so let it come flowing forth right now.
— Ralph Marston
11-20-2013, 07:15 AM
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Creating fulfillment
Your fulfillment does not depend on getting others to think or act in certain ways. Your fulfillment does not depend on being impressive or successful in the eyes of the world.
Your fulfillment depends on you. It depends on how much of yourself you genuinely give and authentically express.
Governments, corporations, interest groups and institutions cannot give you fulfillment or keep you from it. Regardless of your situation, you are responsible for the fulfillment you experience.
People have all sorts of different abilities, resources, challenges, opportunities and circumstances. Yet every person, in his or her own way, has the possibility for true fulfillment at any time.
Don’t waste your time begging for help, assigning blame, or wishing that things could be different. Wisely use every bit of your time joyfully and gratefully creating the special fulfillment that is yours to create.
Stop imagining excuses and start experiencing the satisfaction of bringing real fulfillment to every day. Now is your moment, so fill it with delightful meaning.
— Ralph Marston
11-21-2013, 07:10 AM
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Positive approach
Conflict can be interesting and enticing, but is not particularly useful. Rather than giving in to the drama of conflict, choose to be genuinely helpful and cheerful, and make yourself much more effective.
Sure, you can get attention by being negative. But you can get much more done by taking a positive approach.
Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, offer some workable options for setting things right. When you feel like giving criticism, find a way to give it in the form of encouragement.
You don’t have to be nice just to be nice. Be nice, helpful, positive, upbeat and encouraging because that’s how you, and everyone else, will make the most progress.
You’ll never be able to get back the time and energy you waste on conflict. Yet when you invest your time and energy in being a positive influence, the rewards for doing so will expand exponentially as time goes on.
Your most effective, productive, profitable, compassionate and intelligent choice is to be positive in your interactions with others. It’s a choice that lifts the lives of everyone involved.
— Ralph Marston
11-22-2013, 07:23 AM
Friday, November 22, 2013
Helping others
Helping others helps you, at the very deepest level. Giving real value serves to create real value in your own life.
By providing encouragement, you receive encouragement. When you teach, you learn.
Each day is rich with opportunities for you to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you. And it is through genuinely enriching the lives of others that you find true richness in your own.
Right here, right now, there is a beautiful way to give of yourself, and to make the world a better place. Choose to do so, and immediately feel the benefits begin to manifest.
You have the chance today to change lives for the better. It’s difficult to imagine anything that could be more fulfilling than that.
Reach out, give a hand, make a difference, and offer a kindness. The lives you lift will most certainly include your own.
— Ralph Marston
11-23-2013, 06:53 AM
Saturday, November 23, 2013
More than you must
It is by doing more than you must that you make life exceptionally good. It is by exercising each small opportunity to go the extra mile that you create an incredibly beautiful journey.
When you’re making a difference, and you have some good momentum, keep going. When you’ve finished what you must do, keep going and discover the great value in what you can choose to do.
Even a small extra effort can make a big difference. A little bit bigger extra effort may just change the world.
Instead of fighting against the effort, enjoy it and celebrate the opportunity you have to make it. Instead of resenting what you must do, be delighted about all the great things you’re able to do.
Feel how good it feels to be effective, creative and productive. Keep that feeling alive even longer by making an extra effort.
Grab each opportunity to do more than you must. You’ll end up with treasures that go beyond anything you could have imagined.
— Ralph Marston
11-24-2013, 06:57 AM
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Before you struggle to get what you don’t really want, stop. And consider what an exquisite miracle you already are.
Before you spend time complaining that things are not going your way, think for a moment. And see that everything that is, can be put to positive purpose.
Before you waste your life worrying that you might lose it all, gently and lovingly calm your thoughts. Realize that what truly has value can never be taken away.
Before you blame others for all of your troubles, take a step back. And understand that the way to control your own destiny is to take full responsibility for your life.
Before you allow fear to hold you prisoner, remember this. You can learn from the fear, you can use it to more fully prepare, and you can then move confidently ahead.
Before you allow any person, thought, feeling, event or situation to get you down, take a deep breath and consider. This moment is still unfolding, and you can choose right now to make life better than it has ever been.
— Ralph Marston
11-25-2013, 05:58 AM
Monday, November 25, 2013
Outstanding feeling
When you meet up with resistance, that means you’re making progress. The more resistance you work yourself through, the more value you’ll create.
Achievement is difficult, and that’s a good thing. For that’s what enables achievement to make you stronger.
The difficulties can get you discouraged if you let them. The good news is, you don’t have to let them.
Take a deep breath, and feel the power of your own purpose and your own intention. You are here to achieve, and to successfully deal with whatever challenges are in your path, so step boldly forward and do it.
Feel your strength grow as you work through each new challenge. Feel your resolve and determination increase as you find new ways to move forward no matter what.
Achievement feels so good because of what it takes to get there. Give what it takes, as often as necessary, and experience the outstanding feeling that your own achievements bring.
— Ralph Marston
11-26-2013, 06:54 AM
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Inner state of being
Anxiety is not created by your situation, or by what you must do about your situation. Anxiety is the result of your attitude and your perspective on the situation.
To be free of anxiety, you don’t necessarily have to change the situation or avoid doing anything about it. What you can do is change your attitude, your perspective and your expectations.
In fact, your attitude ultimately is not dependent on your circumstances. Your attitude is whatever you choose it to be.
As surely as you have learned to react to certain things with anxiety, you can teach yourself to respond instead with peaceful confidence. That response is just as realistic, and much more positive, healthy and enriching.
Keep in mind that it is because of your choice that you become annoyed, frustrated, angry, fearful and filled with anxiety. Keep in mind that you always have another, more positive choice.
Make it your intention to choose peace, positive purpose, confidence and generous, effective action. Your inner state of being is always your choice, so always make it the very best, most empowering one.
— Ralph Marston
11-27-2013, 07:45 AM
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Pay the price
Success has a price, and today you have the golden opportunity to pay that price. Choose to do so, and valuable, unique, new fulfilling success is yours.
Though the price you must pay for success is significant, it is never a burden. Willingly, joyfully and enthusiastically pay that price, and true success will fill your life.
To pay the price of success, you must engage your effort, your creativity, your resourcefulness and a whole lot of other strengths, skills and abilities. What’s truly beautiful is that when you pay the price of success, it actually ends up paying you back many, many times over.
If you’re trying to avoid paying the price of success, you’re running away from your best possibilities. Stop, turn around, step up, do what must be done, and taste the sweet fulfillment that’s waiting for you.
Success has a very steep price, and one of life’s greatest joys is the experience of paying that price. Don’t ever cheat yourself out of the opportunity to feel that joy.
Success has many benefits, and one big benefit is in the price you must pay. Pay that price, every chance you get, and enjoy the immense rewards of doing so.
— Ralph Marston
11-28-2013, 06:23 AM
Thursday, November 28, 2013
A day to be thankful
Every day is a day to be thankful. Life is a miracle, and there is no end to the possibilities for joy, fulfillment, meaning and value.
Every day is a day to be thankful, and the more we remember to do so, the more we have for which to be thankful. Life’s blessings multiply when they are fully realized and put to good use.
Be thankful today and every day, not because you’re supposed to be, but because you can. Experience the warm sensation of true gratitude just because it feels so good.
Keep yourself aware of your good fortune, and through that awareness, your good fortune grows. Focus on the good things, and you make them even better.
Remind yourself how good life can be, and suddenly you see new ways to expand that goodness. Your life and your world become what you hold in your thoughts most persistently, so hold all the good things there with your thankfulness for them.
Today is a day to be sincerely and overwhelmingly thankful. Seize that great opportunity now, with all the richness it brings.
— Ralph Marston
11-29-2013, 07:32 AM
Friday, November 29, 2013
Easier said than done
Everything is easier said than done. But just because something is difficult to do, doesn’t mean it is impossible.
In fact, the more difficult something is, the more valuable it is when you do in fact get it done. Instead of complaining that it’s easier said than done, put your energy into making it happen.
On the other side of great challenge is great reward. Work through the challenge, and get yourself to the reward.
Yes, that will take time, effort, commitment, decisiveness and persistence. And it will be worth all that and more.
The way to get it done is to start where you are, to keep going forward, and to constantly remind yourself why. Though it’s certainly not as easy as just saying you will, it is absolutely within your ability to make good and valuable things happen.
Act in accordance with the way you wish your life to be. Though it’s easy to say, it’s much, much better to do.
— Ralph Marston
11-30-2013, 07:10 AM
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Temporary condition
What you are experiencing right now is a temporary condition. Things will soon be different, so act accordingly.
If life is going well, make the very most of your good fortune. Work to transform it into even more good things.
If life is not going so well, you can take steps right now to change that. Change will most certainly come, so work to make those changes positive, meaningful and enriching.
The way your life is now is not the way your life will always be. Fully enjoy all the good things about this moment while also working to create a positive future.
As good as things are right now, you can make them better. As difficult as things are right now, you can make them better.
This day, this moment, this experience will eventually pass. Give it your best while it is here, and then move forward to something even better.
— Ralph Marston
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