04-27-2018, 10:10 AM
"Prayer – The Most Powerful Form of Energy"
(part 1 of a four part series)
“I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me.” — Colossians 1:29 (NRSV)
In today’s world, where oil prices are hovering around the hundred dollar a barrel figure, people love to talk about developing alternative energy resources. There is talk about wind, solar, bio-fuels, and (if you walk in the appropriate circles) even nuclear being the next ‘big thing’ to power the world’s energy needs.
However, as I look out at the world, I see another energy shortage: one that comes from a lack of being connected to the Divine. You look around at the world and what you see are people who are tired, people who are emotionally burdened and isolated, people who are longing to find that source that will answer their needs. The reality is, we need look no further than God, and the most intimate way to foster that connection with the Almighty is through prayer. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy…if you allow yourself to tap into it. The thing about prayer, as is the case with all energy sources, you’ve got to do some work in order to transform it into the energy that you long to have.
Now I know that prayer is one of those activities that scares most people half to death; they don’t know what to say, they’re afraid of saying it wrong, or they’re concerned that God might be offended at the way the prayer is offered. However, start simple, say with your dinner grace. Instead of just saying the same 14 words that you always say, genuinely thank God for the food that is before you, for the people who are gathered around the table, and for all those who were unable to be there, and for all of the ways that God is about to reveal God’s-self. Use your own words. Don’t borrow anyone else’s. This simple little step will allow you to become much more comfortable coming into the presence of God in this wonderfully intimate way. Because as you become more comfortable, the energy that is from God will begin to flow into your life. Tap into the energy of God through prayer and begin to see how you have been given all the resources that you will ever need!
Gracious Lord, prayer is one of those activities that we make so difficult. And yet, all you want is us to come to You with who we are. Help us to do that very thing so that we might be able to tap into the ever-renewable resource of Your energy. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.
“Prayerful Living”
(part 1 of a four part series)
“I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me.” — Colossians 1:29 (NRSV)
In today’s world, where oil prices are hovering around the hundred dollar a barrel figure, people love to talk about developing alternative energy resources. There is talk about wind, solar, bio-fuels, and (if you walk in the appropriate circles) even nuclear being the next ‘big thing’ to power the world’s energy needs.
However, as I look out at the world, I see another energy shortage: one that comes from a lack of being connected to the Divine. You look around at the world and what you see are people who are tired, people who are emotionally burdened and isolated, people who are longing to find that source that will answer their needs. The reality is, we need look no further than God, and the most intimate way to foster that connection with the Almighty is through prayer. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy…if you allow yourself to tap into it. The thing about prayer, as is the case with all energy sources, you’ve got to do some work in order to transform it into the energy that you long to have.
Now I know that prayer is one of those activities that scares most people half to death; they don’t know what to say, they’re afraid of saying it wrong, or they’re concerned that God might be offended at the way the prayer is offered. However, start simple, say with your dinner grace. Instead of just saying the same 14 words that you always say, genuinely thank God for the food that is before you, for the people who are gathered around the table, and for all those who were unable to be there, and for all of the ways that God is about to reveal God’s-self. Use your own words. Don’t borrow anyone else’s. This simple little step will allow you to become much more comfortable coming into the presence of God in this wonderfully intimate way. Because as you become more comfortable, the energy that is from God will begin to flow into your life. Tap into the energy of God through prayer and begin to see how you have been given all the resources that you will ever need!
Gracious Lord, prayer is one of those activities that we make so difficult. And yet, all you want is us to come to You with who we are. Help us to do that very thing so that we might be able to tap into the ever-renewable resource of Your energy. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.
“Prayerful Living”