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04-27-2018, 10:10 AM
"Prayer – The Most Powerful Form of Energy"
(part 1 of a four part series)

“I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me.” — Colossians 1:29 (NRSV)

In today’s world, where oil prices are hovering around the hundred dollar a barrel figure, people love to talk about developing alternative energy resources. There is talk about wind, solar, bio-fuels, and (if you walk in the appropriate circles) even nuclear being the next ‘big thing’ to power the world’s energy needs.

However, as I look out at the world, I see another energy shortage: one that comes from a lack of being connected to the Divine. You look around at the world and what you see are people who are tired, people who are emotionally burdened and isolated, people who are longing to find that source that will answer their needs. The reality is, we need look no further than God, and the most intimate way to foster that connection with the Almighty is through prayer. Prayer is the most powerful form of energy…if you allow yourself to tap into it. The thing about prayer, as is the case with all energy sources, you’ve got to do some work in order to transform it into the energy that you long to have.

Now I know that prayer is one of those activities that scares most people half to death; they don’t know what to say, they’re afraid of saying it wrong, or they’re concerned that God might be offended at the way the prayer is offered. However, start simple, say with your dinner grace. Instead of just saying the same 14 words that you always say, genuinely thank God for the food that is before you, for the people who are gathered around the table, and for all those who were unable to be there, and for all of the ways that God is about to reveal God’s-self. Use your own words. Don’t borrow anyone else’s. This simple little step will allow you to become much more comfortable coming into the presence of God in this wonderfully intimate way. Because as you become more comfortable, the energy that is from God will begin to flow into your life. Tap into the energy of God through prayer and begin to see how you have been given all the resources that you will ever need!

Gracious Lord, prayer is one of those activities that we make so difficult. And yet, all you want is us to come to You with who we are. Help us to do that very thing so that we might be able to tap into the ever-renewable resource of Your energy. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.

“Prayerful Living”

04-27-2018, 10:11 AM
"Prayer – The Most Powerful Form of Energy"
(part 2 of a four part series)

“O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.” — Psalm 34:3 (NRSV)

I recently was able to talk with a couple who have been married for 60 years, and more than just that, they were still very much in love. First off, think about that, being married to the same person for 60 years. Our society has become so disposable that if we get even the least bit bored, let alone disinterested, we throw it away. There are way too many of us who treat relationships in the same way.

It’s because of this fact that I asked them, “How have you done it? How have you been able to make it through all that life has thrown at you and not only be together but be in love?” Their answer was eye-opening. They said one word: prayer. The look that I gave them must have shown complete confusion because they quickly continued. “Every night before we go to sleep, we pray. Every morning before we get out of bed, we pray. We offer prayers of thanksgiving, confession, joy, and concern. Whatever we happen to be facing, we offer it up to God. It has given us the energy to keep going in those days that were difficult, and the footing to know that we are not alone as we take the next step.”

As I’ve thought about their reason for success, especially in light of the topic for this month, I was struck by how prayer is an energy source that not only keeps them focused on God, but plugs them into the Almighty in such a way that no matter what the day may hold, they know that they are held in the energizing palm of the Almighty.

Prayer has that kind of power. How do I know? Because a couple who has been married for 60 years told me so. That’s how. Tap into the power of prayer for your relationship. You won’t be disappointed!

Heavenly Father, prayer can help us through everything and anything. Help us to recognize this truth and put it to work so that our relationships might truly thrive. Amen.

“Prayerful Living”

04-27-2018, 10:11 AM
"Prayer – The Most Powerful Form of Energy"
(part 3 of a four part series)

“Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” — Luke 24:38 (NRSV)

All of us have had moments where we have looked into the abyss of giving up. Some of us may have been giving up on ourselves; others may have been giving up on a dream; still others may have been giving up on God. Whatever the case may be, we’ve all been there.

Recently I went about the task of cleaning out my office at church (which, mind you, is no small task). While sorting through the contents of my desk, I happened upon a letter that my wife and I authored back in August of 2006. It was the letter that explained to our congregation that our 1 year old, Austin, had been diagnosed with a degenerative genetic disorder called MPS Type I: Hurlers Syndrome. While I won’t go into the medical descriptions of what happens with this disease, let me assure you that the symptoms read like a who’s-who of giving up for parents. Loss of hearing and sight, limited mobility due to spinal malformations (aka: Austin may not walk), as well as cognitive retardation were all some of the things that could happen. When I first saw what may take place, I have to admit that I took the express train to the abyss that we talked about earlier. There were many a day when I wondered, “Should I just give up?”

It was in those moments that Jen and I prayed, and right alongside that were all of the prayers that were being lifted up on our behalf. Those prayers tapped into a reserve of energy that was not of us; it was of God. What allows us to move from standing along the edge of the abyss to recognizing that we are held in the loving embrace of God are the prayers that are offered up. I’m not saying that my son has been healed. More than likely, he will always be one of those children who is known on a first name basis at way too many doctors’ offices. However, to see Austin run, literally, everywhere he goes and have his special education teacher tell us that, developmentally, he is “almost age appropriate” fills us with a sense of hope and energy that allows us to take on the days that are not as easy.

Trust in the Lord, and believe in the energy that comes from Him through prayer!

Gracious Lord, through prayer You are able to pull us back from even the most precarious of situations. Help us to always remember that this resource is always available and that you are always with us. Amen.

“Prayerful Living”

04-27-2018, 10:12 AM
"Prayer - The Most Powerful Form of Energy"
Part 4

“I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” — Psalm 94:18-19 (New Living Translation)

I have been in a situation where I have been blessed to know many parents of many very sick children. Some may think this is a strange thing to see as a blessing. To those who do I say, “you should meet some of these parents!” The hours of care that they put in are incredible, they work tirelessly for their child and do all they can to meet their needs. Often there are other children at home as well that need filled child. For some of these parents, 3 hours of sleep in a row is a huge treat! The thing that strikes me though, is how often when asked how they do it, they say prayer. They know they have to make it through their day, but the ones who do it really well hand the worry part over to God so that they have the energy to go forward.

There is little in this life that wears us down and saps our energy as much as worry. The fear of the unknown leads us to worry, and too often paralyzes us from moving forward as those parents do. Another form of worry that drains us of our energy and enthusiasm is the worrying that the truths we believe are actually illusions. This, mentality of “things can’t really be that good” or, “he/she couldn’t really love someone like me that much” keeps us from acting in the faith and the excitement that we all have the ability to embrace.

So how do we drop those burdens that we insist on strapping on our backs? How do we move from a place of step and drag our worries to the freedom to move freely toward our dreams and goals? Look no further then all of those parents: prayer is the answer! When we come before God the Father with all that we carry, acknowledging that we do not have to carry these burdens with us, then we can lay them at his feet, lighten our load, and move with energy and grace that we could not have any other way. Being in conversation with the Lord though prayer reminds us of all his promises. You are forced to face the fact that God does not leave you. That in Him all things are possible. That He will provide us we all that we need, and that He knows exactly what that is. Think about those facts for a moment. It’s like a cup of coffee to the soul! Now your ready to take on the day!

Holy God, in all that we do, we ask that we might be able to hand all our worries over to You through prayer. Help us to tap into Your divine energy. Amen.

“Prayerful Living”