04-16-2018, 08:53 AM
God's Masterpiece
Bible Reading: Isaiah 29:23; 43:7; 60:21; Ephesians 2:10; 4:22-24; I Peter 3:3-4
The media continually presents its' concept of beauty, an image which is impossible to achieve for most of us. We are too old, too fat, or too "something" to qualify.
Yet we are all designed to be beautiful in the Kingdom of God, destined to become a masterpiece, lovely from the inside out. We might not look like it right now, but God is working on us. The soul submitted to the Savior is utterly elegant, and its beauty cannot help but shine through the outer form.
Moment of Meditation: The media manipulates minions; the Messiah makes masterpieces.
A Talk with Jesus: Lord, make me beautiful on the inside, a work of your grace, and may that beauty spill out all over the place! Amen.
Author Unknown
Bible Reading: Isaiah 29:23; 43:7; 60:21; Ephesians 2:10; 4:22-24; I Peter 3:3-4
The media continually presents its' concept of beauty, an image which is impossible to achieve for most of us. We are too old, too fat, or too "something" to qualify.
Yet we are all designed to be beautiful in the Kingdom of God, destined to become a masterpiece, lovely from the inside out. We might not look like it right now, but God is working on us. The soul submitted to the Savior is utterly elegant, and its beauty cannot help but shine through the outer form.
Moment of Meditation: The media manipulates minions; the Messiah makes masterpieces.
A Talk with Jesus: Lord, make me beautiful on the inside, a work of your grace, and may that beauty spill out all over the place! Amen.
Author Unknown