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04-11-2018, 11:00 AM

With each new insight, I am born anew.

Our physical birth is the beginning of our time on Earth, yet it also marks the end of a period of gestation or development. Whether a newborn emerging from its mother’s womb or a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, every being experiences this process of development and birth.

While my physical body was born only once, my spiritual nature continuously seeks fuller expression. With each new insight or revelation, with each new period of growth, I am born anew.

I am a spiritual being. I am the love of God in expression. In times of growth, challenge, or change, Spirit expands in me. My time on Earth may be limited, but my spiritual Self is eternal and ever-renewing.
What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.—John 3:6

Daily Word