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04-06-2018, 08:23 AM
More than Conquerors

Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. —Romans 8:37

We need to have a sense of triumph. In Romans 8:37 Paul assures us that through Christ Jesus we are more than conquerors. Believing that truth gives us confidence. I once heard that a woman is more than a conqueror if her husband goes out, works all week, and brings his paycheck home to her. But God spoke to me and said, "You're more than a conqueror when you know that you already have the victory before you ever get a problem."

Sometimes our confidence is shaken when trials come, especially if they are lengthy. We should have so much confidence in God's love for us that no matter what comes against us, we know deep inside that we are more than conquerors. If we are truly confident, we have no need to fear trouble, challenges, or trying times, because we know they will pass.

Whenever a trial of any kind comes against you, always remember: This too shall pass! Be confident that during the trial you will learn something that will help you in the future.

Without confidence we are stifled at every turn. Satan drops a bomb, and our dreams are destroyed. Eventually we start over, but we never make much progress. We start and get defeated, start and get defeated, start and get defeated, over and over again. But those who are consistently confident, those who know they are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, make rapid progress.

We must take a step of faith and decide to be confident in all things. God may have to correct us occasionally, but that is better than playing it safe and never doing anything.

Confident people get the job done; they have the ministries that are making a difference in the world today. They are fulfilled because they are succeeding at being themselves.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer.