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10-28-2013, 01:47 PM
Tips on Making Twelfth Step Calls
When a Twelfth Step call is received, we begin with the assumption that another human being's life is at stake -- literally. This means that, without delay, this call is to be answered at once.

Arrange for another AA member to go with you.
Have a quiet time, read Chapter Seven in the Big Book.
Maintain anonymity.
Talk to the prospect alone, if possible. (That is, without his family and friends there.)
Congratulate him on wanting to do something about his drinking problem.
Give him some AA literature.
Note well what the Big Book says at the bottom of page 94: "On your first visit tell him about the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. If he shows interest, lend him your copy of this book."
Each of you tell him "what you used to be like, what happened, and what you are like now."
If he wants to talk, let him.
At the top of page 95, it advises, "Give him a chance to think it over. . . . Sometimes a new man is anxious to proceed at once, and you may be tempted to let him do so. This is sometimes a mistake. If he has trouble later, he is likely to say you rushed him. . . . If he is sincerely interested and wants to see you again, ask him to read this book in the interval (at least ask him to read the first 164 pages). After doing that (reading the book), he must decide for himself if he wants to go on .
When you are ready to leave, tell him you will call on him the following day if he wants, and he will have had time to read the first 164 pages, or had time to think about your conversation.
Note that the second paragraph on page 96 says, "Suppose you are now making your second visit to a man. He has read this volume, and he is prepared to go through with the Twelve Steps of the program of recovery." At this point you review the Twelve Steps with him, and arrange to bring him to your group meeting. If he does not want to go on, or feels that he can do it some other way, pick up your copy of the Big Book and invite him to call on you again if he changes his mind and decides that AA can be of help.
Finally, note how the Big Book, at the top of page 96 says, "We find it a waste of time to keep chasing a man who cannot, or will not, work with you. If you leave such a person alone, he may soon become convinced that cannot recover by himself."

Source Unknown

05-18-2014, 04:05 PM
Something to be aware of. I was told that I didn't qualify for serviced work until I had 2 years in recovery. Two years doesn't always sobriety, for me that took time.

I was able to go on a NA 12 Step call with a fellow member. She was from out of town and new to the city. It ended up she left and I stayed with the addict. She was a speed addict, I didn't have a clue as to what speed was, didn't even know what it looked like. But it wasn't about the drug, it was about being there for a still suffering addict, and I stayed so she wouldn't be alone. The other person was tired and said she had other commitments, and I wasn't working, on disability, and didn't have a better place to be.

I was asked by a guy from another group in AA to go with him to share with a couple. He said, "It may not appear as we did much but we have sewn the seed." That has stuck with me for the last 21 years.

Service is why I have stayed sober and God willing, will be celebrating 23 years of living one day at a time. I don't like to think of what my life would be like if I didn't have my computer and couldn't come and share with you.

Love this picture. I did do service by cooking for girls in the recovery house that I went to after I graduated. I had about 6 months sober.
