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03-25-2018, 10:08 AM
Let Go, Let God

I hand my worries over to the power of God within.

I may wish I could guide and control the actions of others—yet trying to do so leads to frustration. My intentions may be good, but the choices and decisions of my loved ones are not mine to make. What I can do instead is let go—let go and let God.

I let go of my need to be in charge and allow God’s love to shine through. I let go of any fear, anger, or doubt I may be experiencing, and in the process, I set myself free. As I release my concerns, giving each one over to God, divine energy surges through me and I am filled with serenity, strength, and encouragement. God is in the midst of every situation, and all is well. Today, one step at a time, I let go and let God.

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.—Philippians 4:6

Daily Word