View Full Version : Enthusiasm

03-06-2018, 08:21 AM

I am an explorer in a world of opportunity.

I am enthusiastic about life and the opportunities it brings to pursue my interests, serve others, and grow in spiritual understanding.

Upon awakening each morning, I prepare myself for the day ahead. I enthusiastically say yes to what is mine to do. Applying the power of divine wisdom, I maintain balance and go at a healthy pace. I learn new skills and deepen my understanding of what interests me. I am an explorer in a world of opportunity!

My zeal for living includes helping others and being of service. I am also enthusiastic about my spiritual practice and study so that I may learn and grow for the evolution of my soul. I am passionate about life and thankful for the opportunity of each new day.
Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.–Romans 12:11

Daily Word