View Full Version : Stillness

02-27-2018, 09:42 AM
I am centered in the stillness of Spirit.

A spinning bicycle wheel creates the illusion that the outer tire is spinning faster than the central hub. At the center, there may seem to be no motion at all. This symbolizes a spiritual truth: The peace and stillness of Spirit is found at the center of our beings.

At times I may feel as if I am peddling fast, that my life is spinning round and round, yet I am getting nowhere. At such times, I can ask myself: Have I lost touch with my center of Truth?

To reclaim the stillness, I let go of any hurried behaviors. I ask God, “Come and take over.” As the outer world keeps spinning, I surrender to the peace of Spirit and remain centered in the quiet of my soul.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.—John 14:27

Daily Word